本文描述如何在Move中间表示(IR)中编写事务脚本和模块。IR是即将到来的Move源代码语言的早期(且不稳定)先驱。Move IR是一个覆盖于Move字节码之上的薄薄的语法层,用于测试字节码验证器和虚拟机,它对开发人员不是特别友好。它的级别足够高,可以编写人类可读的代码,但又足够低,可以直接编译以移动字节码。
本文描述如何在Move中间表示(IR)中编写事务脚本和模块。IR是即将到来的Move源代码语言的早期(且不稳定)先驱。Move IR是一个覆盖于Move字节码之上的薄薄的语法层,用于测试字节码验证器和虚拟机,它对开发人员不是特别友好。它的级别足够高,可以编写人类可读的代码,但又足够低,可以直接编译以移动字节码。
接下来,我将展示一些Move IR片段,并尽可能的阐述他们的含义
// 使用已经发布到链上的在一个地址上的Libra 模块
// 0x0...0 (with 64 zeroes). 0x0其实是一个缩写,其中包含64个0
import 0x0.LibraAccount;
import 0x0.LibraCoin;
main(payee: address, amount: u64) {
let coin: R#LibraCoin.T;
//上面类型的R#部分是两个*类型注解* R#和V#之一(“Resource”和“unrestricted Value”的缩写)。这些注解
//必须匹配类型声明的类型(例如LibraCoin模块声明“resource T”或“struct T”)
//获取sender的数量为amount的 LibraCoin.T资源,如果sender的余额不足balance,则会失败,这里amount // 是一个 unrestricted值,所以可以copy也可以move,但是因为后续不再使用, 所以最好还是move掉(move // 白皮书是里面写的是copy)
coin = LibraAccount.withdraw_from_sender(move(amount));
// Move LibraCoin.T 资源进入payee账户,如果账户不存在,则步骤失败
LibraAccount.deposit(move(payee), move(coin));
//每一个函数过程必须要有个return, IR 编译器不会在没有写return的情况下,自己加上return,如果有返回 // 值,还要写上相应的返回值
// 一个点对点支付的例子变体,即当账户不存在的时候,创建账户
import 0x0.LibraAccount;
import 0x0.LibraCoin;
main(payee: address, amount: u64) {
let coin: R#LibraCoin.T;
let account_exists: bool;
// Acquire a LibraCoin.T resource with value `amount` from the sender's
// account. This will fail if the sender's balance is less than `amount`.
coin = LibraAccount.withdraw_from_sender(move(amount));
account_exists = LibraAccount.exists(copy(payee));
if (!move(account_exists)) {
//通过发布一个LibraAccount.T 资源在接收方地址下的方式为接受者创建一个账户,如果
LibraAccount.deposit(move(payee), move(coin));
//多个收款人例子,这个例子将amount1+ amount2数量的资金转移到 收款1账户和收款2账户上
import 0x0.LibraAccount;
import 0x0.LibraCoin;
main(payee1: address, amount1: u64, payee2: address, amount2: u64) {
let coin1: R#LibraCoin.T;
let coin2: R#LibraCoin.T;
let total: u64;
total = move(amount1) + copy(amount2);
coin1 = LibraAccount.withdraw_from_sender(move(total));
// This mutates `coin1`, which now has value `amount1`.
// `coin2` has value `amount2`.
coin2 = LibraCoin.withdraw(&mut coin1, move(amount2));
// 执行支付
LibraAccount.deposit(move(payee1), move(coin1));
LibraAccount.deposit(move(payee2), move(coin2));
module EarmarkedLibraCoin {
import 0x0.LibraCoin;
//T 定义了一个资源, 包含了Libra coin 和一个收款地址
resource T {
coin: R#LibraCoin.T,
recipient: address
// 为指定收款地址创建EarmarkedCoin 资源
// 在此交易发送方账户发布该资源
public create(coin: R#LibraCoin.T, recipient: address) {
let t: R#Self.T;
//构造或者叫做打包一个类型为T的资源,只有EarmarkedCoin 模块的函数可以创建 EarmarkedCoin.T
t = T {
coin: move(coin),
recipient: move(recipient),
// 在此交易发送者账户下发布 earmarked coin
public claim_for_recipient(earmarked_coin_address: address): R#Self.T {
let t: R#Self.T;
let t_ref: &R#Self.T;
let sender: address;
t = move_from<T>(move(earmarked_coin_address));
t_ref = &t;
sender = get_txn_sender();
//确保收款账户是交易发送者,如果断言失败,则此次交易不会造成任何影响, 原子操作。
//99是一个内部断言使用的error code,便于交易失败打印事件
assert(*(&move(t_ref).recipient) == move(sender), 99);
//返回获取到的资源,接下来应该使用unwarp获取资源里面的Libra coin了
return move(t);
// 如果Bob的地址没有被创建,则Alice将会回收掉该资源
public claim_for_creator(): R#Self.T {
let t: R#Self.T;
let coin: R#LibraCoin.T;
let recipient: address;
let sender: address;
sender = get_txn_sender();
// This will fail if no resource of type T under the sender's address.
t = move_from<T>(move(sender));
return move(t);
// 从包装资源里面获取到Libra coin,并将它返回给调用者
public unwrap(t: R#Self.T): R#LibraCoin.T {
let coin: R#LibraCoin.T;
let recipient: address;
// 将t 资源进行解包,用T类型去接收,只有声明了T类型的模块才可以接收这个资源
T { coin, recipient } = move(t);
//返回libra coin资源
return move(coin);
方法,参数为Bob的地址和libra coin资源,从而为Bob创建一个指定的coin在她的地址上。一旦创建了这个资源, Bob就可以通过从发送事务来声明coin。这将调用claim_for_receiver
let b = a; a绑定的资源A转移给b,b拥有这个资源A
let b = &a; a绑定的资源A借给b使用,b只有资源A的读权限
let b = &mut a; a绑定的资源A借给b使用,b有资源A的读写权限
let mut b = &mut a; a绑定的资源A借给b使用,b有资源A的读写权限。同时,b可绑定到新的资源上面去(更新绑定的能力)
let &mut b = &mut a; a 绑定的资源A借给b的引用使用,b的引用有资源A的读写权限。同时b的引用可以绑定到新的资源上面去(更新绑定能力)
下面我会抽取libra github仓库里面的一些典型的例子来对move进行更加全面的解释。
module Signature {
native public ed25519_verify(signature: bytearray, public_key: bytearray, message: bytearray): bool;
import 0x0.LibraAccount;
main (new_key: bytearray) {
下面这个示例是一个module + script,它以modules:
module B {
struct T {g: u64}
public new(g: u64): V#Self.T {
return T{g: move(g)};
public t(this: &V#Self.T) {
let g: &u64;
let y: u64;
g = ©(this).g;
y = *move(g);
import Transaction.B;
main() {
let x: V#B.T;
let y: &V#B.T;
x = B.new(5);
y = &x;
接下来主要分析一下 LibraCoin
module LibraCoin {
// A resource representing the Libra coin
resource T {
// The value of the coin. May be zero
value: u64,
// A resource that grants access to `LibraCoin.mint`. Only the Association account has one.
resource MintCapability {}
// Return a reference to the MintCapability published under the sender's account. Fails if thesender does not have a MintCapability.
// Since only the Association account has a mint capability, this will only succeed if it is invoked by a transaction sent by that account.
public borrow_sender_mint_capability(): &R#Self.MintCapability {
let sender: address;
let capability_ref: &mut R#Self.MintCapability;
let capability_immut_ref: &R#Self.MintCapability;
sender = get_txn_sender();
capability_ref = borrow_global<MintCapability>(move(sender));
capability_immut_ref = freeze(move(capability_ref));
return move(capability_immut_ref);
// mint 一个新的LibraCoin.T资源价值 value, 调用者必须有一个MintCapability的引用
//只有联盟成员账户可以获取这样的引用,而且只能通过 borrow_sender_mint_capbaility方法获取
public mint(value: u64, capability: &R#Self.MintCapability): R#Self.T {
return T{value: move(value)};
grant_mint_capability() {
// Create a new LibraCoin.T with a value of 0
public zero(): R#Self.T {
return T{value: 0};
public value(coin_ref: &R#Self.T): u64 {
return *&move(coin_ref).value;
// 将 coin分为两半,一半是给定数值,一般是剩余数值
public split(coin: R#Self.T, amount: u64): R#Self.T * R#Self.T {
let other: R#Self.T;
other = Self.withdraw(&mut coin, move(amount));
return move(coin), move(other);
public withdraw(coin_ref: &mut R#Self.T, amount: u64): R#Self.T {
let value: u64;
// Check that `amount` is less than the coin's value
value = *(&mut copy(coin_ref).value);
assert(copy(value) >= copy(amount), 10);
// 直接在原来的值上面分割
*(&mut move(coin_ref).value) = move(value) - copy(amount);
return T{value: move(amount)};
// 合并两个同样的coin资源,并将新的资源返回
public join(coin1: R#Self.T, coin2: R#Self.T): R#Self.T {
Self.deposit(&mut coin1, move(coin2));
return move(coin1);
// "Merges" the two coins check 是需要合并在coin_ref上的资源
public deposit(coin_ref: &mut R#Self.T, check: R#Self.T) {
let value: u64;
let check_value: u64;
value = *(&mut copy(coin_ref).value);
T { value: check_value } = move(check);
*(&mut move(coin_ref).value)= move(value) + move(check_value);
public destroy_zero(coin: R#Self.T) {
let value: u64;
T { value } = move(coin);
assert(move(value) == 0, 11);
public TODO_REMOVE_burn_gas_fee(coin: R#Self.T) {
let value: u64;
T { value } = move(coin);
module LibraAccount {
import 0x0.LibraCoin;
import 0x00.Hash;
// Every Libra account has a LibraLibraAccount.T resource
resource T {
// The coins stored in this account
balance: R#LibraCoin.T,
authentication_key: bytearray,
sequence_number: u64,
sent_events_count: u64,
received_events_count: u64
// Message for sent events
struct SentPaymentEvent {
// The address that was paid
payee: address,
// The amount of LibraCoin.T sent
amount: u64,
// Message for received events
struct ReceivedPaymentEvent {
// The address that sent the coin
payer: address,
// The amount of LibraCoin.T received
amount: u64,
make(auth_key: bytearray): R#Self.T {
let zero_balance: R#LibraCoin.T;
zero_balance = LibraCoin.zero();
return T {
balance: move(zero_balance),
authentication_key: move(auth_key),
sequence_number: 0,
sent_events_count: 0,
received_events_count: 0,
// 向payee账户存入to_deposit资源
public deposit(payee: address, to_deposit: R#LibraCoin.T) {
let deposit_value: u64;
let payee_account_ref: &mut R#Self.T;
let sender: address;
let sender_account_ref: &mut R#Self.T;
let sent_event: V#Self.SentPaymentEvent;
let received_event: V#Self.ReceivedPaymentEvent;
// Check that the `to_deposit` coin is non-zero
deposit_value = LibraCoin.value(&to_deposit);
assert(copy(deposit_value) > 0, 7);
// Load the sender's account
sender = get_txn_sender();
sender_account_ref = borrow_global<T>(copy(sender));
// Log a send event
sent_event = SentPaymentEvent { payee: copy(payee), amount: copy(deposit_value) };
// 目前的打印事件只是临时之举,未来应该会变得更加有条理
emit_event(&mut move(sender_account_ref).sent_events_count, b"73656E745F6576656E74735F636F756E74", move(sent_event));
// Load the payee's account
payee_account_ref = borrow_global<T>(move(payee));
// Deposit the `to_deposit` coin
LibraCoin.deposit(&mut copy(payee_account_ref).balance, move(to_deposit));
// Log a received event
received_event = ReceivedPaymentEvent { payer: move(sender), amount: move(deposit_value) };
// TEMPORARY The events system is being overhauled and this will be replaced by something
// more principled in the future
emit_event(&mut move(payee_account_ref).received_events_count, b"72656365697665645F6576656E74735F636F756E74", move(received_event));
//mint_to-address 只能被又有mint能力的的账户使用(参照LibraCoin模块)
// 那些账户也可以mint给自己coin
public mint_to_address(payee: address, amount: u64) {
let mint_capability_ref: &R#LibraCoin.MintCapability;
let coin: R#LibraCoin.T;
let payee_account_ref: &mut R#Self.T;
let payee_exists: bool;
let sender: address;
// Mint the coin
mint_capability_ref = LibraCoin.borrow_sender_mint_capability();
coin = LibraCoin.mint(copy(amount), move(mint_capability_ref));
// Create an account if it does not exist
payee_exists = exists<T>(copy(payee));
if (!move(payee_exists)) {
sender = get_txn_sender();
Self.create_new_account(copy(payee), 0);
// Deposit the minted `coin`
Self.deposit(move(payee), move(coin));
// Helper to withdraw `amount` from the given `account` and return the resulting LibraCoin.T
withdraw_from_account(account: &mut R#Self.T, amount: u64): R#LibraCoin.T {
let to_withdraw: R#LibraCoin.T;
to_withdraw = LibraCoin.withdraw(&mut move(account).balance, copy(amount));
return move(to_withdraw);
// Withdraw `amount` LibraCoin.T from the transaction sender's account
public withdraw_from_sender(amount: u64): R#LibraCoin.T {
let sender: address;
let sender_account: &mut R#Self.T;
let to_withdraw: R#LibraCoin.T;
// Load the sender
sender = get_txn_sender();
sender_account = borrow_global<T>(move(sender));
// Withdraw the coin
to_withdraw = Self.withdraw_from_account(move(sender_account), move(amount));
return move(to_withdraw);
public pay_from_sender(payee: address, amount: u64) {
let to_pay: R#LibraCoin.T;
let payee_exists: bool;
payee_exists = exists<T>(copy(payee));
if (move(payee_exists)) {
to_pay = Self.withdraw_from_sender(move(amount));
Self.deposit(move(payee), move(to_pay));
} else {
Self.create_new_account(move(payee), move(amount));
public rotate_authentication_key(new_authentication_key: bytearray) {
let sender: address;
let sender_account: &mut R#Self.T;
sender = get_txn_sender();
sender_account = borrow_global<T>(move(sender));
*(&mut move(sender_account).authentication_key) = move(new_authentication_key);
public create_new_account(fresh_address: address, initial_balance: u64) {
if (copy(initial_balance) > 0) {
Self.pay_from_sender(move(fresh_address), move(initial_balance));
// Helper to return u64 value of the `balance` field for given `account`
balance_for_account(account: &R#Self.T): u64 {
let balance_value: u64;
balance_value = LibraCoin.value(&move(account).balance);
return move(balance_value);
// Return the current balance of the LibraCoin.T in LibraLibraAccount.T at `addr`
public balance(addr: address): u64 {
let payee_account: &mut R#Self.T;
let imm_payee_account: &R#Self.T;
let balance_amount: u64;
payee_account = borrow_global<T>(move(addr));
imm_payee_account = freeze(move(payee_account));
balance_amount = Self.balance_for_account(move(imm_payee_account));
return move(balance_amount);
// Helper to return the sequence number field for given `account`
sequence_number_for_account(account: &R#Self.T): u64 {
return *(&move(account).sequence_number);
// Return the current sequence number at `addr`
public sequence_number(addr: address): u64 {
let account_ref: &mut R#Self.T;
let imm_ref: &R#Self.T;
let sequence_number_value: u64;
account_ref = borrow_global<T>(move(addr));
imm_ref = freeze(move(account_ref));
sequence_number_value = Self.sequence_number_for_account(move(imm_ref));
return move(sequence_number_value);
// Checks if an account exists at `check_addr`
public exists(check_addr: address): bool {
let is_present: bool;
is_present = exists<T>(move(check_addr));
return move(is_present);
// 序言过程在每笔交易开始的时候被调用,它要做以下验证:
//sequence number是否匹配当前账户sequence key
prologue() {
let transaction_sender: address;
let transaction_sender_exists: bool;
let sender_account: &mut R#Self.T;
let imm_sender_account: &R#Self.T;
let sender_public_key: bytearray;
let public_key_hash: bytearray;
let gas_price: u64;
let gas_units: u64;
let gas_fee: u64;
let balance_amount: u64;
let sequence_number_value: u64;
let transaction_sequence_number_value: u64;
transaction_sender = get_txn_sender();
// 现在这些error code还是很不友好的,后续应该会变得更好
transaction_sender_exists = exists<T>(copy(transaction_sender));
assert(move(transaction_sender_exists), 5);
// Load the transaction sender's account
sender_account = borrow_global<T>(copy(transaction_sender));
sender_public_key = get_txn_public_key();
public_key_hash = Hash.sha3_256(move(sender_public_key));
assert(move(public_key_hash) == *(©(sender_account).authentication_key), 2);
// 检查是否有足够的余额支付交易手续费
gas_price = get_txn_gas_unit_price();
gas_units = get_txn_max_gas_units();
gas_fee = move(gas_price) * move(gas_units);
imm_sender_account = freeze(copy(sender_account));
balance_amount = Self.balance_for_account(move(imm_sender_account));
assert(move(balance_amount) >= move(gas_fee), 6);
// 检查交易的sequence number是否与账户保存的sequence number匹配
sequence_number_value = *(&mut move(sender_account).sequence_number);
transaction_sequence_number_value = get_txn_sequence_number();
//这里多判断一次可能是未来防止并行交易的时候较大sequence number可以被接受
assert(copy(transaction_sequence_number_value) >= copy(sequence_number_value), 3);
assert(move(transaction_sequence_number_value) == move(sequence_number_value), 4);
// 收尾主要是被用于在交易结束后进行一些处理
//主要是计算交易真实消耗gas的手续费和调整账户sequence number
// The epilogue is invoked at the end of transactions.
// It collects gas and bumps the sequence number
epilogue() {
let transaction_sender: address;
let sender_account: &mut R#Self.T;
let imm_sender_account: &R#Self.T;
let gas_price: u64;
let gas_units_remaining: u64;
let starting_gas_units: u64;
let gas_fee_amount: u64;
let balance_amount: u64;
let gas_fee: R#LibraCoin.T;
let transaction_sequence_number_value: u64;
transaction_sender = get_txn_sender();
// Load the transaction sender's account
sender_account = borrow_global<T>(copy(transaction_sender));
gas_price = get_txn_gas_unit_price();
starting_gas_units = get_txn_max_gas_units();
gas_units_remaining = get_gas_remaining();
gas_fee_amount = move(gas_price) * (move(starting_gas_units) - move(gas_units_remaining));
imm_sender_account = freeze(copy(sender_account));
balance_amount = Self.balance_for_account(move(imm_sender_account));
assert(move(balance_amount) >= copy(gas_fee_amount), 6);
gas_fee = Self.withdraw_from_account(copy(sender_account), move(gas_fee_amount));
// 账户sequence number + 1
transaction_sequence_number_value = get_txn_sequence_number();
*(&mut move(sender_account).sequence_number) = move(transaction_sequence_number_value) + 1;