
  • 杨尉
  • 发布于 2019-03-04 16:35
  • 阅读 9679

我是先河系统CTO杨尉,欢迎大加关注的的Github: waynewyang,本文是filecoin技术架构分析系列文章第五章filecoin源码分析之协议层心跳协议。

我是先河系统CTO杨尉,欢迎大加关注的的Github: waynewyang,本文是filecoin技术架构分析系列文章第五章filecoin源码分析之协议层心跳协议。


  • version
    • master分支 619b0eb1(2019年3月2日)
  • package
    • metrics
  • location
    • metrics/heartbeat.go
    • node/node.go



  • 定义心跳协议名称以及连接超时时间
// HeartbeatProtocol is the libp2p protocol used for the heartbeat service
const (
    HeartbeatProtocol = "fil/heartbeat/1.0.0"
    // Minutes to wait before logging connection failure at ERROR level
    connectionFailureErrorLogPeriodMinutes = 10 * time.Minute
  • 定义心跳信息结构
    • 节点的区块头
    • 节点的区块高度
    • 节点的昵称
    • 是否在区块同步中(TODO)
    • 矿工地址(如果没有挖矿,这里为零地址)
// Heartbeat contains the information required to determine the current state of a node.
// Heartbeats are used for aggregating information about nodes in a log aggregator
// to support alerting and devnet visualization.
type Heartbeat struct {
    // Head represents the heaviest tipset the nodes is mining on
    Head string
    // Height represents the current height of the Tipset
    Height uint64
    // Nickname is the nickname given to the filecoin node by the user
    Nickname string
    // TODO: add when implemented
    // Syncing is `true` iff the node is currently syncing its chain with the network.
    // Syncing bool

    // Address of this node's active miner. Can be empty - will return the zero address
    MinerAddress address.Address
  • 心跳服务结构体
    • 主机结构体:对应libp2p主机
    • 心跳配置
    • 区块头获取
    • 挖矿地址获取
    • stream锁
    • stream
// HeartbeatService is responsible for sending heartbeats.
type HeartbeatService struct {
    Host   host.Host
    Config *config.HeartbeatConfig

    // A function that returns the heaviest tipset
    HeadGetter func() types.TipSet

    // A function that returns the miner's address
    MinerAddressGetter func() address.Address

    streamMu sync.Mutex
    stream   net.Stream
  • 定义心跳服务Option函数
    • 函数入参为心跳服务结构体,主要用于对心跳服务结构体传参或者解析
      // HeartbeatServiceOption is the type of the heartbeat service's functional options.
      type HeartbeatServiceOption func(service *HeartbeatService)


  • 获取心跳服务的stream实例
// Stream returns the HeartbeatService stream. Safe for concurrent access.
// Stream is a libp2p connection that heartbeat messages are sent over to an aggregator.
func (hbs *HeartbeatService) Stream() net.Stream {
    defer hbs.streamMu.Unlock()
  • 设置心跳服务的stream实例
// SetStream sets the stream on the HeartbeatService. Safe for concurrent access.
func (hbs *HeartbeatService) SetStream(s net.Stream) {
    defer hbs.streamMu.Unlock() = s
  • 定时确认连接性,并调用运行心跳服务
// Start starts the heartbeat service by, starting the connection loop. The connection
// loop will attempt to connected to the aggregator service, once a successful
// connection is made with the aggregator service hearbeats will be sent to it.
// If the connection is broken the heartbeat service will attempt to reconnect via
// the connection loop. Start will not return until context `ctx` is 'Done'.
func (hbs *HeartbeatService) Start(ctx context.Context) {
    log.Debug("starting heartbeat service")

    rd, err := time.ParseDuration(hbs.Config.ReconnectPeriod)
    if err != nil {
        log.Errorf("invalid heartbeat reconnectPeriod: %s", err)

    reconTicker := time.NewTicker(rd)
    defer reconTicker.Stop()
    // Timestamp of the first connection failure since the last successful connection.
    // Zero initially and while connected.
    var failedAt time.Time
    // Timestamp of the last ERROR log (or of failure, before the first ERROR log).
    var erroredAt time.Time
    for {
        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
        case <-reconTicker.C:
            if err := hbs.Connect(ctx); err != nil {
                // Logs once as a warning immediately on failure, then as error every 10 minutes.
                now := time.Now()
                logfn := log.Debugf
                if failedAt.IsZero() { // First failure since connection
                    failedAt = now
                    erroredAt = failedAt // Start the timer on raising to ERROR level
                    logfn = log.Warningf
                } else if now.Sub(erroredAt) > connectionFailureErrorLogPeriodMinutes {
                    logfn = log.Errorf
                    erroredAt = now // Reset the timer
                failureDuration := now.Sub(failedAt)
                logfn("Heartbeat service failed to connect for %s: %s", failureDuration, err)
                // failed to connect, continue reconnect loop
            failedAt = time.Time{}

            // we connected, send heartbeats!
            // Run will block until it fails to send a heartbeat.
            if err := hbs.Run(ctx); err != nil {
                log.Warning("disconnecting from aggregator, failed to send heartbeat")
  • 运行心跳服务
// Run is called once the heartbeat service connects to the aggregator. Run
// send the actual heartbeat. Run will block until `ctx` is 'Done`. An error will
// be returned if Run encounters an error when sending the heartbeat and the connection
// to the aggregator will be closed.
func (hbs *HeartbeatService) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
    bd, err := time.ParseDuration(hbs.Config.BeatPeriod)
    if err != nil {
        log.Errorf("invalid heartbeat beatPeriod: %s", err)
        return err

    beatTicker := time.NewTicker(bd)
    defer beatTicker.Stop()

    // TODO use cbor instead of json
    encoder := json.NewEncoder(
    for {
        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return nil
        case <-beatTicker.C:
            hb := hbs.Beat()
            if err := encoder.Encode(hb); err != nil {
       // nolint: errcheck
                return err
  • 获取心跳参数
// Beat will create a heartbeat.
func (hbs *HeartbeatService) Beat() Heartbeat {
    nick := hbs.Config.Nickname
    ts := hbs.HeadGetter()
    tipset := ts.ToSortedCidSet().String()
    height, err := ts.Height()
    if err != nil {
        log.Warningf("heartbeat service failed to get chain height: %s", err)
    addr := hbs.MinerAddressGetter()
    return Heartbeat{
        Head:         tipset,
        Height:       height,
        Nickname:     nick,
        MinerAddress: addr,
  • 心跳流连接

    // Connect will connects to `hbs.Config.BeatTarget` or returns an error
    func (hbs *HeartbeatService) Connect(ctx context.Context) error {
    log.Debugf("Heartbeat service attempting to connect, targetAddress: %s", hbs.Config.BeatTarget)
    targetMaddr, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(hbs.Config.BeatTarget)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    pid, err := targetMaddr.ValueForProtocol(ma.P_P2P)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    peerid, err := peer.IDB58Decode(pid)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    // Decapsulate the /p2p/<peerID> part from the target
    // /ip4/<a.b.c.d>/p2p/<peer> becomes /ip4/<a.b.c.d>
    targetPeerAddr, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr(
        fmt.Sprintf("/p2p/%s", peer.IDB58Encode(peerid)))
    targetAddr := targetMaddr.Decapsulate(targetPeerAddr)
    hbs.Host.Peerstore().AddAddr(peerid, targetAddr, pstore.PermanentAddrTTL)
    // 建立心跳服务流
    s, err := hbs.Host.NewStream(ctx, peerid, HeartbeatProtocol)
    if err != nil {
        log.Debugf("failed to open stream, peerID: %s, targetAddr: %s %s", peerid, targetAddr, err)
        return err
    log.Infof("successfully to open stream, peerID: %s, targetAddr: %s", peerid, targetAddr)
    return nil


  • 向心跳服务结构体传参,用于设置获取矿工地址函数
// WithMinerAddressGetter returns an option that can be used to set the miner address getter.
func WithMinerAddressGetter(ag func() address.Address) HeartbeatServiceOption {
    return func(service *HeartbeatService) {
        service.MinerAddressGetter = ag
  • 获取默认的矿工地址
func defaultMinerAddressGetter() address.Address {
    return address.Address{}
  • 实例化心跳服务,具体的实例化在node包中实现。
// NewHeartbeatService returns a HeartbeatService
func NewHeartbeatService(h host.Host, hbc *config.HeartbeatConfig, hg func() types.TipSet, options ...HeartbeatServiceOption) *HeartbeatService {
    srv := &HeartbeatService{
        Host:               h,
        Config:             hbc,
        HeadGetter:         hg,
        MinerAddressGetter: defaultMinerAddressGetter,

    // 设置心跳服务的获取矿工属性,这会覆盖到上面设置的默认矿工地址
    for _, option := range options {

    return srv


  • 主要由node调用,location:node/node.go,主要逻辑如下

  • 在node的启动方法中,调用node.setupHeartbeatServices方法,建立心跳服务

// Start boots up the node.
func (node *Node) Start(ctx context.Context) error {

    if err := node.setupHeartbeatServices(ctx); err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to start heartbeat services")

    return nil
  • 建立心跳服务,具体见如下注释
func (node *Node) setupHeartbeatServices(ctx context.Context) error {
    // 设置“矿工地址获取函数”
    mag := func() address.Address {
        addr, err := node.miningAddress()
        // the only error miningAddress() returns is ErrNoMinerAddress.
        // if there is no configured miner address, simply send a zero
        // address across the wire.
        if err != nil {
            return address.Address{}
        return addr

    // 存在心跳目标的时候,实例化心跳服务实例
    // start the primary heartbeat service
    if len(node.Repo.Config().Heartbeat.BeatTarget) > 0 {
        hbs := metrics.NewHeartbeatService(node.Host(), node.Repo.Config().Heartbeat, node.ChainReader.Head, metrics.WithMinerAddressGetter(mag))
        go hbs.Start(ctx)

    // 确认是否用户有通过环境变量配置额外的心跳告警服务(自定义指向其他节点),根据用户配置的数目,拉起对应的多线程心跳服务。
    // check if we want to connect to an alert service. An alerting service is a heartbeat
    // service that can trigger alerts based on the contents of heatbeats.
    if alertTarget := os.Getenv("FIL_HEARTBEAT_ALERTS"); len(alertTarget) > 0 {
        ahbs := metrics.NewHeartbeatService(node.Host(), &config.HeartbeatConfig{
            BeatTarget:      alertTarget,
            BeatPeriod:      "10s",
            ReconnectPeriod: "10s",
            Nickname:        node.Repo.Config().Heartbeat.Nickname,
        }, node.ChainReader.Head, metrics.WithMinerAddressGetter(mag))
        go ahbs.Start(ctx)
    return nil

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先河系统 CTO