choco install sui 用chocolatey安装sui环境 创建项目 sui move new hello_move
查看地址 sui client addresses
领取testgas sui client faucet
发布上链 sui client publish
Failed to build Move modules: Failed to resolve dependencies for package 'hellomove'
Caused by: 0: Fetching 'Sui' 1: Failed to reset to latest Git state 'framework/testnet' for package 'Sui', to skip set --skip-fetch-latest-git-deps | Exit status: exit code: 128.
方法是跳过 运行sui move build --skip-fetch-latest-git-deps 或者换系统,因为windows就是可能会连接不上github
Overall 一定要好好看报错 很感谢社区里的前辈们细心解答我的问题
24/11/10 0.19