5 智能合约滑点问题

// fee array = each value relates to equivalent index in pairPath array, (feeArray[0] is the fee associated with pairPath[0]).
// Values are represented by multiplying the percentage fee by 100 - therefore pancakeSwapV2 fee of 0.25% becomes 25 - expressed as number //example: [pancakeSwap (0.2%), apeSwap (0.2%), pancakeSwapV2 (0.25%)] const feeArray = [20, 20, 25];


BUSD-USDT.png 第一个是我的合约,第二个是我实时完成的一笔交易的截图,麻烦各位大佬看看,我这个出了什么问题,为什么BUSD-USDT的价差会这么大,图片是实时截图,不存在价格变动问题。

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Tiny熊 - 布道者
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