
  • Alan
  • 发布于 2023-04-26 09:06
  • 阅读 1740




Welcome to Move, a next generation language for secure, sandboxed, and formally verified programming. Its first use case is for the Diem blockchain, where Move provides the foundation for its implementation. Move allows developers to write programs that flexibly manage and transfer assets, while providing the security and protections against attacks on those assets. However, Move has been developed with use cases in mind outside a blockchain context as well.

Move takes its cue from Rust by using resource types with move (hence the name) semantics as an explicit representation of digital assets, such as currency.

Who is Move for?

Move was designed and created as a secure, verified, yet flexible programming language. The first use of Move is for the implementation of the Diem blockchain. That said, the language is still evolving. Move has the potential to be a language for other blockchains, and even non-blockchain use cases as well.

Given custom Move modules will not be supported at the launch of the Diem Payment Network (DPN), we are targeting an early Move Developer persona.

The early Move Developer is one with some programming experience, who wants to begin understanding the core programming language and see examples of its usage.


Understanding that the capability to create custom modules on the Diem Payment Network will not be available at launch, the hobbyist Move Developer is interested in learning the intricacies of the language. She will understand the basic syntax, the standard libraries available, and write example code that can be executed using the Move CLI. The Move Developer may even want to dig into understanding how the Move Virtual Machine executes the code she writes.

Core Contributor

Beyond a hobbyist wanting to stay ahead of the curve for the core programming language is someone who may want to contribute directly to Move. Whether this includes submitting language improvements or even, in the future, adding core modules available on the Diem Payment Network, the core contributor will understand Move at a deep level. Once familiar with Move, the core contributor may want to submit a request to the Diem Association to add new transaction or module types, via the Diem Improvement Protocol (DIP) process.

Who Move is currently not targeting

Currently, Move is not targeting developers who wish to create custom modules and contracts for use on the Diem Payment Network. We are also not targeting novice developers who expect a completely polished developer experience even in testing the language.

Where Do I Start?

Begin with understanding modules and scripts and then work through the first tutorial on creating coins.

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欢迎使用 Move,这是一种用于安全、沙盒和正式验证编程的下一代语言。它的第一个用例是Diem区块链,其中Move为其实施提供了基础。Move 允许开发人员编写程序来灵活管理和转移资产,同时提供针对这些资产的攻击的安全性和保护。但是,Move的开发也考虑了区块链上下文之外的用例。

Move 从 Rust 中汲取灵感,使用带有 move(因此得名)语义的资源类型作为数字资产(如货币)的显式表示。


Move 被设计和创建为一种安全、经过验证且灵活的编程语言。Move的第一个用途是用于Diem区块链的实施。也就是说,语言仍在不断发展。Move有可能成为其他区块链的语言,甚至是非区块链用例。

鉴于在 Diem 支付网络 (DPN) 启动时将不支持自定义 Move 模块,我们针对的是早期的 Move 开发人员角色。

早期的 Move 开发人员具有一定的编程经验,他们希望开始了解核心编程语言并查看其使用示例。


了解在Diem支付网络上创建自定义模块的功能在启动时不可用,业余爱好者Move Developer有兴趣学习该语言的复杂性。她将了解基本语法、可用的标准库,并编写可以使用 Move CLI 执行的示例代码。移动开发人员甚至可能希望深入了解移动虚拟机如何执行她编写的代码。


除了想要在核心编程语言方面保持领先地位的业余爱好者之外,还有人可能希望直接为 Move 做出贡献。无论是提交语言改进,还是将来添加Diem Payment Network上可用的核心模块,核心贡献者都将深入了解Move。熟悉 Move 后,核心贡献者可能希望通过 Diem 改进协议 (DIP) 流程向 Diem 协会提交请求以添加新的事务或模块类型。






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