2024-08-11 zk-insights Weekly



SBC'24 Live Presentations

A live stream for the Science of Blockchain Conference (SBC) 2024 presentations taking place August 7-9 at Columbia University

How we created a research fast VM for ZKsync

LambdaClass team makes a deep dive into how the EraVM works and how it differs from the EVM.

Awesome zero knowledge proofs

A curated list of awesome ZKP resources, libraries, tools and more.

The exposition of Additive NTT

A detailed theoretical introduction and Python implementation of Additive NTT


Nullifier Counter in RISC Zero for apps on top of Rarimo Protocol

ZK Summit 11 Folded

文章由 Jack Gilcrest 撰写,详细介绍了 Cursive 团队在 ZK Summit 11 中集成折叠方案(folding schemes)的实际应用和经验。

SP1 is live

SP1 is now feature-complete and recommended for production use.

A thread about FRI by Paul Gafni

Chatting with peeps at SBC and realized I've made some educational resources about FRI soundness analysis that I never shared widely.


Optimizing Big Integer Multiplication on Bitcoin: Introducing w-windowed Approach

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Antalpha Labs
Antalpha Labs