

function expectEmit() external;
function expectEmit(
    bool checkTopic1,
    bool checkTopic2,
    bool checkTopic3,
    bool checkData
) external;
function expectEmit(address emitter) external;
function expectEmit(
    bool checkTopic1,
    bool checkTopic2,
    bool checkTopic3,
    bool checkData,
    address emitter
) external;



  1. 调用作弊码,指定我们是否应检查第一个、第二个或第三个主题,以及日志数据(expectEmit() 会检查它们全部)。主题 0 总是被检查。
  2. 发出我们在下一次调用中应该看到的事件。
  3. 执行调用。

你可以多次执行步骤 1 和 2,以匹配下一次调用中的事件序列。


expectEmit 有两种变体:

  • 不检查发出者地址:断言主题匹配, 检查发出地址。
  • address:断言主题匹配,并且发出地址匹配。

ℹ️ 匹配序列

在发出大量事件的函数中,有可能“跳过”事件并且只匹配特定序列,但是这个序列必须始终保持顺序。例如,假设一个函数发出事件:A, B, C, D, E, F, F, G

expectEmit 能够匹配带有或不带有在中间跳过事件的范围:

  • [A, B, C] 是有效的。
  • [B, D, F] 是有效的。
  • [G] 或任何其他单个事件组合都是有效的。
  • [B, A] 或类似的无序组合是 无效 的(事件必须按顺序)。
  • [C, F, F] 是有效的。
  • [F, F, C]无效 的(无序)。



event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);

function testERC20EmitsTransfer() public {

    // We emit the event we expect to see.
    emit MyToken.Transfer(address(this), address(1), 10);

    // We perform the call.
    myToken.transfer(address(1), 10);


event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);

function testERC20EmitsTransfer() public {
    // We check that the token is the event emitter by passing the address.
    emit MyToken.Transfer(address(this), address(1), 10);

    // We perform the call.
    myToken.transfer(address(1), 10);


function testERC20EmitsBatchTransfer() public {
    // We declare multiple expected transfer events
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
        // Here we use the longer signature for demonstration purposes. This call checks
        // topic0 (always checked), topic1 (true), topic2 (true), NOT topic3 (false), and data (true).
        vm.expectEmit(true, true, false, true);
        emit Transfer(address(this), users[i], 10);

    // We also expect a custom `BatchTransfer(uint256 numberOfTransfers)` event.
    vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
    emit BatchTransfer(users.length);

    // We perform the call.
    myToken.batchTransfer(users, 10);


event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);

function testERC20EmitsTransfer() public {
    // We check that the token is the event emitter by passing the address as the fifth argument.
    vm.expectEmit(true, true, false, true, address(myToken));
    emit MyToken.Transfer(address(this), address(1), 10);

    // We perform an unrelated call that won't emit the intended event,
    // making the cheatcode fail.
    myToken.approve(address(this), 1e18);
    // We perform the call, but it will have no effect as the cheatcode has already failed.
    myToken.transfer(address(1), 10);