1、基础环境: centos7.5 docker 1.13.4 docker-compose 1.26.1 GOPATH 环境变量配置正确 2、问题: 在安装hyperledger fabric 2.0 时,遇到问题如下:
[centos@ip-172-31-37-61 fabric]$ make all
make: go: Command not found
make: go: Command not found
make: go: Command not found
make: go: Command not found
make: go: Command not found
make: go: Command not found
make: go: Command not found
make: go: Command not found
make: go: Command not found
make: go: Command not found
scripts/check_go_version.sh: line 8: go: command not found
ERROR: 1.13.4 is required to build Fabric and you are using . Please update go.
make: *** [check-go-version] Error 2