
  • Ashton
  • 发布于 2019-07-29 22:58
  • 阅读 4459


摘自 《数字独立宣言》

  1. We free individuals should be able to publish our data freely, without having to answer to any corporation. 我们个人有权自由地发表我们的数据,而不必只会任何公司。

  2. We declare that we legally own our own data; we possess both legal and moral rights to control our own data. 我们宣布,我们合法拥有自己的数据。无论是法律还是道德层面,我们拥有控制自己数据的权利。

  3. Posts that appear on social networks should be able to be served, like email and blogs, from many independent services that we individually control, rather than from databases that corporations exclusively control or from any central repository. 社交网络上的帖子应该像e-mail或博客一样为我们所掌握,而不只是存储在公司或组织控制的数据库之中。

  4. Just as no one has the right to eavesdrop on private conversations in homes without extraordinarily good reasons, so also the privacy rights of users must be preserved against criminal, corporate, and governmental monitoring; therefore, for private content, the protocols must support strong, end-to-end encryption and other good privacy practices. 正如没有充分的理由,没有人有权窃听家庭私人谈话一样,公司也必须在政府的监督下保护用户的隐私权,同时防止犯罪。因此,对于用户隐私,协议必须支持强大的端到端加密方式或其他良好的隐私保障实践。

  5. As is the case with the Internet domain name system, lists of available user feeds should be restricted by technical standards and protocols only, never according to user identity or content. 与域名系统一样,订阅源列表应仅受技术标准或协议的限制,而不应根据用户的身份或内容进行限制。

  6. Social media applications should make available data input by the user, at the user’s sole discretion, to be distributed by all other publishers according to common, global standards and protocols, just as are email and blogs, with no publisher being privileged by the network above another. Applications with idiosyncratic standards violate their users’ digital rights. 社交媒体应该是由用户自行决定输入的数据,然后由所有运营商依据通用的技术标准或协议进行分发,就好像像e-mail或博客一样。没有运营商能够自行制定技术标准。具有特殊标准的应用是违反了用户的数字权利。

  7. Accordingly, social media applications should aggregate posts from multiple, independent data sources as determined by the user, and in an order determined by the user’s preferences. 相应的,社交媒体应聚合多个用户确定的、独立的数据源的帖子,并按照用户的偏好排序。

  8. No corporation, or small group of corporations, should control the standards and protocols of decentralized networks, nor should there be a single brand, owner, proprietary software, or Internet location associated with them, as that would constitute centralization. 任何公司或寡头都不应控制去中心化网络的标准和协议,也不应存在与之相关的单一品牌、所有者、专有软件或互联网位置,因为这将构成中心化。

  9. Users should expect to be able to participate in the new networks, and to enjoy the rights above enumerated, without special technical skills. They should have very easy-to-use control over privacy, both fine- and coarse-grained, with the most private messages encrypted automatically, and using tools for controlling feeds and search results that are easy for non-technical people to use. 用户应期望能够参与新式网络,并享有上述权利,且无需特殊的技术技能。它们应具有操作简单的隐私控制(包括细粒度和粗粒度),自动加密用户隐私,并且使用工具来控制订阅源和搜索结果,这些工具对于非技术人员来说也是很容易上手。

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