
  • Alvan
  • 发布于 2022-07-05 11:29
  • 阅读 3632

随着其自身发展,智能合约已经远非一个基础的“合约”而已了。 现在我们用智能合约创造了一整个生态!但是无论我们编码如何小心,测试如何细致,如果我们的系统变得复杂起来,就免不了更新逻辑去打补丁修bug,抵御恶意攻击或者增加必要的特性。有时,我们甚至需要升级合约去应对EVM的改变或者新发现的漏洞。



​随着其自身发展,智能合约已经远非一个基础的“合约”而已了。 现在我们用智能合约创造了一整个生态!但是无论我们编码如何小心,测试如何细致,如果我们的系统变得复杂起来,就免不了更新逻辑去打补丁修bug,抵御恶意攻击或者增加必要的特性。有时,我们甚至需要升级合约去应对EVM的改变或者新发现的漏洞。


主从合约(Master-Slave contracts)

​主从合约是智能合约可升级化最基础和易懂的技术之一。这个方法就是在部署其他所有合约的同时,部署一个主合约( master contract )。主合约储存其他所有合约的地址,并在需要查询时返回他们。这些合约就是作为"从合约"(slave contract),他们需要和其他合约交互时都要去主合约那里查询最新的合约地址。我们只需要把新的从合约部署上去然后在主合约上修改地址记录,既可以完成合约升级了。 这自然不是开发可升级合约的最佳方法,但确是最简单的。这种方法有很多限制,比如老合约的数据和账户很难迁移到新合约。

永久存储合约(Eternal Storage contracts)

​这个技术就是我们人为把逻辑合约( logic contract )和数据合约( data contract)分开。 数据合约做成永久的,不可升级的。逻辑合约可能多次升级,而数据合约去响应它的变化。 这个相当基础的方案有一个明显缺陷, 就是在数据合约不可升级的情况下,一旦存储有个bug或被攻击会导致所有的数据都不可用了。这个技术的另一个问题就是逻辑合约想要获取或者操作数据需要额外的一层调用,也就是产生额外的gas费了。它通常和主从合约结合使用,以改善合约内部的通信。

可升级存储代理合约(Upgradable Storage Proxy Contracts)

​我们可以通过让永久存储合约( eternal storage contracts )给逻辑合约做代理,以避免额外支出gas。代理合约(proxy contract)和逻辑合约继承自同一个存储合约,导致他们的存储在EVM中对齐。 代理合约的回退函数会委托调用逻辑合约,使得逻辑合约可以在代理中修改存储区。代理合约是永久的。 这使得我们省下了额外的gas,就算要多次修改存储区,也只有一次委托调用。


  1. 代理合约(Proxy contract): 它作为永久的存储合约并委托调用逻辑合约
  2. 逻辑合约(Logic contract): 它会处理所有的数据
  3. 存储结构(Storage structure): 它包含存储的结构,并被前两者同时继承,所以它们的存储指针在区块链上同步。


委托调用(Delegate Call)

​这项技术依托于EVM的一个opcode: DELEGATECALLDELEGATECALL就像一个平常的CALL,不同点是DELEGATECALL 在目标地址调用时使用的是调用合约(就是调用DELEGATECALL 的合约)的上下文,同时保留原调用者的msg.sender和msg.value。因此使用DELEGATECALL的时候,代码是在目标合约执行,但是存储,地址和账户余额用的都是调用合约。换句话说DELEGATECALL 基本允许目标合约对调用者合约的存储区做任何事。



​让我们深挖一点细节。我们需要创建的第一个合约是存储结构合约。它声明了所有的存储变量,又同时被代理合约和执行/逻辑合约继承。 类似于这样

contract StorageStructure {
    address public implementation;
    address public owner;
    mapping (address => uint) internal points;
    uint internal totalPlayers;


contract ImplementationV1 is StorageStructure {
    modifier onlyOwner() {
        require (msg.sender == owner);

    function addPlayer(address _player, uint _points) public onlyOwner {  
    require (points[_player] == 0);  
    points[_player] = _points;  

    function setPoints(address _player, uint _points) public onlyOwner {
        require (points[_player] != 0);
        points[_player] = _points;}


contract Proxy is StorageStructure {

    modifier onlyOwner() {  
    require (msg.sender == owner);  

 * [@dev](http://twitter.com/dev "Twitter profile for @dev") constructor that sets the owner address  
    constructor() public {  
    owner = msg.sender;  

 * [@dev](http://twitter.com/dev "Twitter profile for @dev") Upgrades the implementation address  
 * [@param](http://twitter.com/param "Twitter profile for @param") \_newImplementation address of the new implementation  
    function upgradeTo(address _newImplementation) external onlyOwner {  
    require(implementation != _newImplementation);  

 * [@dev](http://twitter.com/dev "Twitter profile for @dev") Fallback function allowing to perform a delegatecall   
 * to the given implementation. This function will return   
 * whatever the implementation call returns  
function () payable public {  
    address impl = implementation;  
    require(impl != address(0));  
    assembly {  
        let ptr := mload(0x40)  
        calldatacopy(ptr, 0, calldatasize)  
        let result := delegatecall(gas, impl, ptr, calldatasize, 0, 0)  
        let size := returndatasize  
        returndatacopy(ptr, 0, size)  

        switch result  
        case 0 { revert(ptr, size) }  
        default { return(ptr, size) }  

 * [@dev](http://twitter.com/dev "Twitter profile for @dev") Sets the address of the current implementation  
 * [@param](http://twitter.com/param "Twitter profile for @param") \_newImp address of the new implementation  
    function _setImplementation(address _newImp) internal {  
    implementation = _newImp;  


​为了让合约生效,我们需要先部署ProxyImplementationV1然后调用Proxy合约的upgradeTo(address) ,同时我们不再理会ImplementationV1的地址,现在我们忘掉ImplementationV1的合约地址然后把Proxy作为我们的主合约。


contract ImplementationV2 is ImplementationV1 {
    function addPlayer(address _player, uint _points) public onlyOwner   {  
    require (points[_player] == 0);  
    points[_player] = _points;  





非结构化可升级存储代理合约(Unstructured Upgradable Storage Proxy Contracts)


​ 这种方法利用了状态变量在存储中的布局从而避免固定位置被逻辑合约覆盖。我们如果设置 0x7 为固定位置那么前七个存储槽被使用后它就会被覆盖。为了避免这种事,我们用keccak256(“org.govblocks.implemenation.address”)来设置固定位置。



  1. 代理合约: 它在一个固定地址存储执行合约的地址,并对其委托调用。
  2. 执行合约: 它作为主合约,保存所有的逻辑和数据结构。



contract UnstructuredProxy {

// Storage position of the address of the current implementation  
bytes32 private constant implementationPosition =   

// Storage position of the owner of the contract  
bytes32 private constant proxyOwnerPosition =   

* [@dev](http://twitter.com/dev "Twitter profile for @dev") Throws if called by any account other than the owner.  
modifier onlyProxyOwner() {  
    require (msg.sender == proxyOwner());  

* [@dev](http://twitter.com/dev "Twitter profile for @dev") the constructor sets owner  
constructor() public {  

 * [@dev](http://twitter.com/dev "Twitter profile for @dev") Allows the current owner to transfer ownership  
 * [@param](http://twitter.com/param "Twitter profile for @param") _newOwner The address to transfer ownership to  
function transferProxyOwnership(address _newOwner)   
    public onlyProxyOwner   
    require(_newOwner != address(0));  

 * [@dev](http://twitter.com/dev "Twitter profile for @dev") Allows the proxy owner to upgrade the implementation  
 * [@param](http://twitter.com/param "Twitter profile for @param") \_implementation address of the new implementation  
function upgradeTo(address _implementation)   
    public onlyProxyOwner  

 * [@dev](http://twitter.com/dev "Twitter profile for @dev") Tells the address of the current implementation  
 * [@return](http://twitter.com/return "Twitter profile for @return") address of the current implementation  
function implementation() public view returns (address impl) {  
    bytes32 position = implementationPosition;  
    assembly {  
        impl := sload(position)  

 * [@dev](http://twitter.com/dev "Twitter profile for @dev") Tells the address of the owner  
 * [@return](http://twitter.com/return "Twitter profile for @return") the address of the owner  
function proxyOwner() public view returns (address owner) {  
    bytes32 position = proxyOwnerPosition;  
    assembly {  
        owner := sload(position)  

 * [@dev](http://twitter.com/dev "Twitter profile for @dev") Sets the address of the current implementation  
 * [@param](http://twitter.com/param "Twitter profile for @param") \_newImplementation address of the new implementation  
function _setImplementation(address _newImplementation)   
    bytes32 position = implementationPosition;  
    assembly {  
        sstore(position, _newImplementation)  

 * [@dev](http://twitter.com/dev "Twitter profile for @dev") Upgrades the implementation address  
 * [@param](http://twitter.com/param "Twitter profile for @param") \_newImplementation address of the new implementation  
function _upgradeTo(address _newImplementation) internal {  
    address currentImplementation = implementation();  
    require(currentImplementation != _newImplementation);  

 * [@dev](http://twitter.com/dev "Twitter profile for @dev") Sets the address of the owner  
function _setUpgradeabilityOwner(address _newProxyOwner)   
    bytes32 position = proxyOwnerPosition;  
    assembly {  
        sstore(position, _newProxyOwner)  




  1. 部署代理合约和执行合约
  2. 调用代理合约的upgradeTo(address)同时不再理会执行合约的地址。




ImplementationV1 {
address public owner;
mapping (address => uint) internal points;

modifier onlyOwner() {  
    require (msg.sender == owner);  

function initOwner() external {  
    require (owner == address(0));  
    owner = msg.sender;  

function addPlayer(address _player, uint _points)   
    public onlyOwner   
    require (points[_player] == 0);  
    points[_player\] = _points;  

function setPoints(address _player, uint _points)   
    public onlyOwner   
    require (points[_player] != 0);  
    points[_player] = _points;  




contract ImplementationV2 is ImplementationV1 {
    uint public totalPlayers;
    function addPlayer(address _player, uint _points) public onlyOwner {  
    require (points[_player] == 0);  
    points[_player] = _points;  

​为了升级执行合约,我们只需要部署合约,调用代理合约的 upgradeTo(address)同时不再理会我们新代理合约的地址,现在我们的合约已经可以在相同的地址持续记录totalPlayers了。

​这个方法很强但是也有局限性,最重要的是代理合约的所有者权限太大了。同时这种方法对于复杂的系统是不够用的,主从合约和非结构化可升级存储代理合约结合更适合构建需要可升级合约的dApp,这也是我们在 GovBlocks里使用的方法。


​非结构化存储代理合约时最先进的合约可升级化技术之一,但是仍不完美。我们GovBlocks并不希望dApp所有者对dApp有过多的控制权,毕竟他们是去中心化应用,所以我们决定在我们的代理合约中使用全网授权而非一个简单的所有权代理。我会在下一篇文章里介绍我们是怎么做的。同时,我建议读者读一下Nitika的论反对使用onlyOwner 。你也可以在github上看到我们的代理合约


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