Mina Auro 钱包 API 介绍.
注意: ts 中需要使用
(window as Any).mina
安装 Auro wallet 插件后, 会存在 window.mina
if (typeof window.mina !== 'undefined') {
console.log('Auro Wallet is installed!');
没有找到相关 auro wallet api. 可以使用 o1js
* @return The balance associated to the given public key.
function getBalance(publicKey: PublicKey, tokenId?: Field) {
return activeInstance.getAccount(publicKey, tokenId).balance;
在浏览器 console 里输入 console.log(await window.mina.requestAccounts());
import {ProviderError} from '@aurowallet/mina-provider';
const account:string[]|ProviderError = await window.mina.requestAccounts()
.catch((err: any) => err);
上述代码会弹出一个窗口确认. 若不想要弹出窗口, 运行下面代码:
let account = await window.mina?.getAccounts();
window.mina?.on("accountsChanged", (accounts: string[]) => {
目前支持的 networkID
import {ChainInfoArgs} from '@aurowallet/mina-provider';
const network: ChainInfoArgs = await window.mina?.requestNetwork() .catch((err: any) => err); console.log(network.networkID)
### 切换网络
在浏览器 console 里输入 `console.log(await window.mina.switchChain({networkID: 'mina:devnet'.trim()}));` 或者运行下面代码:
import {ChainInfoArgs, ProviderError} from '@aurowallet/mina-provider';
const switchResult : ChainInfoArgs|ProviderError = await window.mina
networkID: networkID.trim(),
}).catch((err: any) => err);
传递其他的 networkID
会返回 {code: 20004, message: 'Not support chain.'}
自定义的网络, 需要配置 graphQLURL
import {ChainInfoArgs, ProviderError} from '@aurowallet/mina-provider';
const addInfo = {
url: encodeURIComponent("graphQLURL"),
name: "networkName",
const addResult: ChainInfoArgs|ProviderError = await window.mina?.addChain(addInfo)
.catch((err: any) => err);
此方法用于监听网络的变化. 当 Auro 钱包的链发生变化时, 事件将被触发.
window.mina?.on("chainChanged",(chainInfo: ChainInfoArgs) => {
import {SendTransactionResult, ProviderError} from '@aurowallet/mina-provider';
let data: SendTransactionResult|ProviderError = await window.mina
amount: amount,
to: receiveAddress,
fee: fee, // option
memo: memo, // option
.catch((err: any) => err);
import {SendTransactionResult, ProviderError} from '@aurowallet/mina-provider';
let data: SendTransactionResult|ProviderError = await window.mina
to: vaildatorAddress,
fee: fee, // option
memo: memo, // option
}).catch((err: any) => err);
import {SendTransactionResult, ProviderError, SendTransactionArgs} from '@aurowallet/mina-provider';
const updateResult: SendZkTransactionResult| ProviderError= await window.mina?
onlySign: onlySign, // only sign zkCommond, not broadcast.
transaction: transactionJSON, // this is zk commond, create by zkApp.
feePayer: { // option.
fee: fee,
memo: memo
import {ProviderError, SignedData, SignMessageArgs} from '@aurowallet/mina-provider';
const content = `Click "Sign" to sign in. No password needed!
This request will not trigger a blockchain transaction or cost any gas fees.
I accept the Auro Test zkApp Terms of Service: ${window.location.href}
address: ${currentAccount}
iat: ${new Date().getTime()}`;
const signContent: SignMessageArgs = {
const signResult: SignedData|ProviderError = await window.mina?
.catch((err: any) => err);
import {ProviderError, SignedData} from '@aurowallet/mina-provider';
type JsonMessageData = {
type SignJsonMessageArgs = {
readonly message: Array<JsonMessageData>
const msgParams = [
{ label: "Label:", value: "Sign Confirm" },
label: "Message:",
value: "Click to sign in and accept the Terms of Service",
label: "URI:",
value: window.location.href,
label: "networkID:",
value: network.networkID,
label: "Chain Name:",
value: network.name,
label: "Issued At:",
value: new Date().getTime(),
label: "Resources:",
value: "https://docs.aurowallet.com/",
const signResult: SignedData|ProviderError = await window.mina
message: msgParams
.catch((err: any) => err);
import {ProviderError} from '@aurowallet/mina-provider';
let verifyResult: boolean|ProviderError = await window.mina
.catch((err: any) => err);
console.log(verifyResult); // If the result is successful, it will return true.
因为服务器端没有 auro 插件, 当然也没有 window.mina
对象, 所以要用其他方式验签.
我们可以使用 mina-signer
库来进行验签, 代码如下:
// type Network = 'mainnet' | 'testnet'
var Client = require("mina-signer");
var signerClient = new Client({ network: "mainnet" });
const publicKey = 'B62qj6z7oseWTr37SQTn53mF8ebHn45cmSfRC58Sy52wG6KcaPZNWjw'
const verifyMessage = `Click "Sign" to sign in. No password needed!
This request will not trigger a blockchain transaction or cost any gas fees.
I accept the Auro Test zkApp Terms of Service: https://test-zkapp.aurowallet.com
address: B62qj6z7oseWTr37SQTn53mF8ebHn45cmSfRC58Sy52wG6KcaPZNWjw
iat: 1701069403643`;
const signature = {
field: '25087624681052481871246375076085075176624243458008290192358519021588472251513',
scalar: '17285357755862735391605884635523872951699156489623612197745807470058903167470'
const verifyBody = {
data: verifyMessage, // Signature content that needs to be verified.
publicKey: publicKey, // Public key that needs to be verified.
signature: signature, // Signature results that need to be verified.
// When verifyResult is true, the verification is successful.
const verifyResult = signerClient.verifyMessage(verifyBody);
不知道触发了什么, auro wallet api 发送的交易在 devnet 确认后交易记录在 auro wallet 里全部消失了.
minascan 上有完整交易记录: