通过学习,初步了解以太坊开发的基础工具链,通过一个案例(世界杯精彩)实战,使大家掌握基本的solidity开发,完成语法学习。 欢迎star转发,文末加V入群。
1 ether = 10^18wei,
1 gwei = 10^9 wei
1 ether = 10^9 gwei
1. from:交易发起人, 合约中是:msg.sender
2. to:交互合约地址,传给合约的数据:msg.data
3. value:传递的金额,msg.value
"storage", "memory"
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
import "hardhat/console.sol";
contract WorldCup {
// 1. 状态变量:管理员、所有玩家、获奖者地址、第几期、参赛球队
// 2. 核心方法:下注、开奖、
// 3. 辅助方法:获取奖金池金额、管理员地址、当前期数、参与人数、所有玩家、参赛球队
address public admin;
uint8 public currRound;
// string[] public countries; // ["GERMANY", "FRANCH", "CHINA", "BRIZAL", "KOREA"]
string[] public countries = ["GERMANY", "FRANCH", "CHINA", "BRIZAL", "KOREA"];
mapping (uint8 => mapping (address => Player)) players;
mapping (uint8 => mapping (Country => address[])) public countryToPlayers;
mapping (address => uint256) public winnerVaults;
uint256 public immutable deadline;
uint256 public lockedAmts;
enum Country {
event Play(uint8 _currRound, address _player, Country _country);
event Finialize(uint8 _currRound, address[] _winners, uint256 currAvalBalance, uint256 _giftAmt);
event ClaimReward(address _claimer, uint256 _amt);
modifier onlyAdmin {
require(msg.sender == admin, "not authorized!");
struct Player {
bool isSet;
mapping (Country => uint256) counts;
// constructor(string[] memory _countries, uint256 _deadline) {
constructor(uint256 _deadline) {
admin = msg.sender;
require(_deadline > block.timestamp, "WorldCupLottery: invalid deadline!");
deadline = _deadline;
function play(Country _selected) payable external {
// 参数校验
require(msg.value == 1 gwei, "invalid funds provided!");
require(block.timestamp < deadline, "it's all over!");
// 更新countryToPlayers
// 更新players
Player storage player = players[currRound][msg.sender];
// player.isSet = false;
player.counts[_selected] += 1;
emit Play(currRound, msg.sender, _selected);
// 写另外一个合约,模拟oracle,讲解合约间调用
function finialize(Country _country) onlyAdmin external {
// 找到winners
address[] memory winners = countryToPlayers[currRound][_country];
uint256 distributeAmt;
// 分配奖励金额
uint currAvalBalance = getVaultBalance() - lockedAmts;
console.log("currAvalBalance:", currAvalBalance, "winners count:", winners.length);
for (uint i = 0; i< winners.length; i++) {
address currWinner = winners[i];
// 获取每个地址应该得到的份额
Player storage winner = players[currRound][currWinner];
if (winner.isSet) {
console.log("this winner has been set already, will be skipped!");
winner.isSet = true;
uint currCounts = winner.counts[_country];
// (本期总奖励 / 总参与人数)* 当前地址持有份额
uint amt = (currAvalBalance / countryToPlayers[currRound][_country].length) * currCounts;
winnerVaults[currWinner] += amt;
distributeAmt += amt;
lockedAmts += amt;
console.log("winner:", currWinner, "currCounts:", currCounts);
console.log("reward amt curr:", amt, "total:", winnerVaults[currWinner]);
uint giftAmt = currAvalBalance - distributeAmt;
if (giftAmt > 0) {
// payable(admin).transfer(giftAmt);
// (bool succeed,) = admin.call{value: giftAmt}("");
// require(succeed, "gift transfer failed!");
// console.log("transfer gift amount:", giftAmt);
winnerVaults[admin] += giftAmt;
emit Finialize(currRound, winners, currAvalBalance, giftAmt);
function claimReward() external {
uint256 rewards = winnerVaults[msg.sender];
require(rewards > 0, "nothing to claim!");
winnerVaults[msg.sender] = 0;
lockedAmts -= rewards;
(bool succeed,) = msg.sender.call{value: rewards}("");
require(succeed, "claim reward failed!");
console.log("rewards:", rewards);
emit ClaimReward(msg.sender, rewards);
////////////////////////////////////////////// getter functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////
function getVaultBalance() public view returns(uint256 bal){
bal = address(this).balance;
function getCountryPlayters(uint8 _round, Country _country) external view returns (uint256) {
return countryToPlayers[_round][_country].length;
function getPlayerInfo(uint8 _round, address _player, Country _country) external view returns (uint256 _counts) {
return players[_round][_player].counts[_country];
关于作者:国内第一批区块链布道者;2017年开始专注于区块链教育(btc, eth, fabric),目前base新加坡,专注海外defi,dex,元宇宙等业务方向。