Freedom Protocol Auto-Stake功能是一个简单而高级的功能,称为Buy-Hold-Earn,它为$FREE代币持有者提供了终极易用性。本文由系统开发对接唯:StPv888编辑整理发布
Freedom Protocol Auto-Stake功能是一个简单而高级的功能,称为Buy-Hold-Earn,它为$FREE代币持有者提供了终极易用性。本文由系统开发对接唯:StPv888编辑整理发布
Buy-Hold-Earn-只需在您的钱包中购买并持有$FREE代币,You can get rebase reward as the interest directly deposited in your wallet. Your token will be added every 15 minutes
This means that the$free token holder's annual compound income in the first year is 183394.2%,without the need to transfer tokens from the wallet.
Sales transactions also help FP reduce circulation supply and maintain the stability of free agreements.How does this work?Learn more
2.5%of each sale will be automatically recorded in the black hole address.The more transactions carried out,the more black hole addresses will be recorded,thereby reducing the supply in circulation and mainaining the stability of free agreements.Due to its deflationary nature,this allows the value of each$free token to continue to increase.
Freedom Protocol的创始团队成员在整个金融界取得了巨大的成就,在加密货币领域更是一百万倍,通过多达数百个DeFi项目总结出复杂的经济模型限制了普通用户的参与并消耗了大量资金过程中的资源。创建自由协议的目的是建立一个基于区块链的元界世界,由所有自由协议参与者管理。同时,通过长期有效的复利机制,实现每个公民的财富自由,我们希望地球上的每个人都能加入自由协议。
FP Investment Freedom-$FREE使用其独特的FP以可持续的固定利率奖励用户。用户只需购买Free并将其放入钱包中,即可每15分钟自动获得Free价值的回报,无需抵押,无需收款,一切都由智能合约自动化
A simple and safe way to get rewards.When you buy$free,it will automatically pledge and compound interest in your wallet,so you don't need to transfer the token to our website or collect the income manually.From the moment you buy$free,all you need to do is wait for the$free reward provided by FP.Freedom protocol is a simple way to get a return on your DFI investment.
当您成功成为FP-DAO的合作伙伴后,您将获得自由勋章,该勋章具有固定编号。如果自由勋章被转让,其权利也将被转让。Medal of Freedom NFT获得的股息=总股息/Medal of Freedom NFT数量
reedom Protocol在全球拥有出色的合作伙伴,与营销团队密切合作,建立强大可靠的全球市场关系,特别是在斯图加特和布里斯班,我们与当地企业建立了跨平台金融合作伙伴关系。我们将继续加强市场关系,打造在全球范围内组织DAO社区的文化。
Blockchain technology,also known as distributed ledger technology,is an Internet database technology,which is characterized by decentralization,openness and transparency,so that everyone can participate in database records.Blockchain technology is not a single technology,but a comprehensive technology system based on the integration of various research results.Among them,there are three indispensable core technologies:consensus mechanism,cryptography principle and distributed data storage.