Lead Front-End Web3 Developer(全职远程,全英文工作环境,项目名称InvArch,波卡生态的项目)

  • 全职
  • 远程


  • / 开发
  • 3~5年 / 硕士

Overview & Expectations:

As the Lead Front-End Web3 Developer for InvArch, you will be tasked with working in coordination with the protocol development team & technology development team to realize a fluid, intuitive, & clean experience for users of the InvArch chain & the team’s flagship products. InvArch uses ZenHub (integrated directly with GitHub Actions) to manage the project’s CI/CD pipelines. InvArch is a layer-1 protocol seeking to become a parachain in the Polkadot ecosystem & features both WASM & Solidity smart contract functionality.

The back end is primarily written in Rust using the Substrate framework, and the front end is primarily written in Javascript using the React.js framework. Joining InvArch means working with teams from other major protocols & projects, collaborating with key Polkadot community figures, and joining one of the highest-respected builder programs in Web3. You should have solid experience working with APIs, building high-quality user dApp interfaces, connecting with mobile & browser crypto wallet extensions, & be ready to define your legacy by building the front-ends for some of the most revolutionary technology the world will ever know.

1、Requirement: English (full- English work environment) 2、Keypoints: Javascript;React.js;Typescript;Flutter;

项目介绍: InvArch提出了⼀个知识产权 (IP) 权利的去中⼼化和公开透明的解决⽅案,通过⼀个⽆信任的跨链认证协议和跨链标记语⾔ (XCML) 的概念化,该跨链标记语⾔提供了⼀个真正可组合的索引框架,⽤于定义和表⽰数据不确定的结构。 InvArch以⼏个关键的⽅式构建了这项技术,使⽤的是称为知识产权⽂件(也称为 IP ⽂件或 IPF)的新的增强型的 NFT。IP ⽂件属于NFT资产,⽤于证明数字⽂件的存在和真实性(相对于所有权)、保护资产的唯⼀性并简化其管理权限。IP ⽂件元数据包括唯⼀且⾃动分配的链上 ID、可互换的集 ID、可选分类标签、版权许可协议、链接的托管⽂件以及跨链⾝份验证 (XCA) 状态。 官网:https://invarch.network/

  • 发布于 2022-04-13 11:04
  • 阅读 ( 1232 )
