2024-09-08 zk-insights Weekly



quantum punks

我们的主要论点是,量子密码学这一规模虽小但正在不断发展的领域可以: 1) 带来我们无法用经典密码学构建的新密码协议 2) 对更广泛的量子产业起到加速作用 更重要的是,我们之外的一小部分人相信,量子技术还有更多我们尚未发现的朋克应用。我们撰写这篇短文的目的,就是要让人们认识到量子技术的可能性,并聚集志同道合者共创未来。 Our main thesis is that a small yet growing field called Quantum Cryptography can: 1) lead to new cryptographic protocols that we could not build with classical cryptography 2) be accelerationist for the broader quantum industry

Even more so, a small movement of people beyond us, believe that there could be more cypherpunk applications of quantum technology that we have yet to discover. We wrote this short doc to create awareness of what is possible and to gather like-minded people to build this future.

Glue and coprocessor architectur

Vitalik 关于中央「粘合」组件和协处理器架构介绍的博客。其主要观点是,现代计算越来越多地遵循粘合和协处理器架构:中央「粘合」组件具有高通用性但效率低,负责在一个或多个协处理器组件之间传送数据;协处理器组件具有低通用性但效率高。

Preserving Reality: The Crucial Role of Attestation in Anti-FakeAI.

TL;DR:加密技术成为应对这一威胁的主要防御手段,而验证则是确保内容真实性和验证人工参与的重要机制。本文深入探讨了验证,包括其定义、挑战和建议的解决方案。 TL;DR:Cryptography emerges as the primary defense against this threat, with attestation serving as a crucial mechanism to ensure content authenticity and validate human involvement. This article provides an in-depth exploration of attestation, including its definitions, challenges, and proposed solutions.

Crypto’s AirTag Moment: Unlocking Mass Adoption with Web Proofs

How zkTLS will revolutionize airdrops, incentives, and marketplaces


shinigami is a Bitcoin Script library for generic Script VM execution in Cairo, enabling the generation of STARK proofs for Bitcoin Script computation and Bitcoin transaction execution.


Fully open source, End to End Encrypted alternative to Google Photos and Apple Photos

Notes on Extractable Witness Encryption for KZG Commitments and Efficient Laconic OT

‘Groups’ Underpin Modern Math. Here’s How They Work.

Quanta Magazine 关于群的发展历史的介绍。整数与三角形的对称性有什么共同点?19 世纪,数学家们发明了群来回答这个问题。 What do the integers have in common with the symmetries of a triangle? In the 19th century, mathematicians invented groups as an answer to this question.


Opening "packed" univariate polynomials over binary fields.

Mersenne 31 Polynomial Arithmetic

一个全面而简明的关于如何在 M31 域有效地实现域和多项式运算,特别是在 Circle STARK [UH24] 的背景下的介绍教程。通过探讨与这种域选择相关的优势和挑战,本说明旨在为从业人员提供有效优化其密码系统所需的知识。


Tightly Secure Non-Interactive BLS Multi-Signatures


Yet another circle STARK tutorial

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