[Reach教程翻译] 2.10 石头剪刀布的总结!

  • Ivan
  • 发布于 2021-12-10 20:40
  • 阅读 3545

石头剪刀布的教程至此完整啦! 这篇文章提供了完整地总结与更多学习资料的整理。欢迎留言感兴趣的话题,点播后续的文章内容!

[Reach教程翻译] Reach是安全简单的Dapp开发语言 让用户可以像开发传统App一样开发DApp 目前使用Reach开发的智能合约可以部署在以太坊、Conflux、Algorand Reach官网 Reach官方文挡

2.10 石头剪刀布的总结!



2.1 安装与初始化 中,我们展示了在不同系统下如何通过令命行安装 Reach,这个过程对多数开发者而言都非常容易。

2.2 创建DApp脚手架 中,我们展示了一个简单的 Reach 框架,可以发现不管要部署在哪个共识网络,这个框架都不用改动。

2.3 石头剪刀布 中,我们可以发现使用 Reach 的开发只要关注DApp的业务逻辑就好了,不用在乎与不同区块链交互和协议设计的麻烦而琐碎的问题。

2.4 打赌与下注 中,我们展示了使用 Reach 处理代币与交易就像简单的发送数据一样。

2.5 信任与约定 中,我们介绍了Reach自动验证引擎,他能替我们的程序发现并避免很大一部份的安全性漏洞。

2.6 超时与不参与 中,我们介绍了该如何使用 Reach 应对参与者迟迟不响应的行为,从而防止资金锁定在合约中。

2.7 平手则继续猜拳直至分出胜负**中,我们展示了如何通过While循环让程序可以不断的交互。

2.8 玩家交互、自主运行游戏 中,我们展示了除了使用 Reach 的测试环境外,我们如何将可交互的 Reach 程序部署到真实共识网络上。

2.9 通过React实现游戏网页交互 中,我们展示了如何将 Reach 程序部署成一个完整的 DApp!

即使已经做了这么多工作,这仅仅只是关于 Reach 功能的一个简单介绍。

上述 9 个小节完成的最终版本其实很简单,让我们看看程序的最终版本。

首先,让我们看看 Reach 程序:


'reach 0.1';

const [ isHand, ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS ] = makeEnum(3);
const [ isOutcome, B_WINS, DRAW, A_WINS ] = makeEnum(3);

const winner = (handAlice, handBob) =>
  ((handAlice + (4 - handBob)) % 3);

assert(winner(ROCK, PAPER) == B_WINS);
assert(winner(PAPER, ROCK) == A_WINS);
assert(winner(ROCK, ROCK) == DRAW);

forall(UInt, handAlice =>
  forall(UInt, handBob =>
    assert(isOutcome(winner(handAlice, handBob)))));

forall(UInt, (hand) =>
  assert(winner(hand, hand) == DRAW));

const Player = {
  getHand: Fun([], UInt),
  seeOutcome: Fun([UInt], Null),
  informTimeout: Fun([], Null),

export const main = Reach.App(() => {
  const Alice = Participant('Alice', {
    wager: UInt, // atomic units of currency
    deadline: UInt, // time delta (blocks/rounds)
  const Bob   = Participant('Bob', {
    acceptWager: Fun([UInt], Null),

  const informTimeout = () => {
    each([Alice, Bob], () => {

  Alice.only(() => {
    const wager = declassify(interact.wager);
    const deadline = declassify(interact.deadline);
  Alice.publish(wager, deadline)

  Bob.only(() => {
    .timeout(relativeTime(deadline), () => closeTo(Alice, informTimeout));

  var outcome = DRAW;
  invariant( balance() == 2 * wager && isOutcome(outcome) );
  while ( outcome == DRAW ) {

    Alice.only(() => {
      const _handAlice = interact.getHand();
      const [_commitAlice, _saltAlice] = makeCommitment(interact, _handAlice);
      const commitAlice = declassify(_commitAlice);
      .timeout(relativeTime(deadline), () => closeTo(Bob, informTimeout));

    unknowable(Bob, Alice(_handAlice, _saltAlice));
    Bob.only(() => {
      const handBob = declassify(interact.getHand());
      .timeout(relativeTime(deadline), () => closeTo(Alice, informTimeout));

    Alice.only(() => {
      const saltAlice = declassify(_saltAlice);
      const handAlice = declassify(_handAlice);
    Alice.publish(saltAlice, handAlice)
      .timeout(relativeTime(deadline), () => closeTo(Bob, informTimeout));
    checkCommitment(commitAlice, saltAlice, handAlice);

    outcome = winner(handAlice, handBob);

  assert(outcome == A_WINS || outcome == B_WINS);
  transfer(2 * wager).to(outcome == A_WINS ? Alice : Bob);

  each([Alice, Bob], () => {

还有以 Javascript 编写的命令行版本的前端


import { loadStdlib } from '@reach-sh/stdlib';
import * as backend from './build/index.main.mjs';
import { ask, yesno, done } from '@reach-sh/stdlib/ask.mjs';
const stdlib = loadStdlib(process.env);

(async () => {
  const isAlice = await ask(
    `Are you Alice?`,
  const who = isAlice ? 'Alice' : 'Bob';

  console.log(`Starting Rock, Paper, Scissors! as ${who}`);

  let acc = null;
  const createAcc = await ask(
    `Would you like to create an account? (only possible on devnet)`,
  if (createAcc) {
    acc = await stdlib.newTestAccount(stdlib.parseCurrency(1000));
  } else {
    const secret = await ask(
      `What is your account secret?`,
      (x => x)
    acc = await stdlib.newAccountFromSecret(secret);

  let ctc = null;
  if (isAlice) {
    ctc = acc.contract(backend);
    ctc.getInfo().then((info) => {
      console.log(`The contract is deployed as = ${JSON.stringify(info)}`); });
  } else {
    const info = await ask(
      `Please paste the contract information:`,
    ctc = acc.contract(backend, info);

  const fmt = (x) => stdlib.formatCurrency(x, 4);
  const getBalance = async () => fmt(await stdlib.balanceOf(acc));

  const before = await getBalance();
  console.log(`Your balance is ${before}`);

  const interact = { ...stdlib.hasRandom };

  interact.informTimeout = () => {
    console.log(`There was a timeout.`);

  if (isAlice) {
    const amt = await ask(
      `How much do you want to wager?`,
    interact.wager = amt;
    interact.deadline = { ETH: 100, ALGO: 100, CFX: 1000 }[stdlib.connector];
  } else {
    interact.acceptWager = async (amt) => {
      const accepted = await ask(
        `Do you accept the wager of ${fmt(amt)}?`,
      if (!accepted) {

  const HAND = ['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors'];
  const HANDS = {
    'Rock': 0, 'R': 0, 'r': 0,
    'Paper': 1, 'P': 1, 'p': 1,
    'Scissors': 2, 'S': 2, 's': 2,

  interact.getHand = async () => {
    const hand = await ask(`What hand will you play?`, (x) => {
      const hand = HANDS[x];
      if ( hand == null ) {
        throw Error(`Not a valid hand ${hand}`);
      return hand;
    console.log(`You played ${HAND[hand]}`);
    return hand;

  const OUTCOME = ['Bob wins', 'Draw', 'Alice wins'];
  interact.seeOutcome = async (outcome) => {
    console.log(`The outcome is: ${OUTCOME[outcome]}`);

  const part = isAlice ? ctc.p.Alice : ctc.p.Bob;
  await part(interact);

  const after = await getBalance();
  console.log(`Your balance is now ${after}`);


最后是 Web 前端:


import React from 'react';
import AppViews from './views/AppViews';
import DeployerViews from './views/DeployerViews';
import AttacherViews from './views/AttacherViews';
import {renderDOM, renderView} from './views/render';
import './index.css';
import * as backend from './build/index.main.mjs';
import {loadStdlib} from '@reach-sh/stdlib';
const reach = loadStdlib(process.env);

const handToInt = {'ROCK': 0, 'PAPER': 1, 'SCISSORS': 2};
const intToOutcome = ['Bob wins!', 'Draw!', 'Alice wins!'];
const {standardUnit} = reach;
const defaults = {defaultFundAmt: '10', defaultWager: '3', standardUnit};

class App extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {view: 'ConnectAccount', ...defaults};
  async componentDidMount() {
    const acc = await reach.getDefaultAccount();
    const balAtomic = await reach.balanceOf(acc);
    const bal = reach.formatCurrency(balAtomic, 4);
    this.setState({acc, bal});
    if (await reach.canFundFromFaucet()) {
      this.setState({view: 'FundAccount'});
    } else {
      this.setState({view: 'DeployerOrAttacher'});
  async fundAccount(fundAmount) {
    await reach.fundFromFaucet(this.state.acc, reach.parseCurrency(fundAmount));
    this.setState({view: 'DeployerOrAttacher'});
  async skipFundAccount() { this.setState({view: 'DeployerOrAttacher'}); }
  selectAttacher() { this.setState({view: 'Wrapper', ContentView: Attacher}); }
  selectDeployer() { this.setState({view: 'Wrapper', ContentView: Deployer}); }
  render() { return renderView(this, AppViews); }

class Player extends React.Component {
  random() { return reach.hasRandom.random(); }
  async getHand() { // Fun([], UInt)
    const hand = await new Promise(resolveHandP => {
      this.setState({view: 'GetHand', playable: true, resolveHandP});
    this.setState({view: 'WaitingForResults', hand});
    return handToInt[hand];
  seeOutcome(i) { this.setState({view: 'Done', outcome: intToOutcome[i]}); }
  informTimeout() { this.setState({view: 'Timeout'}); }
  playHand(hand) { this.state.resolveHandP(hand); }

class Deployer extends Player {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {view: 'SetWager'};
  setWager(wager) { this.setState({view: 'Deploy', wager}); }
  async deploy() {
    const ctc = this.props.acc.deploy(backend);
    this.setState({view: 'Deploying', ctc});
    this.wager = reach.parseCurrency(this.state.wager); // UInt
    this.deadline = {ETH: 10, ALGO: 100, CFX: 1000}[reach.connector]; // UInt
    backend.Alice(ctc, this);
    const ctcInfoStr = JSON.stringify(await ctc.getInfo(), null, 2);
    this.setState({view: 'WaitingForAttacher', ctcInfoStr});
  render() { return renderView(this, DeployerViews); }
class Attacher extends Player {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {view: 'Attach'};
  attach(ctcInfoStr) {
    const ctc = this.props.acc.attach(backend, JSON.parse(ctcInfoStr));
    this.setState({view: 'Attaching'});
    backend.Bob(ctc, this);
  async acceptWager(wagerAtomic) { // Fun([UInt], Null)
    const wager = reach.formatCurrency(wagerAtomic, 4);
    return await new Promise(resolveAcceptedP => {
      this.setState({view: 'AcceptTerms', wager, resolveAcceptedP});
  termsAccepted() {
    this.setState({view: 'WaitingForTurn'});
  render() { return renderView(this, AttacherViews); }

renderDOM(<App />);

我们总共写了约 100 行的 Reach 代码,并且有两个不同的前端,分别是命令行版本和网页版本的,他们各自也都大约只有 100 行。

在这背后,Reach 生成了几百行的 Solidity 代码(可以查看文件:rps-8-interact/build/index.main.sol),近 2000 行的 TEAL 代码(可以查看文件:rps-8-interact/build/index.main.appApproval.teal),以及超过 1000 行的 JavaScript 代码(可以查看文件:rps-8-interact/build/index.main.mjs)。如果我们不是使用 Reach,那么我们就必须自己编写这几千行代码,并确保它们在每次改动时彼此同步、相容,那将是一个很复杂的任务!

现在我们已经从头到尾的带着你写出一个完整的 Reach 应用程序了,该是你开发自己的应用程序的时候啦!

无论如何,我们非常希望你能加入我们的 Discord 社区。一旦你加入 Discord 社区,发信息@team, I just completed the tutorial! 我们就会赋予你tutorial veteran的角色,这样你就可以帮助其他人学习本教程!


文挡内还有很多值得阅读的部份, 比如: 工作坊内有更多的应用案例,并且不断持续更新。 指南部份有关于各种不同主题与概念的详细讨论。 参考资料中则可以找到全部语法与概念仔细的说明。

我们也会持续与大家分享,也欢迎各位读者加入微信群与更多开发者一起讨论、学习。 有想要了解的主题也欢迎留言点播!!!

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