
  • biakia
  • 发布于 2023-01-31 14:11
  • 阅读 1722


1. 原理


2. 源代码

pragma solidity ^0.5.1;
import { IERC20 } from "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { ERC1155 } from "./ERC1155/ERC1155.sol";
import { CTHelpers } from "./CTHelpers.sol";

contract ConditionalTokens is ERC1155 {

    /// @dev Emitted upon the successful preparation of a condition.
    /// @param conditionId The condition's ID. This ID may be derived from the other three parameters via ``keccak256(abi.encodePacked(oracle, questionId, outcomeSlotCount))``.
    /// @param oracle The account assigned to report the result for the prepared condition.
    /// @param questionId An identifier for the question to be answered by the oracle.
    /// @param outcomeSlotCount The number of outcome slots which should be used for this condition. Must not exceed 256.
    event ConditionPreparation(
        bytes32 indexed conditionId,
        address indexed oracle,
        bytes32 indexed questionId,
        uint outcomeSlotCount

    event ConditionResolution(
        bytes32 indexed conditionId,
        address indexed oracle,
        bytes32 indexed questionId,
        uint outcomeSlotCount,
        uint[] payoutNumerators

    /// @dev Emitted when a position is successfully split.
    event PositionSplit(
        address indexed stakeholder,
        IERC20 collateralToken,
        bytes32 indexed parentCollectionId,
        bytes32 indexed conditionId,
        uint[] partition,
        uint amount
    /// @dev Emitted when positions are successfully merged.
    event PositionsMerge(
        address indexed stakeholder,
        IERC20 collateralToken,
        bytes32 indexed parentCollectionId,
        bytes32 indexed conditionId,
        uint[] partition,
        uint amount
    event PayoutRedemption(
        address indexed redeemer,
        IERC20 indexed collateralToken,
        bytes32 indexed parentCollectionId,
        bytes32 conditionId,
        uint[] indexSets,
        uint payout

    /// Mapping key is an condition ID. Value represents numerators of the payout vector associated with the condition. This array is initialized with a length equal to the outcome slot count. E.g. Condition with 3 outcomes [A, B, C] and two of those correct [0.5, 0.5, 0]. In Ethereum there are no decimal values, so here, 0.5 is represented by fractions like 1/2 == 0.5. That's why we need numerator and denominator values. Payout numerators are also used as a check of initialization. If the numerators array is empty (has length zero), the condition was not created/prepared. See getOutcomeSlotCount.
    mapping(bytes32 => uint[]) public payoutNumerators;
    /// Denominator is also used for checking if the condition has been resolved. If the denominator is non-zero, then the condition has been resolved.
    mapping(bytes32 => uint) public payoutDenominator;

    /// @dev This function prepares a condition by initializing a payout vector associated with the condition.
    /// @param oracle The account assigned to report the result for the prepared condition.
    /// @param questionId An identifier for the question to be answered by the oracle.
    /// @param outcomeSlotCount The number of outcome slots which should be used for this condition. Must not exceed 256.
    function prepareCondition(address oracle, bytes32 questionId, uint outcomeSlotCount) external {
        // Limit of 256 because we use a partition array that is a number of 256 bits.
        require(outcomeSlotCount <= 256, "too many outcome slots");
        require(outcomeSlotCount > 1, "there should be more than one outcome slot");
        bytes32 conditionId = CTHelpers.getConditionId(oracle, questionId, outcomeSlotCount);
        require(payoutNumerators[conditionId].length == 0, "condition already prepared");
        payoutNumerators[conditionId] = new uint[](outcomeSlotCount);
        emit ConditionPreparation(conditionId, oracle, questionId, outcomeSlotCount);

    /// @dev Called by the oracle for reporting results of conditions. Will set the payout vector for the condition with the ID ``keccak256(abi.encodePacked(oracle, questionId, outcomeSlotCount))``, where oracle is the message sender, questionId is one of the parameters of this function, and outcomeSlotCount is the length of the payouts parameter, which contains the payoutNumerators for each outcome slot of the condition.
    /// @param questionId The question ID the oracle is answering for
    /// @param payouts The oracle's answer
    function reportPayouts(bytes32 questionId, uint[] calldata payouts) external {
        uint outcomeSlotCount = payouts.length;
        require(outcomeSlotCount > 1, "there should be more than one outcome slot");
        // IMPORTANT, the oracle is enforced to be the sender because it's part of the hash.
        bytes32 conditionId = CTHelpers.getConditionId(msg.sender, questionId, outcomeSlotCount);
        require(payoutNumerators[conditionId].length == outcomeSlotCount, "condition not prepared or found");
        require(payoutDenominator[conditionId] == 0, "payout denominator already set");

        uint den = 0;
        for (uint i = 0; i < outcomeSlotCount; i++) {
            uint num = payouts[i];
            den = den.add(num);

            require(payoutNumerators[conditionId][i] == 0, "payout numerator already set");
            payoutNumerators[conditionId][i] = num;
        require(den > 0, "payout is all zeroes");
        payoutDenominator[conditionId] = den;
        emit ConditionResolution(conditionId, msg.sender, questionId, outcomeSlotCount, payoutNumerators[conditionId]);

    /// @dev This function splits a position. If splitting from the collateral, this contract will attempt to transfer `amount` collateral from the message sender to itself. Otherwise, this contract will burn `amount` stake held by the message sender in the position being split worth of EIP 1155 tokens. Regardless, if successful, `amount` stake will be minted in the split target positions. If any of the transfers, mints, or burns fail, the transaction will revert. The transaction will also revert if the given partition is trivial, invalid, or refers to more slots than the condition is prepared with.
    /// @param collateralToken The address of the positions' backing collateral token.
    /// @param parentCollectionId The ID of the outcome collections common to the position being split and the split target positions. May be null, in which only the collateral is shared.
    /// @param conditionId The ID of the condition to split on.
    /// @param partition An array of disjoint index sets representing a nontrivial partition of the outcome slots of the given condition. E.g. A|B and C but not A|B and B|C (is not disjoint). Each element's a number which, together with the condition, represents the outcome collection. E.g. 0b110 is A|B, 0b010 is B, etc.
    /// @param amount The amount of collateral or stake to split.
    function splitPosition(
        IERC20 collateralToken,
        bytes32 parentCollectionId,
        bytes32 conditionId,
        uint[] calldata partition,
        uint amount
    ) external {
        require(partition.length > 1, "got empty or singleton partition");
        uint outcomeSlotCount = payoutNumerators[conditionId].length;
        require(outcomeSlotCount > 0, "condition not prepared yet");

        // For a condition with 4 outcomes fullIndexSet's 0b1111; for 5 it's 0b11111...
        uint fullIndexSet = (1 << outcomeSlotCount) - 1;
        // freeIndexSet starts as the full collection
        uint freeIndexSet = fullIndexSet;
        // This loop checks that all condition sets are disjoint (the same outcome is not part of more than 1 set)
        uint[] memory positionIds = new uint[](partition.length);
        uint[] memory amounts = new uint[](partition.length);
        for (uint i = 0; i < partition.length; i++) {
            uint indexSet = partition[i];
            require(indexSet > 0 && indexSet < fullIndexSet, "got invalid index set");
            require((indexSet & freeIndexSet) == indexSet, "partition not disjoint");
            freeIndexSet ^= indexSet;
            positionIds[i] = CTHelpers.getPositionId(collateralToken, CTHelpers.getCollectionId(parentCollectionId, conditionId, indexSet));
            amounts[i] = amount;

        if (freeIndexSet == 0) {
            // Partitioning the full set of outcomes for the condition in this branch
            if (parentCollectionId == bytes32(0)) {
                require(collateralToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount), "could not receive collateral tokens");
            } else {
                    CTHelpers.getPositionId(collateralToken, parentCollectionId),
        } else {
            // Partitioning a subset of outcomes for the condition in this branch.
            // For example, for a condition with three outcomes A, B, and C, this branch
            // allows the splitting of a position $:(A|C) to positions $:(A) and $:(C).
                    CTHelpers.getCollectionId(parentCollectionId, conditionId, fullIndexSet ^ freeIndexSet)),

            // position ID is the ERC 1155 token ID
        emit PositionSplit(msg.sender, collateralToken, parentCollectionId, conditionId, partition, amount);

    function mergePositions(
        IERC20 collateralToken,
        bytes32 parentCollectionId,
        bytes32 conditionId,
        uint[] calldata partition,
        uint amount
    ) external {
        require(partition.length > 1, "got empty or singleton partition");
        uint outcomeSlotCount = payoutNumerators[conditionId].length;
        require(outcomeSlotCount > 0, "condition not prepared yet");

        uint fullIndexSet = (1 << outcomeSlotCount) - 1;
        uint freeIndexSet = fullIndexSet;
        uint[] memory positionIds = new uint[](partition.length);
        uint[] memory amounts = new uint[](partition.length);
        for (uint i = 0; i < partition.length; i++) {
            uint indexSet = partition[i];
            require(indexSet > 0 && indexSet < fullIndexSet, "got invalid index set");
            require((indexSet & freeIndexSet) == indexSet, "partition not disjoint");
            freeIndexSet ^= indexSet;
            positionIds[i] = CTHelpers.getPositionId(collateralToken, CTHelpers.getCollectionId(parentCollectionId, conditionId, indexSet));
            amounts[i] = amount;

        if (freeIndexSet == 0) {
            if (parentCollectionId == bytes32(0)) {
                require(collateralToken.transfer(msg.sender, amount), "could not send collateral tokens");
            } else {
                    CTHelpers.getPositionId(collateralToken, parentCollectionId),
        } else {
                    CTHelpers.getCollectionId(parentCollectionId, conditionId, fullIndexSet ^ freeIndexSet)),

        emit PositionsMerge(msg.sender, collateralToken, parentCollectionId, conditionId, partition, amount);

    function redeemPositions(IERC20 collateralToken, bytes32 parentCollectionId, bytes32 conditionId, uint[] calldata indexSets) external {
        uint den = payoutDenominator[conditionId];
        require(den > 0, "result for condition not received yet");
        uint outcomeSlotCount = payoutNumerators[conditionId].length;
        require(outcomeSlotCount > 0, "condition not prepared yet");

        uint totalPayout = 0;

        uint fullIndexSet = (1 << outcomeSlotCount) - 1;
        for (uint i = 0; i < indexSets.length; i++) {
            uint indexSet = indexSets[i];
            require(indexSet > 0 && indexSet < fullIndexSet, "got invalid index set");
            uint positionId = CTHelpers.getPositionId(collateralToken,
                CTHelpers.getCollectionId(parentCollectionId, conditionId, indexSet));

            uint payoutNumerator = 0;
            for (uint j = 0; j < outcomeSlotCount; j++) {
                if (indexSet & (1 << j) != 0) {
                    payoutNumerator = payoutNumerator.add(payoutNumerators[conditionId][j]);

            uint payoutStake = balanceOf(msg.sender, positionId);
            if (payoutStake > 0) {
                totalPayout = totalPayout.add(payoutStake.mul(payoutNumerator).div(den));
                _burn(msg.sender, positionId, payoutStake);

        if (totalPayout > 0) {
            if (parentCollectionId == bytes32(0)) {
                require(collateralToken.transfer(msg.sender, totalPayout), "could not transfer payout to message sender");
            } else {
                _mint(msg.sender, CTHelpers.getPositionId(collateralToken, parentCollectionId), totalPayout, "");
        emit PayoutRedemption(msg.sender, collateralToken, parentCollectionId, conditionId, indexSets, totalPayout);

    /// @dev Gets the outcome slot count of a condition.
    /// @param conditionId ID of the condition.
    /// @return Number of outcome slots associated with a condition, or zero if condition has not been prepared yet.
    function getOutcomeSlotCount(bytes32 conditionId) external view returns (uint) {
        return payoutNumerators[conditionId].length;

    /// @dev Constructs a condition ID from an oracle, a question ID, and the outcome slot count for the question.
    /// @param oracle The account assigned to report the result for the prepared condition.
    /// @param questionId An identifier for the question to be answered by the oracle.
    /// @param outcomeSlotCount The number of outcome slots which should be used for this condition. Must not exceed 256.
    function getConditionId(address oracle, bytes32 questionId, uint outcomeSlotCount) external pure returns (bytes32) {
        return CTHelpers.getConditionId(oracle, questionId, outcomeSlotCount);

    /// @dev Constructs an outcome collection ID from a parent collection and an outcome collection.
    /// @param parentCollectionId Collection ID of the parent outcome collection, or bytes32(0) if there's no parent.
    /// @param conditionId Condition ID of the outcome collection to combine with the parent outcome collection.
    /// @param indexSet Index set of the outcome collection to combine with the parent outcome collection.
    function getCollectionId(bytes32 parentCollectionId, bytes32 conditionId, uint indexSet) external view returns (bytes32) {
        return CTHelpers.getCollectionId(parentCollectionId, conditionId, indexSet);

    /// @dev Constructs a position ID from a collateral token and an outcome collection. These IDs are used as the ERC-1155 ID for this contract.
    /// @param collateralToken Collateral token which backs the position.
    /// @param collectionId ID of the outcome collection associated with this position.
    function getPositionId(IERC20 collateralToken, bytes32 collectionId) external pure returns (uint) {
        return CTHelpers.getPositionId(collateralToken, collectionId);

3. 主要数据结构

/// Mapping key is an condition ID. Value represents numerators of the payout vector associated with the condition. This array is initialized with a length equal to the outcome slot count. E.g. Condition with 3 outcomes [A, B, C] and two of those correct [0.5, 0.5, 0]. In Ethereum there are no decimal values, so here, 0.5 is represented by fractions like 1/2 == 0.5. That's why we need numerator and denominator values. Payout numerators are also used as a check of initialization. If the numerators array is empty (has length zero), the condition was not created/prepared. See getOutcomeSlotCount.
    mapping(bytes32 => uint[]) public payoutNumerators;
    /// Denominator is also used for checking if the condition has been resolved. If the denominator is non-zero, then the condition has been resolved.
    mapping(bytes32 => uint) public payoutDenominator;

之所以会有这两个mapping,是为了处理小数问题。比如一个预测有三个结果A,B,C,最终通过Oracle回写的结果是0.1,0.1,0.8。那么payoutNumerators就存的是conditionId => [1,1,8],payoutDenominator存的是conditionId=>10。

4. 准备一个预测问题

/// @dev This function prepares a condition by initializing a payout vector associated with the condition.
    /// @param oracle The account assigned to report the result for the prepared condition.
    /// @param questionId An identifier for the question to be answered by the oracle.
    /// @param outcomeSlotCount The number of outcome slots which should be used for this condition. Must not exceed 256.
    function prepareCondition(address oracle, bytes32 questionId, uint outcomeSlotCount) external {
        // Limit of 256 because we use a partition array that is a number of 256 bits.
        require(outcomeSlotCount <= 256, "too many outcome slots");
        require(outcomeSlotCount > 1, "there should be more than one outcome slot");
        bytes32 conditionId = CTHelpers.getConditionId(oracle, questionId, outcomeSlotCount);
        require(payoutNumerators[conditionId].length == 0, "condition already prepared");
        payoutNumerators[conditionId] = new uint[](outcomeSlotCount);
        emit ConditionPreparation(conditionId, oracle, questionId, outcomeSlotCount);




function getConditionId(address oracle, bytes32 questionId, uint outcomeSlotCount) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
        return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(oracle, questionId, outcomeSlotCount));


5. 划分预测选项

/// @dev This function splits a position. If splitting from the collateral, this contract will attempt to transfer `amount` collateral from the message sender to itself. Otherwise, this contract will burn `amount` stake held by the message sender in the position being split worth of EIP 1155 tokens. Regardless, if successful, `amount` stake will be minted in the split target positions. If any of the transfers, mints, or burns fail, the transaction will revert. The transaction will also revert if the given partition is trivial, invalid, or refers to more slots than the condition is prepared with.
    /// @param collateralToken The address of the positions' backing collateral token.
    /// @param parentCollectionId The ID of the outcome collections common to the position being split and the split target positions. May be null, in which only the collateral is shared.
    /// @param conditionId The ID of the condition to split on.
    /// @param partition An array of disjoint index sets representing a nontrivial partition of the outcome slots of the given condition. E.g. A|B and C but not A|B and B|C (is not disjoint). Each element's a number which, together with the condition, represents the outcome collection. E.g. 0b110 is A|B, 0b010 is B, etc.
    /// @param amount The amount of collateral or stake to split.
    function splitPosition(
        IERC20 collateralToken,
        bytes32 parentCollectionId,
        bytes32 conditionId,
        uint[] calldata partition,
        uint amount
    ) external {
        require(partition.length > 1, "got empty or singleton partition");
        uint outcomeSlotCount = payoutNumerators[conditionId].length;
        require(outcomeSlotCount > 0, "condition not prepared yet");

        // For a condition with 4 outcomes fullIndexSet's 0b1111; for 5 it's 0b11111...
        uint fullIndexSet = (1 << outcomeSlotCount) - 1;
        // freeIndexSet starts as the full collection
        uint freeIndexSet = fullIndexSet;
        // This loop checks that all condition sets are disjoint (the same outcome is not part of more than 1 set)
        uint[] memory positionIds = new uint[](partition.length);
        uint[] memory amounts = new uint[](partition.length);
        for (uint i = 0; i < partition.length; i++) {
            uint indexSet = partition[i];
            require(indexSet > 0 && indexSet < fullIndexSet, "got invalid index set");
            require((indexSet & freeIndexSet) == indexSet, "partition not disjoint");
            freeIndexSet ^= indexSet;
            positionIds[i] = CTHelpers.getPositionId(collateralToken, CTHelpers.getCollectionId(parentCollectionId, conditionId, indexSet));
            amounts[i] = amount;

        if (freeIndexSet == 0) {
            // Partitioning the full set of outcomes for the condition in this branch
            if (parentCollectionId == bytes32(0)) {
                require(collateralToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount), "could not receive collateral tokens");
            } else {
                    CTHelpers.getPositionId(collateralToken, parentCollectionId),
        } else {
            // Partitioning a subset of outcomes for the condition in this branch.
            // For example, for a condition with three outcomes A, B, and C, this branch
            // allows the splitting of a position $:(A|C) to positions $:(A) and $:(C).
                    CTHelpers.getCollectionId(parentCollectionId, conditionId, fullIndexSet ^ freeIndexSet)),

            // position ID is the ERC 1155 token ID
        emit PositionSplit(msg.sender, collateralToken, parentCollectionId, conditionId, partition, amount);




i freeIndexSet indexSet indexSet & freeIndexSet
0 0x111 0x001 0x001&0x111 ==> 0x001
1 0x110 0x010 0x010&0x110 ==> 0x010
2 0x100 0x100 0x100&0x100 ==> 0x100
如果出现了indexSet重复的现象,比如传入:0x001,0x011,0x100,那么(indexSet & freeIndexSet) == indexSet就通不过: i freeIndexSet indexSet indexSet & freeIndexSet
0 0x111 0x001 0x001&0x111 ==> 0x001
1 0x110 0x011 0x110&0x011 ==> 0x010 != 0x011


function getPositionId(IERC20 collateralToken, bytes32 collectionId) internal pure returns (uint) {
        return uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(collateralToken, collectionId)));








6. 合并选项

function mergePositions(
        IERC20 collateralToken,
        bytes32 parentCollectionId,
        bytes32 conditionId,
        uint[] calldata partition,
        uint amount
    ) external {
        require(partition.length > 1, "got empty or singleton partition");
        uint outcomeSlotCount = payoutNumerators[conditionId].length;
        require(outcomeSlotCount > 0, "condition not prepared yet");

        uint fullIndexSet = (1 << outcomeSlotCount) - 1;
        uint freeIndexSet = fullIndexSet;
        uint[] memory positionIds = new uint[](partition.length);
        uint[] memory amounts = new uint[](partition.length);
        for (uint i = 0; i < partition.length; i++) {
            uint indexSet = partition[i];
            require(indexSet > 0 && indexSet < fullIndexSet, "got invalid index set");
            require((indexSet & freeIndexSet) == indexSet, "partition not disjoint");
            freeIndexSet ^= indexSet;
            positionIds[i] = CTHelpers.getPositionId(collateralToken, CTHelpers.getCollectionId(parentCollectionId, conditionId, indexSet));
            amounts[i] = amount;

        if (freeIndexSet == 0) {
            if (parentCollectionId == bytes32(0)) {
                require(collateralToken.transfer(msg.sender, amount), "could not send collateral tokens");
            } else {
                    CTHelpers.getPositionId(collateralToken, parentCollectionId),
        } else {
                    CTHelpers.getCollectionId(parentCollectionId, conditionId, fullIndexSet ^ freeIndexSet)),

        emit PositionsMerge(msg.sender, collateralToken, parentCollectionId, conditionId, partition, amount);







7. 预测结果回写

/// @dev Called by the oracle for reporting results of conditions. Will set the payout vector for the condition with the ID ``keccak256(abi.encodePacked(oracle, questionId, outcomeSlotCount))``, where oracle is the message sender, questionId is one of the parameters of this function, and outcomeSlotCount is the length of the payouts parameter, which contains the payoutNumerators for each outcome slot of the condition.
    /// @param questionId The question ID the oracle is answering for
    /// @param payouts The oracle's answer
    function reportPayouts(bytes32 questionId, uint[] calldata payouts) external {
        uint outcomeSlotCount = payouts.length;
        require(outcomeSlotCount > 1, "there should be more than one outcome slot");
        // IMPORTANT, the oracle is enforced to be the sender because it's part of the hash.
        bytes32 conditionId = CTHelpers.getConditionId(msg.sender, questionId, outcomeSlotCount);
        require(payoutNumerators[conditionId].length == outcomeSlotCount, "condition not prepared or found");
        require(payoutDenominator[conditionId] == 0, "payout denominator already set");

        uint den = 0;
        for (uint i = 0; i < outcomeSlotCount; i++) {
            uint num = payouts[i];
            den = den.add(num);

            require(payoutNumerators[conditionId][i] == 0, "payout numerator already set");
            payoutNumerators[conditionId][i] = num;
        require(den > 0, "payout is all zeroes");
        payoutDenominator[conditionId] = den;
        emit ConditionResolution(conditionId, msg.sender, questionId, outcomeSlotCount, payoutNumerators[conditionId]);

回传的payouts是每个选项的权重,比如[1,1,8],reportPayouts的主要逻辑就是设置payoutNumerators和payoutDenominator,最终的结果是payoutNumerators[conditionId] = [1,1,8],payoutDenominator[conditionId]=10.

8. 根据结果获取奖励

function redeemPositions(IERC20 collateralToken, bytes32 parentCollectionId, bytes32 conditionId, uint[] calldata indexSets) external {
        uint den = payoutDenominator[conditionId];
        require(den > 0, "result for condition not received yet");
        uint outcomeSlotCount = payoutNumerators[conditionId].length;
        require(outcomeSlotCount > 0, "condition not prepared yet");

        uint totalPayout = 0;

        uint fullIndexSet = (1 << outcomeSlotCount) - 1;
        for (uint i = 0; i < indexSets.length; i++) {
            uint indexSet = indexSets[i];
            require(indexSet > 0 && indexSet < fullIndexSet, "got invalid index set");
            uint positionId = CTHelpers.getPositionId(collateralToken,
                CTHelpers.getCollectionId(parentCollectionId, conditionId, indexSet));

            uint payoutNumerator = 0;
            for (uint j = 0; j < outcomeSlotCount; j++) {
                if (indexSet & (1 << j) != 0) {
                    payoutNumerator = payoutNumerator.add(payoutNumerators[conditionId][j]);

            uint payoutStake = balanceOf(msg.sender, positionId);
            if (payoutStake > 0) {
                totalPayout = totalPayout.add(payoutStake.mul(payoutNumerator).div(den));
                _burn(msg.sender, positionId, payoutStake);

        if (totalPayout > 0) {
            if (parentCollectionId == bytes32(0)) {
                require(collateralToken.transfer(msg.sender, totalPayout), "could not transfer payout to message sender");
            } else {
                _mint(msg.sender, CTHelpers.getPositionId(collateralToken, parentCollectionId), totalPayout, "");
        emit PayoutRedemption(msg.sender, collateralToken, parentCollectionId, conditionId, indexSets, totalPayout);


一段时间后,Oracle回写结果为[1,1,8],也就是A的权重是1,B的权重是1,C的权重是8。这时候Bob和Alice就可以调用redeemPositions来兑换奖励。其中Bob得到的奖励为(1 20+1 10+8 0)/(20 1+20 1+20 8) 20 = 3个代币,Alice得到的奖励为(0 1+10 1+20 8)/(20 1+20 1+20 8) 20 = 17个代币。Bob亏了7个代币,Alice挣了7个代币。

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