Build, test, fuzz, debug and deploy Solidity contracts.
$ forge --help
Usage: forge <COMMAND>
bind Generate Rust bindings for smart contracts
build Build the project's smart contracts [aliases: b, compile]
cache Manage the Foundry cache
clean Remove the build artifacts and cache directories [aliases: cl]
completions Generate shell completions script [aliases: com]
config Display the current config [aliases: co]
coverage Generate coverage reports
create Deploy a smart contract [aliases: c]
debug Debugs a single smart contract as a script [aliases: d]
doc Generate documentation for the project
flatten Flatten a source file and all of its imports into one file [aliases: f]
fmt Format Solidity source files
geiger Detects usage of unsafe cheat codes in a project and its dependencies
generate Generate scaffold files
generate-fig-spec Generate Fig autocompletion spec [aliases: fig]
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
init Create a new Forge project
inspect Get specialized information about a smart contract [aliases: in]
install Install one or multiple dependencies [aliases: i]
remappings Get the automatically inferred remappings for the project [aliases: re]
remove Remove one or multiple dependencies [aliases: rm]
script Run a smart contract as a script, building transactions that can be sent onchain
selectors Function selector utilities [aliases: se]
snapshot Create a snapshot of each test's gas usage [aliases: s]
test Run the project's tests [aliases: t]
tree Display a tree visualization of the project's dependency graph [aliases: tr]
update Update one or multiple dependencies [aliases: u]
verify-check Check verification status on Etherscan [aliases: vc]
verify-contract Verify smart contracts on Etherscan [aliases: v]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
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