
  • Ashton
  • 发布于 2019-05-28 22:28
  • 阅读 3398


密码朋克运动的发起人之一Timothy C. May逝世于 2018 年 12 月 15 日逝世。 是密码朋克孵化出了比特币,继而有了大家可以津津乐道的区块链生态。多于大多数人,包括我,密码朋克一直是个神秘的存在,他们是群什么样的人,也许在这个 《密码朋克宣言》 中有所体会。


我们是电子智能,一群拥有自由思想的反抗者:密码朋克。 我们遨游在网络世界,无处不在,无所不知。 这是我们的宣言,密码朋克的宣言。 We are the ELECTRONIC MINDS, a group of free-minded rebels. Cyberpunks. We live in Cyberspace, we are everywhere, we know no boundaries. This is our manifest. The Cyberpunks' manifest.

0x01 密码朋克 Cyberpunk

1/ 我们是特立独行的代名词,是嬉戏在信息世界中的电子老鼠。 1/ We are those, the Different. Technological rats, swimming in the ocean of information.

2/ 我们是坐在教室最后一排,默默无闻的小孩。 2/ We are the retiring, little kid at school, sitting at the last desk, in the corner of the class room.

3/ 我们是大家公认的怪人。 3/ We are the teenager everybody considers strange

4/ 我们是黑进计算机程序,挖掘自己潜能的学生。 4/ We are the student hacking computer systems, exploring the depth of his reach.

5/ 我们是坐在公园长椅上的青少年,腿上放着笔记本电脑,用程序构筑着最新的虚拟现实世界。 5/ We are the grown-up in the park, sitting on a bench, laptop on his knees, programming the last virtual reality.

6/ 我们的车库里有数不清的电子器件,桌角的烙铁和附近被分解的无线电都是我们的杰作。我们的地下室放满了计算机与忙碌工作的打印机、调制解调器。 6/ Ours is the garage, stuffed with electronics. The soldering iron in the corner of the desk and the nearby disassembled radio- they are also ours. Ours is the cellar with computers, buzzing printers and beeping modems.

7/ 我们以不同的角度看待世界。我们的见解比普通人更有深度。他们只关注事物的表象,而我们更关心事物的本质。这就是我们——一群具有梦想家视野的现实主义者。 7/ We are those that see reality in a different way. Our point of view shows more than ordinary people can see. They see only what is outside, but we see what is inside. That's what we are - realists with the glasses of dreamers.

8/ 我们是奇怪的人,几乎不出现在街坊领居中。我们放任自己的思维沉溺在计算机的世界中,拼命汲取所需。我们不常出门,只是偶尔外出转转。但也仅仅徘徊于家附近的电器商店,或是酒吧,在那里会会朋友,见见客户,亦或去后街找瘾君子聊聊天。 8/ We are those strange people, almost unknown to the neighborhood. People, indulged in their own thoughts, sitting day after day before the computer, ransacking the net for something. We are not often out of home, just from time to time, only to go to the nearby radio shack, or to the usual bar to meet some of the few friends we have, or to meet a client, or to the backstreet druggist... or just for a little walk.

9/ 我们没有很多朋友,只有那些会一起去聚会的朋友。我们所认识的每一个人都在网络上。那些人使我们真正的朋友,在网线的另一端。我们相识于IRC频道、新闻组和系统中。 9/ We do not have many friends, only a few with whom we go to parties. Everybody else we know we know on the net. Our real friends are there, on the other side of the line. We know them from our favorite IRC channel, from the News-Groups, from the systems we hang-around:

10/ 我们根本不在乎别人怎么看我们,也不在乎自己长什么样,或者别人如何在背后谈论我们。 10/ We are those who don't give a shit about what people think about us, we don't care what we look like or what people talk about us in our absence.

11/ 我们中的大多数喜欢隐匿在暗处,不为人所知。除非是那些无法避免要联系的人。 11/ The majority of us likes to live in hiding, being unknown to everybody except those few we must inevitably contact with.

12/ 另一些喜欢抛头露面,热爱名利。他们的名字在地下世界耳熟能详。但是我们因一件事而团结在一起——密码朋克。 12/ Others love publicity, they love fame. They are all known in the underground world. Their names are often heard there. But we are all united by one thing - we are Cyberpunks.

13/ 社会不理解我们,对于那些远离信息和自由思想的普通人来说,我们是“怪胎”和“疯子”。社会否认我们的思考方式,而这个社会本身在生活、思考,甚至连呼吸都只遵循一种方式——陈词滥调。 13/ Society does not understand us, we are "weird" and "crazy" people in the eyes of the ordinary people who live far from information and free ideas. Society denies our way of thinking - a society, living, thinking and breathing in one and only one way - a clichc.

14/ 他们否定我们因为我们的思想更自由,自由的思考是被禁止的。 14/ They deny us for we think like free people, and free thinking is forbidden.

15/ 密码朋克有外在的表现形式,它是固定存在的。密码朋克是从与大众无异的普通人进化而来的电子艺术狂人、电子音乐家和学者间有着极大的影响力。 15/ The Cyberpunk has outer appearance, he is no motion. Cyberpunks are people, starting from the ordinary and known to nobody person, to the artist-technomaniac, to the musician, playing electronic music, to the superficial scholar. 16/ The Cyberpunk is no literature genre anymore, not even an ordinary subculture. The Cyberpunk is a stand-alone new culture, offspring of the new age. A culture that unites our common interests and views. We are a unit. We are Cyberpunks.


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