External Plugin

This is a third-party plugin. Please report issues in its Github Repository(opens new window)

# Hardhat Log Remover

Remove Hardhat console.log imports and calls from Solidity source code.

This plugin is intended in part to keep version-controlled code free of log statements. To remove logs from compiled contracts while preserving them in source code, see hardhat-preprocessor(opens new window) .

Versions of this plugin prior to 2.0.0 were released as buidler-log-remover.

# Installation

yarn add --dev hardhat-log-remover

# Usage

Load plugin in Hardhat config:


Run the Hardhat task manually:

yarn run hardhat remove-logs

Before removing logs, the plugin will ensure that all contracts can be compiled successfully.

# Testing

Run the unit tests with Mocha:

yarn run mocha