深入探索 Cairo 编程语言:Starknet 的基础与实践


深入探索 Cairo 编程语言:Starknet 的基础与实践


CairoCairo 实战


  1. 什么是Cairo
  2. Field Element
  3. Starklings 介绍
  4. 实战


What is Cairo?

Cairo is a programming language designed for a virtual CPU of the same name. The unique aspect of this processor is that it was not created for the physical constraints of our world but for cryptographic ones, making it capable of efficiently proving the execution of any program running on it. This means that you can perform time consuming operations on a machine you don't trust, and check the result very quickly on a cheaper machine. While Cairo 0 used to be directly compiled to CASM, the Cairo CPU assembly, Cairo 1 is a higher level language. It first compiles to Sierra, an intermediate representation of Cairo which will compile later down to a safe subset of CASM. The point of Sierra is to ensure your CASM will always be provable, even when the computation fails.

Cairo 特征

  • Cairo 最初是指计算机架构 虚拟处理器
  • CPU AIR(代数中间表示)
  • 由 CPU AIR 执行的字节码称为 "Cairo Assembly" 或 CASM
  • 编译为Sierra 然后编译为 CASM 的高级语言也称为 Cairo
  • 旧版本 Cairo 称为 CairoZero
  • 开罗是埃及的首都(糟糕的SEO) 可以使用 Cairo book 或者 Starknet

Cairo 的历史

2018:Stark 白皮书发布

2019: StarkEx 发布

2020:CairoZero 发布

2021:Cairo 白皮书发布

2023:Cairo 1 发布


Field Element

Cairo 的默认数据类型 felt252

felt 可以表示一个值 0 < x < P

P = 2^251 + 17 * 2^192 + 1 (小于2^252)
x/y * y == x  除法

felt 可以 overflow 或 underflow

支持有符号和无符号整数 u8、u16、u32、u64、u128、u256

felt 占用 252 位存储空间,与solidity中默认类型无符号整数u256相比它更小。


Cairo 支持有符号的整数

Starknet 目前只支持无符号的整数

Starklings 实战

交互式学习 Cairo

Created by Shramee

Starklings App created by Damian

Maintained by the community



这是一个类似于Rustlings 的通过做题来实战的练习,可以快速的对Cairo语法基础有一个了解学习。



Setup and run

Make sure you have Rust and Cargo installed with the default toolchain. With rustup curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh -s

  1. Clone the repo and go in the directory, git clone https://github.com/shramee/starklings-cairo1.git && cd starklings-cairo1.
  2. Run cargo run -r --bin starklings, this might take a while the first time.
  3. You should see this intro message, run cargo run -r --bin starklings watch when you are ready!





把Rust 版本切换为 1.76

if you have rustup, you can switch to v1.7.6.0 by running the following commands:

  1. rustup toolchain install 1.76.0
  2. run rustup default 1.76.0 - this sets your toolchain (cargo and rustc) to v1.76.0 check the respective versions of your toolchain by running: rustc --version and cargo --version

Make sure you see 1.76 for both rustc and cargo on your terminal. Then you can proceed to run: cargo run -r --bin starklings watch ⁠

下面我们一起来做Cairo 的练习:

fn main() {}

fn main() {
    let x = 5 ;
    println!(" x is {}", x)

fn main() {
    let x = 1;
    if x == 10 {
        println!("x is ten! ");
    } else {
        println!("x is not ten! ");

fn main() {
    let x: felt252 = 1;
    println!("x is {}", x);

fn main() {
    let mut x = 3;
    println!("x is {}", x);
    x = 5; // don't change this line
    println!("x is now {}", x);

fn main() {
    let number = 1_u8; // don't change this line
    println!("number is {}", number);
    let number = 3; // don't rename this variable
    println!("number is {}", number);

const NUMBER: u8 = 3;
const SMALL_NUMBER: u8 = 3_u8; //don't change the value of this constant
fn main() {
    println!("NUMBER is {}", NUMBER);
    println!("SMALL_NUMBER is {}", SMALL_NUMBER);

fn main() {
    // Booleans (`bool`)

    let is_morning = true;
    if is_morning {
        println!("Good morning!");

    let is_evening = false; // Finish the rest of this line like the example! Or make it be false!
    if is_evening {
        println!("Good evening!");

fn main() {
    // A short string is a string whose length is at most 31 characters, and therefore can fit into a single field element.
    // Short strings are actually felts, they are not a real string.
    // Note the _single_ quotes that are used with short strings.

    let mut my_first_initial = 'C';
    if is_alphabetic(
        ref my_first_initial
    ) {
        println!(" Alphabetical !");
    } else if is_numeric(
        ref my_first_initial
    ) {
        println!(" Numerical !");
    } else {
        println!(" Neither alphabetic nor numeric!");

    let mut your_character = 'D';  // Finish this line like the example! What's your favorite short string?
    // Try a letter, try a number, try a special character, try a short string!
    if is_alphabetic(
        ref your_character
    ) {
        println!(" Alphabetical !");
    } else if is_numeric(
        ref your_character
    ) {
        println!(" Numerical!");
    } else {
        println!(" Neither alphabetic nor numeric!");

fn is_alphabetic(ref char: felt252) -> bool {
    if char >= 'a' {
        if char &lt;= 'z' {
            return true;
    if char >= 'A' {
        if char &lt;= 'Z' {
            return true;

fn is_numeric(ref char: felt252) -> bool {
    if char >= '0' {
        if char &lt;= '9' {
            return true;

// Note: the following code is not part of the challenge, it's just here to make the code above work.
// Direct felt252 comparisons have been removed from the core library, so we need to implement them ourselves.
// There will probably be a string / short string type in the future
impl Felt252PartialOrd of PartialOrd&lt;felt252> {
    fn le(lhs: felt252, rhs: felt252) -> bool {
        Into::&lt;felt252, u256>::into(lhs) &lt;= Into::&lt;felt252, u256>::into(rhs)

    fn ge(lhs: felt252, rhs: felt252) -> bool {
        Into::&lt;felt252, u256>::into(lhs) >= Into::&lt;felt252, u256>::into(rhs)

    fn lt(lhs: felt252, rhs: felt252) -> bool {
        Into::&lt;felt252, u256>::into(lhs) &lt; Into::&lt;felt252, u256>::into(rhs)

    fn gt(lhs: felt252, rhs: felt252) -> bool {
        Into::&lt;felt252, u256>::into(lhs) > Into::&lt;felt252, u256>::into(rhs)

fn main() {
    let cat = ('Furry McFurson', 3); // don't change this line
    let (name, age) = cat; // your pattern here = cat;
    println!("name is {}", name);
    println!("age is {}", age);

fn sum_u8s(x: u8, y: u8) -> u8 {
    x + y

//TODO modify the types of this function to prevent an overflow when summing big values
fn sum_big_numbers(x: u8, y: u8) -> u16 {
    x.into() + y.into()

fn convert_to_felt(x: u8) -> felt252 { //TODO return x as a felt252.

fn convert_felt_to_u8(x: felt252) -> u8 { //TODO return x as a u8.

fn test_sum_u8s() {
    assert(sum_u8s(1, 2_u8) == 3_u8, 'Something went wrong');

fn test_sum_big_numbers() {
    //TODO modify this test to use the correct integer types.
    // Don't modify the values, just the types.
    // See how using the _u8 suffix on the numbers lets us specify the type?
    // Try to do the same thing with other integer types.
    assert(sum_big_numbers(255_u8, 255_u8) == 510_u16, 'Something went wrong');

fn test_convert_to_felt() {
    assert(convert_to_felt(1_u8) == 1, 'Type conversion went wrong');

fn test_convert_to_u8() {
    assert(convert_felt_to_u8(1) == 1_u8, 'Type conversion went wrong');

// Return the solution of x^3 + y - 2

fn poly(x: usize, y: usize) -> usize {
    // FILL ME
    let res = x * x * x + y - 2;
    res // Do not change

// Do not change the test function
fn test_poly() {
    let res = poly(5, 3);
    assert(res == 126, 'Error message');
    assert(res &lt; 300, 'res &lt; 300');
    assert(res &lt;= 300, 'res &lt;= 300');
    assert(res > 20, 'res > 20');
    assert(res >= 2, 'res >= 2');
    assert(res != 27, 'res != 27');
    assert(res % 2 == 0, 'res %2 != 0');

fn modulus(x: u8, y: u8) -> u8 {
    // calculate the modulus of x and y
    // FILL ME
    let res = x % y;

fn floor_division(x: usize, y: usize) -> usize {
    // calculate the floor_division of x and y
    // FILL ME
    let res = x / y;

fn multiplication(x: u64, y: u64) -> u64 {
    // calculate the multiplication of x and y
    // FILL ME
    let res = x * y;

// Do not change the tests
fn test_modulus() {
    let res = modulus(16, 2);
    assert(res == 0, 'Error message');

    let res = modulus(17, 3);
    assert(res == 2, 'Error message');

fn test_floor_division() {
    let res = floor_division(160, 2);
    assert(res == 80, 'Error message');

    let res = floor_division(21, 4);
    assert(res == 5, 'Error message');

fn test_mul() {
    let res = multiplication(16, 2);
    assert(res == 32, 'Error message');

    let res = multiplication(21, 4);
    assert(res == 84, 'Error message');

fn test_u64_mul_overflow_1() {
    let _res = multiplication(0x100000000, 0x100000000);

fn bigger(a: usize, b: usize) -> usize {
// Do not use:
// - another function call
// - additional variables
    if a > b {
        return a;

    return b;

// Don't mind this for now :)
mod tests {
    use super::bigger;

    fn ten_is_bigger_than_eight() {
        assert(10 == bigger(10, 8), '10 bigger than 8');

    fn fortytwo_is_bigger_than_thirtytwo() {
        assert(42 == bigger(32, 42), '42 bigger than 32');

fn foo_if_fizz(fizzish: felt252) -> felt252 {
    // Complete this function using if, else if and/or else blocks.
    // If fizzish is,
    // 'fizz', return 'foo'
    // 'fuzz', return 'bar'
    // anything else, return 'baz'
    if fizzish == 'fizz' {
    } else if fizzish == 'fuzz' {
    } else {

// No test changes needed!
mod tests {
    use super::foo_if_fizz;

    fn foo_for_fizz() {
        assert(foo_if_fizz('fizz') == 'foo', 'fizz returns foo')

    fn bar_for_fuzz() {
        assert(foo_if_fizz('fuzz') == 'bar', 'fuzz returns bar');

    fn default_to_baz() {
        assert(foo_if_fizz('literally anything') == 'baz', 'anything else returns baz');

fn main() {

fn call_me() {


fn main() {

fn call_me(num: u8) {
    println!("num is {}", num);

fn main() {

fn call_me(num: u64) {
    println!("num is {}", num);

fn main() {
    let original_price = 51;
    println!("sale_price is {}", sale_price(original_price));

fn sale_price(price: u32) -> u32 {
    if is_even(price) {
        price - 10
    } else {
        price - 3

fn is_even(num: u32) -> bool {
    num % 2 == 0

// Put your function here!
fn calculate_price_of_apples(numbers: u32) -> u32 {
    if numbers &lt;= 40 {
        return numbers * 3;
    } else {
        return numbers * 2;

// Do not change the tests!
fn verify_test() {
    let price1 = calculate_price_of_apples(35);
    let price2 = calculate_price_of_apples(40);
    let price3 = calculate_price_of_apples(41);
    let price4 = calculate_price_of_apples(65);

    assert(105 == price1, 'Incorrect price');
    assert(120 == price2, 'Incorrect price');
    assert(82 == price3, 'Incorrect price');
    assert(130 == price4, 'Incorrect price');

fn test_loop() {
    let mut counter = 0;
    //TODO make the test pass without changing any existing line
    loop {
        if counter == 10 {
            break ();

        counter += 1;
    assert(counter == 10, 'counter should be 10')

fn test_loop() {
    let mut counter = 0;

    let result = loop {
        if counter == 5 {
            //TODO return a value from the loop
            break counter;
        counter += 1;

    assert(result == 5, 'result should be 5');

use core::fmt::{Display, Formatter, Error};

enum Message { // TODO: define a few types of messages as used below

fn main() { // don't change any of the lines inside main
    println!("{}", Message::Quit);
    println!("{}", Message::Echo);
    println!("{}", Message::Move);
    println!("{}", Message::ChangeColor);

impl MessageDisplay of Display&lt;Message> {
    fn fmt(self: @Message, ref f: Formatter) -> Result&lt;(), Error> {
        let str: ByteArray = match self {
            Message::Quit => format!("Quit"),
            Message::Echo => format!("Echo"),
            Message::Move => format!("Move"),
            Message::ChangeColor => format!("ChangeColor")

use core::fmt::{Display, Formatter, Error};

#[derive(Copy, Drop)]
enum Message { // TODO: define the different variants used below
    Echo: felt252,
    Move: (u8, u8),
    ChangeColor: (u8, u8, u8)

fn main() { // don't change any of the lines inside main
    let mut messages: Array&lt;Message> = ArrayTrait::new();

    //don't change any of the next 4 lines
    messages.append(Message::Echo('hello world'));
    messages.append(Message::Move((10, 30)));
    messages.append(Message::ChangeColor((0, 255, 255)));

    print_messages_recursive(messages, 0)

// Utility function to print messages. Don't modify these.

trait MessageTrait&lt;T> {
    fn call(self: T);

impl MessageImpl of MessageTrait&lt;Message> {
    fn call(self: Message) {
        println!("{}", self);

fn print_messages_recursive(messages: Array&lt;Message>, index: u32) {
    if index >= messages.len() {
        return ();
    let message = *messages.at(index);
    print_messages_recursive(messages, index + 1)

impl MessageDisplay of Display&lt;Message> {
    fn fmt(self: @Message, ref f: Formatter) -> Result&lt;(), Error> {
        println!("___MESSAGE BEGINS___");
        let str: ByteArray = match self {
            Message::Quit => format!("Quit"),
            Message::Echo(msg) => format!("{}", msg),
            Message::Move((a, b)) => {
                format!("{} {}", a, b)
            Message::ChangeColor((red, green, blue)) => {
                format!("{} {} {}", red, green, blue)
        println!("___MESSAGE ENDS___");

#[derive(Drop, Copy)]
enum Message { // TODO: implement the message variant types based on their usage below
    ChangeColor: (u8, u8, u8),
    Echo: felt252,
    Move: Point,

#[derive(Drop, Copy)]
struct Point {
    x: u8,
    y: u8,

#[derive(Drop, Copy)]
struct State {
    color: (u8, u8, u8),
    position: Point,
    quit: bool,

trait StateTrait {
    fn change_color(ref self: State, new_color: (u8, u8, u8));
    fn quit(ref self: State);
    fn echo(ref self: State, s: felt252);
    fn move_position(ref self: State, p: Point);
    fn process(ref self: State, message: Message);
impl StateImpl of StateTrait {
    fn change_color(ref self: State, new_color: (u8, u8, u8)) {
        let State { color: _, position, quit, } = self;
        self = State { color: new_color, position: position, quit: quit, };
    fn quit(ref self: State) {
        let State { color, position, quit: _, } = self;
        self = State { color: color, position: position, quit: true, };

    fn echo(ref self: State, s: felt252) {
        println!("{}", s);

    fn move_position(ref self: State, p: Point) {
        let State { color, position: _, quit, } = self;
        self = State { color: color, position: p, quit: quit, };

    fn process(
        ref self: State, message: Message
    ) { // TODO: create a match expression to process the different message variants
        match message {
            Message::ChangeColor(new_color) => self.color = new_color,
            Message::Quit => self.quit = true,
            Message::Echo => {},
            Message::Move(new_position) => self.position = new_position,

fn test_match_message_call() {
    let mut state = State { quit: false, position: Point { x: 0, y: 0 }, color: (0, 0, 0), };
    state.process(Message::ChangeColor((255, 0, 255)));
    state.process(Message::Echo('hello world'));
    state.process(Message::Move(Point { x: 10, y: 15 }));

    assert(state.color == (255, 0, 255), 'wrong color');
    assert(state.position.x == 10, 'wrong x position');
    assert(state.position.y == 15, 'wrong y position');
    assert(state.quit == true, 'quit should be true');

// This function returns how much icecream there is left in the fridge.
// If it's before 10PM, there's 5 pieces left. At 10PM, someone eats them
// all, so there'll be no more left :(
fn maybe_icecream(
    time_of_day: usize
) -> Option&lt;usize> { // We use the 24-hour system here, so 10PM is a value of 22 and 12AM is a value of 0
// The Option output should gracefully handle cases where time_of_day > 23.
// TODO: Complete the function body - remember to return an Option!
    if time_of_day &lt; 22 {
        return Option::Some(5);
    } else if time_of_day &lt;= 24 {
        return Option::Some(0);
    } else {
        return Option::None;

fn check_icecream() {
    assert(maybe_icecream(9).unwrap() == 5, 'err_1');
    assert(maybe_icecream(10).unwrap() == 5, 'err_2');
    assert(maybe_icecream(23).unwrap() == 0, 'err_3');
    assert(maybe_icecream(22).unwrap() == 0, 'err_4');
    assert(maybe_icecream(25).is_none(), 'err_5');

fn raw_value() {
    // TODO: Fix this test. How do you get at the value contained in the Option?
    let icecreams = maybe_icecream(12).unwrap();
    assert(icecreams == 5, 'err_6'); // don't change this line

fn test_options() {
    let target = 'starklings';
    let optional_some = Option::Some(target);
    let optional_none: Option&lt;felt252> = Option::None;

fn simple_option(optional_target: Option&lt;felt252>) {
    // TODO: use the `is_some` and `is_none` methods to check if `optional_target` contains a value.
    // Place the assertion and the print statement below in the correct blocks.
    if optional_target.is_some() {
        assert(optional_target.unwrap() == 'starklings', 'err1');
    } else if optional_target.is_none() {
        println!(" option is empty ! ");

struct Student {
    name: felt252,
    courses: Array&lt;Option&lt;felt252>>,

fn display_grades(student: @Student, index: usize) {

    if index == 0 {
        println!("{} index 0", *student.name);

    if index >= student.courses.len() {
        return ();

    let course = *student.courses.at(index);

    // TODO: Modify the following lines so that if there is a grade for the course, it is printed.
    //       Otherwise, print "No grade".
    if course.is_some() {
        println!("grade is {}", course.unwrap());
    } else if course.is_none() {
        println!("No grade");
    display_grades(student, index + 1);

fn test_all_defined() {
    let courses = array![
    let mut student = Student { name: 'Alice', courses: courses };
    display_grades(@student, 0);

fn test_some_empty() {
    let courses = array![
    let mut student = Student { name: 'Bob', courses: courses };
    display_grades(@student, 0);

fn create_array() -> Array&lt;felt252> {
    let mut a = ArrayTrait::new(); // something to change here...

// Don't change anything in the test
fn test_array_len() {
    let mut a = create_array();
    assert(a.len() == 3, 'Array length is not 3');
    assert(a.pop_front().unwrap() == 0, 'First element is not 0');

// Don't modify this function
fn create_array() -> Array&lt;felt252> {
    let mut a = ArrayTrait::new();

fn remove_element_from_array(
    ref a: Array&lt;felt252>
) { //TODO something to do here...Is there an array method I can use?

fn test_arrays2() {
    let mut a = create_array();
    assert(*a.at(0) == 42, 'First element is not 42');

fn test_arrays2_empty() {
    let mut a = create_array();
    remove_element_from_array(ref a);
    assert(a.len() == 0, 'Array length is not 0');

fn create_array() -> Array&lt;felt252> {
    let mut a = ArrayTrait::new(); // something to change here...

fn test_arrays3() {
    let mut a = create_array();
    //TODO modify the method called below to make the test pass.
    // You should not change the index accessed.
    // a.at(2);
    match a.get(2) {
        Option::Some(_) => {},
        Option::None => {},

#[derive(Copy, Drop)]
struct ColorStruct { // TODO: Something goes here
    // TODO: Your struct needs to have red, green, blue felts
    red: u8,
    green: u8,
    blue: u8

fn classic_c_structs() {
    // TODO: Instantiate a classic color struct!
    // Green color neeeds to have green set to 255 and, red and blue, set to 0
    let green = ColorStruct{red: 0, green: 255, blue: 0};

    assert(green.red == 0, 0);
    assert(green.green == 255, 0);
    assert(green.blue == 0, 0);

#[derive(Copy, Drop)]
struct Order {
    name: felt252,
    year: felt252,
    made_by_phone: bool,
    made_by_mobile: bool,
    made_by_email: bool,
    item_number: felt252,
    count: felt252,

fn create_order_template() -> Order {
    Order {
        name: 'Bob',
        year: 2019,
        made_by_phone: false,
        made_by_mobile: false,
        made_by_email: true,
        item_number: 123,
        count: 0
fn test_your_order() {
    let order_template = create_order_template();
    // TODO: Destructure your order into multiple variables to make the assertions pass!
    // let ...
     let Order { name, year, made_by_phone, made_by_mobile, made_by_email, item_number, count, } =

    assert(name == 'Bob', 'Wrong name');
    assert(year == order_template.year, 'Wrong year');
    assert(made_by_phone == order_template.made_by_phone, 'Wrong phone');
    assert(made_by_mobile == order_template.made_by_mobile, 'Wrong mobile');
    assert(made_by_email == order_template.made_by_email, 'Wrong email');
    assert(item_number == order_template.item_number, 'Wrong item number');
    assert(count == 0, 'Wrong count');

#[derive(Copy, Drop)]
struct Package {
    sender_country: felt252,
    recipient_country: felt252,
    weight_in_grams: usize,

trait PackageTrait {
    fn new(sender_country: felt252, recipient_country: felt252, weight_in_grams: usize) -> Package;
    fn is_international(ref self: Package) -> bool; //???;
    fn get_fees(ref self: Package, cents_per_gram: usize) -> usize; //???;
impl PackageImpl of PackageTrait {
    fn new(sender_country: felt252, recipient_country: felt252, weight_in_grams: usize) -> Package {
        if weight_in_grams &lt;= 0{
            let mut data = ArrayTrait::new();
        Package { sender_country, recipient_country, weight_in_grams,  }

    fn is_international(ref self: Package) -> bool //???
    /// Something goes here...
        if self.sender_country == self.recipient_country {
            return false;
        return true;

    fn get_fees(ref self: Package, cents_per_gram: usize) -> usize //???
    /// Something goes here...
        return cents_per_gram * self.weight_in_grams;

fn fail_creating_weightless_package() {
    let sender_country = 'Spain';
    let recipient_country = 'Austria';
    PackageTrait::new(sender_country, recipient_country, 0);

fn create_international_package() {
    let sender_country = 'Spain';
    let recipient_country = 'Russia';

    let mut package = PackageTrait::new(sender_country, recipient_country, 1200);

    assert(package.is_international() == true, 'Not international');

fn create_local_package() {
    let sender_country = 'Canada';
    let recipient_country = sender_country;

    let mut package = PackageTrait::new(sender_country, recipient_country, 1200);

    assert(package.is_international() == false, 'International');

fn calculate_transport_fees() {
    let sender_country = 'Spain';
    let recipient_country = 'Spain';

    let cents_per_gram = 3;

    let mut package = PackageTrait::new(sender_country, recipient_country, 1500);

    assert(package.get_fees(cents_per_gram) == 4500, 'Wrong fees');


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