
  • ben46
  • 发布于 2024-12-19 10:07
  • 阅读 911


先简单说说 virtual 是做什么的。

Virtuals Protocol。Virtuals Protocol 作为去中心化的 AI Agent「生产工厂」,为不同的 AI Agent 的发布提供支持。

Virtuals Protocol 的平台币 VIRTUAL 已经突破 10 亿市值并且还在不断的突破新高。同时,Virtual 还在不断增强产品矩阵,Virtual 已经有了如 luna、aixbt 和 sekoia 等十多个具有一定规模的 Ai agent,并且数量还在增加。

可以简单的理解为是 Base 生态的。但是作为新的资产发行叙事,Virtual 正在 pump 的不是 meme 而是 Ai agent。

IAO(initial agent offering)

    participant Creator
    participant VirtualsPlatform
    participant $VIRTUAL
    participant AgentToken
    participant LiquidityPool
    participant ValidationBot

    Creator->>VirtualsPlatform: Initiate Agent Creation
    Creator->>$VIRTUAL: Lock Tokens
    $VIRTUAL-->>VirtualsPlatform: Token Locking Confirmed

    VirtualsPlatform->>AgentToken: Mint New Agent Token ($SWIFT)

    alt Bonding Curve Limit Reached
        VirtualsPlatform->>LiquidityPool: Create Liquidity Pool
        LiquidityPool-->>Creator: Assign Liquidity Pool Ownership

        Note over Creator,LiquidityPool: Liquidity Pool Locked for 10 Years

        VirtualsPlatform->>ValidationBot: Delegate Initial Validation Power

        Note over Creator,ValidationBot: Creator retains long-term validation rights

    Note over VirtualsPlatform: Fair Launch Principle Maintained

bonding curve解释

Variable Explanation:

k is a constant

x * y = k

  • x: The amount of SOL in the pool
  • y: Total token supply

Initial State:

$x_0 = 30, \quad y_0 = 1073000191, \quad k = 32190005730, \quad \text{price} = \frac{x}{y} = 0.000000028 \, \text{SOL}$


Total token supply: $y = 1073000191 - \frac{32190005730}{30 + x}$

Token price: $price = \frac{x}{y}$

After simplification, we get:

Token price: $\text{price} = \frac{x(30 + x)}{1073000191 \cdot 30 + 1073000191 \cdot x - 32190005730}$



graph TD
    c1["concert"] --> |public API permissionless|r
    c2["livestream gifting"] --> |cost is predetermined|r
    c3["personalized interactions"] --> |pre-load $VIRTUAL in wallet|r
    c4["merchandise"] --> r
    r["rev in $VIRTUAL from users"] --> dev["app developer"]
    subgraph revenue
        dev --> rev
        tax[tax from buy and sell] --> rev
    rev --> cost1["cost of AI inference services"]
    rev --> vault["Agents Onchain Treasury"]
    subgraph treasury
        vault --> p1["agents future growth"]
        vault --> p2["operational costs"]
        vault --> p3["Onchain Buyback and Burn"]

agent token(ERC20)

一种在base链的Uniswap上交易的AI agent代币。




LP and trusted validator

    participant LPs as Liquidity Providers (LPs)
    participant Validators as Validators
    participant Agents as AI Agents
    participant ModelRegistry as Model Registry

    Note over LPs: Stake LP-tokens
    LPs->>Validators: Delegate Tokens
    Note over Validators: Determine Voting Power

    Validators->>ModelRegistry: Evaluate AI Models
    ModelRegistry-->>Validators: Model Performance Data

    Validators->>Validators: Vote on Model Quality

    alt Positive Evaluation
        Validators->>Agents: Approve Model
        Agents->>LPs: Distribute Improved Revenue
    else Negative Evaluation
        Validators->>Agents: Reject/Require Improvement
        Validators->>LPs: Adjust Rewards

    Note over LPs,Validators: Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) Mechanism

trading fee distributions

LP trading fee will be distributed to LP owners.

graph TD
    a[tax from buy/sell in LP pools]-->|if they reach us|IP[IP owner]
    a-->LP[LP owners]

top TVL incentives

graph TD
    a[60000000 $VIRTUAL in 12 month]-->t1[top3 TVL LP pool]
        a-->t2[top3 TVL LP pool]
            a-->t3[top3 TVL LP pool]

agent token 治理

  1. 参与关键决策

    • 对代理(agent)的开发方向进行投票或提出建议。
  2. 影响行为

    • 决定代理的行为规则或运行方式。
  3. 决定未来升级

    • 对代理的未来升级或功能改进进行表决或提供意见。
  4. 促进去中心化管理

    • 通过集体决策,推动AI管理的去中心化模式。
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