function randomIndex() internal returns (uint) {
uint totalSize = TOKEN_LIMIT - numTokens;
uint index = uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(nonce, msg.sender, block.difficulty, block.timestamp))) % totalSize;
uint value = 0;
if (indices[index] != 0) {
value = indices[index];
} else {
value = index;
// Move last value to selected position
if (indices[totalSize - 1] == 0) {
// Array position not initialized, so use position
indices[index] = totalSize - 1;
} else {
// Array position holds a value so use that
indices[index] = indices[totalSize - 1];
// Don't allow a zero index, start counting at 1
return value.add(1);
function fulfillRandomWords(uint256 requestId, uint256[] memory randomWords) internal override {
uint256 tokenId = chainlinkTokenId[requestId];
if (tokenInternalInfo[tokenId].requested && tokenInternalInfo[tokenId].revealId == 0) {
uint256 randomIndex = randomWords[0] % (totalMysteryBoxes - revealedTokens) + revealedTokens;
uint256 revealId = _tokenIdMap(randomIndex);
uint256 currentId = _tokenIdMap(revealedTokens);
tokenIdMap[randomIndex] = currentId;
tokenInternalInfo[tokenId].revealId = uint64(revealId);
revealedTokens ++;
emit RevealReceived(tokenId, revealId);