陈锡亮: Reader 这个API服务可以抓去任何网页,转化成MD格式,方便作为context提交给LLM服务。同时也提供了搜索服务,可以把搜索结果以文档方式呈现,可以直接喂给LLM服务
Mark·R: 在大量利好的刺激下,需要一些理性的数据来支撑思考,Equilibrium 首次发布年度预测报告,展望明年年底前可能发生的事件以及行业发展方向。
Dream: Bitcoin AVIV Ratio: The asset value-investor value ratio is the relationship between active capitalization (ActiveCap), which is the BTC that is in motion at a given time, and investors' realized capitalization (InverstorCap). The AVIV ratio, then, is a way to measure what proportion of the money in Bitcoin is actually in motion, active capitalization, compared to how much money investors have invested in total, Investor realized capitalization.