2024-08-25 zk-insights Weekly




Greyhound: Fast Polynomial Commitments from Lattices

A new super fast and compact polynomial commitments from standard lattice assumptions! Greyhound combines the techniques that me and Khanh explored in FMN23 and SLAP with the LaBRADOR proof systems, constructing a super exciting and concretely efficient post quantum PCS, with a blazing fast vectorized AVX-512 implementation included. Just to give some numbers, for degree 2^30 proofs are 53KB and only take 3 minutes to compute!

StarkWare Scholar Summit


Implementation of the Labrador proof system

This repository contains our implementation of the Labrador proof system together with implementations of the Chihuahua, Dachshund and Greyhound front ends.

  • <https://github.com/lattice-dogs/labrador>

    Bitcoin Header Validation using Nova

    This repo contains circuits for validating Bitcoin headers using Nova. At each step, it allows validating multiple headers.

  • <https://github.com/avras/btc-nova-lc>

    How we implemented the BN254 Ate pairing in lambdaworks

    This post is a companion for implementation, explaining the mathematical theory and algorithms needed to understand the BN254 Ate pairing.

  • <https://blog.lambdaclass.com/how-we-implemented-the-bn254-ate-pairing-in-lambdaworks>

    ZK Podcast Episode 335: Groth16, IVC and Formal Verification with Nexus

    In this week’s episode, Anna chats with Jens Groth and Daniel Marin from Nexus. They catch up on all things Groth16 with the author himself before diving into a variety topics, such as formal verification in the context of ZKPs, the Nexus architecture, the benefits and challenges of building a system from the ground up, folding and IVC plus the properties these offer in a zkVM context and much more.

  • <https://zeroknowledge.fm/335-2/>



  • <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZ5qWfvEMYA>

    Noname Code Playground

  • <https://noname-playground.xyz/>


【论文速递】Crypto 2024 (多项式承诺、SNARKs、零知识证明、数据可用性采样、后量子聚合签名)

Identity-Based Encryption from Lattices with More Compactness in the Standard Model


Cryptography 101 : Kyber and Dilithium

Video lectures for Alfred Menezes's introductory course on Kyber-KEM and the Dilithium signature scheme. These lattice-based cryptographic scheme were standardized by NIST on August 13, 2024.

Cryptography 101: Error-Correcting Codes

This course is an introduction to algebraic methods for devising error-correcting codes. These codes are used, for example, in satellite broadcasts, CD/DVD/Blu-ray players, memory chips, two-dimensional bar codes (including QR codes), and digital video broadcasting. The mathematical ingredients for the course are linear algebra, elementary number theory (integers modulo n and congruences), and abstract algebra (groups, rings, ideals, and finite fields).

Plonk notes (wave 1) by ret2basic.eth

不同的 Interpolation 算法介绍

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Antalpha Labs