Plugins are the backbone of Hardhat, and they're built using the same config DSL that you use in your Hardhat configuration. Read the Building plugins guide to learn how to create your own, and send a pull request to get it listed here.
Extend Hardhat's functionality with the plugins below.
Injects ethers.js into the Hardhat Runtime Environment
Adds a Waffle-compatible provider to the Hardhat Runtime Environment and automatically initializes the Waffle Chai matchers
Integration with TruffleContract from Truffle 4
Integration with TruffleContract from Truffle 5
Injects Web3 1.x into the Hardhat Runtime Environment
Injects Web3 0.20.x into the Hardhat Runtime Environment
Automatically verify contracts on Etherscan
Hardhat plugin for managing Ganache
Automatically run the solpp preprocessor before each compilation
Easily run solhint to lint your Solidity code
Adds support to compile Vyper smart contracts
Hardhat plugin for Deployments
An hardhat plugin to pre-process contract source code before compilation
A hardhat-deploy plugin for Ethers.js v5
Hardhat plugin for deploying and managing upgradeable contracts.
Easily integrate your Hardhat project with Tenderly. Tenderly is an Ethereum monitoring, debugging and analytics platform.
Generate TypeChain type definitions for smart contracts.
Automatically prepend local Solidity source files with an SPDX License Identifier
Automatically export Solidity contract ABIs on compilation
Calculate compiled contract sizes
Remove Hardhat console.log imports and calls from Solidity source files
Compile Solidity sources directly from NPM dependencies
Generate a static documentation site from NatSpec comments
Automatically run Hardhat actions on file changes.
Code coverage for Solidity
Gas usage per unit test. Average gas usage per method. A mocha reporter.
Automatically deploy the ERC-1820 registry contract to Hardhat EVM chains.
Buidler plugin for Aragon App development
A Buidler plugin to generate a descriptor of your Solidity source code
Allow loading network configs for Hardhat projects in home file
smock is a utility package that can generate mock Solidity contracts written entirely in JavaScript.
Automatically compiles your Solidity contracts with the OVM compiler.
Integrates Hardhat and ethers.js with Optimism's L2 network.
A Hardhat plugin that generates a React hook component from your smart contracts. Hot reloaded into your React app. Deployed or not deployed. And everything typed and initialized.
See emitted events during your hardhat tests in the console