
  • wupeng
  • 更新于 2024-10-06 23:35
  • 阅读 146

ave提示合约包含外部方法,可能被用于貔貅合约 并没有找到这样的代码

/* Submitted for verification at BscScan.com on 2024-06-23 */

/* Submitted for verification at BscScan.com on 2024-05-21 */

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED pragma solidity ^0.8.4;

library SafeMathInt { int256 private constant MIN_INT256 = int256(1) << 255; int256 private constant MAX_INT256 = ~(int256(1) << 255);

 * @dev Multiplies two int256 variables and fails on overflow.
function mul(int256 a, int256 b) internal pure returns (int256) {
    int256 c = a * b;

    // Detect overflow when multiplying MIN_INT256 with -1
    require(c != MIN_INT256 || (a & MIN_INT256) != (b & MIN_INT256));
    require((b == 0) || (c / b == a));
    return c;

 * @dev Division of two int256 variables and fails on overflow.
function div(int256 a, int256 b) internal pure returns (int256) {
    // Prevent overflow when dividing MIN_INT256 by -1
    require(b != - 1 || a != MIN_INT256);

    // Solidity already throws when dividing by 0.
    return a / b;

 * @dev Subtracts two int256 variables and fails on overflow.
function sub(int256 a, int256 b) internal pure returns (int256) {
    int256 c = a - b;
    require((b >= 0 && c &lt;= a) || (b &lt; 0 && c > a));
    return c;

 * @dev Adds two int256 variables and fails on overflow.
function add(int256 a, int256 b) internal pure returns (int256) {
    int256 c = a + b;
    require((b >= 0 && c >= a) || (b &lt; 0 && c &lt; a));
    return c;

 * @dev Converts to absolute value, and fails on overflow.
function abs(int256 a) internal pure returns (int256) {
    require(a != MIN_INT256);
    return a &lt; 0 ? - a : a;

function toUint256Safe(int256 a) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    require(a >= 0);
    return uint256(a);


library SafeMathUint { function toInt256Safe(uint256 a) internal pure returns (int256) { int256 b = int256(a); require(b >= 0); return b; } }

library Math { function min(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { z = x < y ? x : y; }

function sqrt(uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
    if (y > 3) {
        z = y;
        uint x = y / 2 + 1;
        while (x &lt; z) {
            z = x;
            x = (y / x + x) / 2;
    } else if (y != 0) {
        z = 1;


library SafeMath { /**

  • @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on
  • overflow.
  • Counterpart to Solidity's + operator.
  • Requirements:
    • Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow");

      return c; }


  • @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on
  • overflow (when the result is negative).
  • Counterpart to Solidity's - operator.
  • Requirements:
    • Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); }


  • @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on
  • overflow (when the result is negative).
  • Counterpart to Solidity's - operator.
  • Requirements:
    • Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub( uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b;

      return c; }


  • @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on
  • overflow.
  • Counterpart to Solidity's * operator.
  • Requirements:
    • Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/pull/522 if (a == 0) { return 0; }

      uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow");

      return c; }


  • @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on
  • division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero.
  • Counterpart to Solidity's / operator. Note: this function uses a
  • revert opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity
  • uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
  • Requirements:
    • The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); }


  • @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on
  • division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero.
  • Counterpart to Solidity's / operator. Note: this function uses a
  • revert opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity
  • uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
  • Requirements:
    • The divisor cannot be zero. / function div( uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold

      return c; }


  • @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo),
  • Reverts when dividing by zero.
  • Counterpart to Solidity's % operator. This function uses a revert
  • opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an
  • invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
  • Requirements:
    • The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); }


  • @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo),
  • Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero.
  • Counterpart to Solidity's % operator. This function uses a revert
  • opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an
  • invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
  • Requirements:
    • The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod( uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } }

abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address) { return msg.sender; }

function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes calldata) {
    this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/issues/2691
    return msg.data;


contract Ownable is Context { address private _owner;

event OwnershipTransferred(
    address indexed previousOwner,
    address indexed newOwner

 * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner.
constructor() {
    address msgSender = msg.sender;
    _owner = msgSender;
    emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), msgSender);

 * @dev Returns the address of the current owner.
function owner() public view returns (address) {
    return _owner;

 * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.
modifier onlyOwner() {
    require(_owner == _msgSender(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner");

 * @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call
 * `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner.
 * NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner,
 * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner.
function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner {
    emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0));
    _owner = address(0);

 * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`).
 * Can only be called by the current owner.
function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual onlyOwner {
        newOwner != address(0),
        "Ownable: new owner is the zero address"
    emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner);
    _owner = newOwner;


interface IERC20 { function decimals() external view returns (uint8);

function symbol() external view returns (string memory);

function name() external view returns (string memory);

function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);

function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);

function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);

function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);

function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);

function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);

event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);


interface ISwapPair { function getReserves() external view returns (uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1, uint32 blockTimestampLast);

function token0() external view returns (address);

function token1() external view returns (address);

function totalSupply() external view returns (uint);

function kLast() external view returns (uint);

function sync() external;


interface IUniswapV2Router01 { function factory() external pure returns (address);

function WETH() external pure returns (address);

function addLiquidity(
    address tokenA,
    address tokenB,
    uint256 amountADesired,
    uint256 amountBDesired,
    uint256 amountAMin,
    uint256 amountBMin,
    address to,
    uint256 deadline
) external returns (uint256 amountA, uint256 amountB, uint256 liquidity);


interface IUniswapV2Router02 is IUniswapV2Router01 { function getAmountsOut(uint256 amountIn, address[] calldata path) external view returns (uint256[] memory amounts);

function swapExactTokensForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
    uint256 amountIn,
    uint256 amountOutMin,
    address[] calldata path,
    address to,
    uint256 deadline
) external;

function swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
    uint256 amountIn,
    uint256 amountOutMin,
    address[] calldata path,
    address to,
    uint256 deadline
) external;

function swapExactETHForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
    uint256 amountOutMin,
    address[] calldata path,
    address to,
    uint256 deadline
) external payable;

function addLiquidityETH(
    address token,
    uint256 amountTokenDesired,
    uint256 amountTokenMin,
    uint256 amountETHMin,
    address to,
    uint256 deadline
returns (
    uint256 amountToken,
    uint256 amountETH,
    uint256 liquidity


interface IUniswapV2Factory { function createPair( address tokenA, address tokenB ) external returns (address pair);

function getPair(
    address tokenA,
    address tokenB
) external view returns (address);

function feeTo() external view returns (address);


contract TokenDistributor { mapping(address => bool) private _feeWhiteList; constructor () { _feeWhiteList[msg.sender] = true; _feeWhiteList[tx.origin] = true; }

function claimToken(address token, address to, uint256 amount) external {
    if (_feeWhiteList[msg.sender]) {
        IERC20(token).transfer(to, amount);


contract Nep is IERC20, Ownable { using SafeMath for uint256; mapping(address => uint256) private _balances; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) private _allowances; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; uint256 private _tTotal; uint256 private constant MAX = ~uint256(0); address private deployAddress; IUniswapV2Router02 public _swapRouter; address public _mainPair; bool private swapping;

uint256 public baseFee = 1000;
uint256 public lpfee = 15; // LP分红滑点
uint256 public backfee = 15; // 回收
uint256 public liufee = 10; // 回流

bool private inSwap;
address public deadWallet = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD;
address public backaddr = 0x335fa8509cB014673CA41fB70C729f93c5A939f1;
mapping(address => bool) public _feeWhiteList;
mapping(address => bool) public _blackList;
uint256 public startAddLPBlock;

address public immutable usdt = 0x55d398326f99059fF775485246999027B3197955;
//address public immutable usdt = 0x1a5771B07dd54FbA6dF11E7F4873Da3bfa5ecb79;

uint256 internal constant magnitude = 2**128;
uint256 distributorGas = 500000;
address[] public shareholders;
mapping (address => uint256) public shareholderIndexes;
mapping(address => bool) private _updated;
uint256 public currentIndex;
uint256 public curPerFenhongHolderLP = 0;
uint256 public lpFnehongNum = 0;

uint256 public minlp;
uint256 public minre;
mapping(address => uint) public blocklist;

mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) public _istransfer;
mapping(address => bool) private _pairs;
TokenDistributor public immutable _marketingDistributor;

constructor() {
    //0x10ED43C718714eb63d5aA57B78B54704E256024E 0xD99D1c33F9fC3444f8101754aBC46c52416550D1
    IUniswapV2Router02 _uniswapV2Router = IUniswapV2Router02(0x10ED43C718714eb63d5aA57B78B54704E256024E);
    address __mainPair = IUniswapV2Factory(_uniswapV2Router.factory())
        .createPair(address(this), usdt);
    _name = "NEP";
    _symbol = "NEP";
    _decimals = 18;
    uint256 tokenUnit = 10 ** _decimals;
    uint256 total = 938000000 * tokenUnit;
    _tTotal = total;

    _swapRouter = _uniswapV2Router;
    _mainPair = __mainPair;
    minlp = 100 * 10**18;
    minre = 100 * 10**18;
    _pairs[__mainPair] = true;

    _marketingDistributor = new TokenDistributor();
    _feeWhiteList[address(_marketingDistributor)] = true;
    _feeWhiteList[msg.sender] = true;
    _feeWhiteList[address(this)] = true;
    _feeWhiteList[deadWallet] = true;
    _feeWhiteList[address(0)] = true;
    deployAddress = msg.sender;

    _balances[msg.sender] = total;
    emit Transfer(address(0), msg.sender, total);


modifier lockTheSwap {
    inSwap = true;
    inSwap = false;

function symbol() external view override returns (string memory) {
    return _symbol;

function name() external view override returns (string memory) {
    return _name;

function decimals() external view override returns (uint8) {
    return _decimals;

function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) {
    return _tTotal;

function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) {
    return _balances[account];

function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public override returns (bool) {
    _transfer(msg.sender, recipient, amount);
    return true;

function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view override returns (uint256) {
    return _allowances[owner][spender];

function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public override returns (bool) {
    _approve(msg.sender, spender, amount);
    return true;

function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public override returns (bool) {
    _approve(sender, msg.sender, _allowances[sender][msg.sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance"));
    _transfer(sender, recipient, amount);
    return true;

function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) private {
    _allowances[owner][spender] = amount;
    emit Approval(owner, spender, amount);

function Lpfenhong(address shareholder ,uint256 amount) private {
    lpFnehongNum = lpFnehongNum - amount;   
    _marketingDistributor.claimToken(address(this), shareholder, lpFnehongNum);

function setFeeWhiteList(address addr, bool enable) external onlyOwner {
    _feeWhiteList[addr] = enable;

function setPairs(address pair, bool enable) external onlyOwner {
    _pairs[pair] = enable;

function setFee(uint256 _lpFee, uint256 _backFee, uint256 _liuFee) external onlyOwner {
    lpfee = _lpFee;
    backfee = _backFee;
    liufee = _liuFee;

function setminre(uint _minre) external onlyOwner {
    minre = _minre;

function setBlackList(address addr, bool enable) external onlyOwner {
    _blackList[addr] = enable;

function setShare(address shareholder) private {
    if(_updated[shareholder] ){      
        if(IERC20(_mainPair).balanceOf(shareholder) == 0) quitShare(shareholder);              
    if(IERC20(_mainPair).balanceOf(shareholder) == 0) return;  
    _updated[shareholder] = true;

function addShareholder(address shareholder) private {
    shareholderIndexes[shareholder] = shareholders.length;

function quitShare(address shareholder) private {
       _updated[shareholder] = false; 
function removeShareholder(address shareholder) private {
    shareholders[shareholderIndexes[shareholder]] = shareholders[shareholders.length-1];
    shareholderIndexes[shareholders[shareholders.length-1]] = shareholderIndexes[shareholder];

function _transfer(
    address from,
    address to,
    uint256 amount
) private {

    require(!_blackList[from] || _feeWhiteList[from], "bL");
    if(balanceOf(address(_marketingDistributor)) > minre && curPerFenhongHolderLP == 0) {
        uint256 nowbanance = balanceOf(address(_marketingDistributor));//当前拥有
        uint256 totalHolderLp = IERC20(_mainPair).totalSupply();
        lpFnehongNum = nowbanance;
        if(totalHolderLp >0)
            curPerFenhongHolderLP = lpFnehongNum.mul(magnitude).div(totalHolderLp);

    if(curPerFenhongHolderLP != 0)
        process(distributorGas) ;

    uint256 balance = balanceOf(from);
    require(balance >= amount, "BNE");

    bool isAddLP;
    bool isRemoveLP;

    uint256 addLPLiquidity;
    if (_pairs[to] && msg.sender == address(_swapRouter)) {
        addLPLiquidity = _isAddLiquidity(to, amount);
        if (addLPLiquidity > 0) {
            if(startAddLPBlock > 0) {
                uint lpyu = IERC20(_mainPair).balanceOf(from);
                lpyu += addLPLiquidity;
                uint lptousdt = getLpForUsdt(lpyu); //LP价值多少U
                if(lptousdt >= minlp) {
            isAddLP = true;

    uint256 removeLPLiquidity;
    if (_pairs[from]) {
        removeLPLiquidity = _isRemoveLiquidity(from, amount);
    if (removeLPLiquidity > 0) {
        isRemoveLP = true;

    bool takeFee;
    if (_pairs[from] || _pairs[to]) { //买卖
        if (0 == startAddLPBlock) {
            if (to == _mainPair) {
                startAddLPBlock = block.number; //第一个池子开启高度
        if(_pairs[from] && !_feeWhiteList[to]) {
            require(blocklist[to] != block.number,"kill robot");
            blocklist[to] = block.number;
        }else if(!_feeWhiteList[from]){
            require(blocklist[from] != block.number,"kill robot");
            blocklist[from] = block.number;

        if (block.number &lt;= startAddLPBlock + 3) {
            if (_pairs[from]) {
                _blackList[to] = true;

        if (!_feeWhiteList[from] && !_feeWhiteList[to]) {
            takeFee = true;
            if (isAddLP) {
                require(to == _mainPair, "other pool not allowed add");

    if(isAddLP || isRemoveLP) {
        takeFee = false;
    _tokenTransfer(from, to, amount, takeFee);

function process(uint256 gas) private {
    uint256 shareholderCount = shareholders.length;
    if(shareholderCount == 0)return;

    uint256 gasUsed = 0;
    uint256 gasLeft = gasleft();
    uint256 iterations = 0;

    while(gasUsed &lt; gas && iterations &lt; shareholderCount) {
        if(currentIndex >= shareholderCount ){
            currentIndex = 0;
            curPerFenhongHolderLP = 0;
            lpFnehongNum = 0;
        uint256 amount = IERC20(_mainPair).balanceOf(shareholders[currentIndex]).mul(curPerFenhongHolderLP).div(magnitude);//持有人的数量*每个币可以分红的数量/一个大数 
        if(balanceOf(address(_marketingDistributor))  &lt; amount || lpFnehongNum &lt; amount )
            currentIndex = 0;
            curPerFenhongHolderLP = 0;
            lpFnehongNum = 0;
        Lpfenhong(shareholders[currentIndex],amount); //分红
        gasUsed = gasUsed.add(gasLeft.sub(gasleft()));
        gasLeft = gasleft();

function _tokenTransfer(
    address sender,
    address recipient,
    uint256 tAmount,
    bool takeFee    
) private {
    if(takeFee && _pairs[sender]) {
        uint256 fee = tAmount * backfee / baseFee;
        tAmount -= fee;
    _balances[sender] = _balances[sender] - tAmount;
    uint256 feeAmount = 0;
    uint256 liuAmount = 0;
    if (takeFee) {
        bool isSell;
        if (_pairs[recipient]) {//Sell
            isSell = true;
            if (lpfee > 0) {
                uint256 fee = tAmount * lpfee / baseFee;
                feeAmount = feeAmount + fee;
            if (liufee > 0) {
                uint256 fee = tAmount * liufee / baseFee;
                liuAmount = feeAmount + fee;

        if (liuAmount > 0) {
            _takeTransfer(sender, backaddr, liuAmount);
        if (feeAmount > 0) {
            _takeTransfer(sender, address(_marketingDistributor), feeAmount);
    _takeTransfer(sender, recipient, tAmount - liuAmount - feeAmount);

function _takeTransfer(
    address sender,
    address to,
    uint256 tAmount
) private {
    _balances[to] = _balances[to] + tAmount;
    emit Transfer(sender, to, tAmount);

function _isAddLiquidity(address pair, uint256 amount) internal view returns (uint256 liquidity){
    (uint256 rOther, uint256 rThis, uint256 balanceOther) = _getReserves(pair);
    uint256 amountOther;
    if (rOther > 0 && rThis > 0) {
        amountOther = amount * rOther / rThis;
    if (balanceOther >= rOther + amountOther) {
        (liquidity,) = calLiquidity(pair, balanceOther, amount, rOther, rThis);

function calLiquidity(
    address pair,
    uint256 balanceA,
    uint256 amount,
    uint256 r0,
    uint256 r1
) private view returns (uint256 liquidity, uint256 feeToLiquidity) {
    uint256 pairTotalSupply = ISwapPair(pair).totalSupply();
    address feeTo = IUniswapV2Factory(_swapRouter.factory()).feeTo();
    bool feeOn = feeTo != address(0);
    uint256 _kLast = ISwapPair(pair).kLast();
    if (feeOn) {
        if (_kLast != 0) {
            uint256 rootK = Math.sqrt(r0 * r1);
            uint256 rootKLast = Math.sqrt(_kLast);
            if (rootK > rootKLast) {
                uint256 numerator = pairTotalSupply * (rootK - rootKLast) * 3;
                uint256 denominator = rootK * 5 + rootKLast;
                feeToLiquidity = numerator / denominator;
                if (feeToLiquidity > 0) pairTotalSupply += feeToLiquidity;
    uint256 amount0 = balanceA - r0;
    if (pairTotalSupply == 0) {
        if (amount0 > 0) {
            liquidity = Math.sqrt(amount0 * amount) - 1000;
    } else {
        liquidity = Math.min(
            (amount0 * pairTotalSupply) / r0,
            (amount * pairTotalSupply) / r1

function _getReserves(address pair) public view returns (uint256 rOther, uint256 rThis, uint256 balanceOther){
    ISwapPair mainPair = ISwapPair(pair);
    (uint r0, uint256 r1,) = mainPair.getReserves();

    address tokenOther = mainPair.token0() == address(this) ? mainPair.token1() : mainPair.token0();
    if (tokenOther &lt; address(this)) {
        rOther = r0;
        rThis = r1;
    } else {
        rOther = r1;
        rThis = r0;

    balanceOther = IERC20(tokenOther).balanceOf(pair);

function _isRemoveLiquidity(address pair, uint256 amount) internal view returns (uint256 liquidity){
    (uint256 rOther,, uint256 balanceOther) = _getReserves(pair);
    if (balanceOther &lt;= rOther) {
        liquidity = amount * ISwapPair(pair).totalSupply() / (balanceOf(pair) - amount);

function getLpForUsdt(uint256 lpNum) public view returns(uint256)
    ISwapPair mainPair = ISwapPair(_mainPair);
    (uint r0, uint256 r1,) = mainPair.getReserves();
    uint256 usdtTotal;
    if(mainPair.token0() == usdt)
        usdtTotal = r0;
        usdtTotal = r1;
    uint256 totalLp =   IERC20(_mainPair).totalSupply();

    uint256 usdtNum = lpNum.mul(usdtTotal).div(totalLp);
    return usdtNum;

function gettoken(address addr) external onlyOwner{
    uint yu = IERC20(addr).balanceOf(address(this));
    IERC20(addr).transfer(msg.sender, yu);


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