先简单说说 virtual 是做什么的。
Virtuals Protocol。Virtuals Protocol 作为去中心化的 AI Agent「生产工厂」,为不同的 AI Agent 的发布提供支持。
Virtuals Protocol 的平台币 VIRTUAL 已经突破 10 亿市值并且还在不断的突破新高。同时,Virtual 还在不断增强产品矩阵,Virtual 已经有了如 luna、aixbt 和 sekoia 等十多个具有一定规模的 Ai agent,并且数量还在增加。
可以简单的理解为是 Base 生态的 pump.fun。但是作为新的资产发行叙事,Virtual 正在 pump 的不是 meme 而是 Ai agent。
participant Creator
participant VirtualsPlatform
participant $VIRTUAL
participant AgentToken
participant LiquidityPool
participant ValidationBot
Creator->>VirtualsPlatform: Initiate Agent Creation
Creator->>$VIRTUAL: Lock Tokens
$VIRTUAL-->>VirtualsPlatform: Token Locking Confirmed
VirtualsPlatform->>AgentToken: Mint New Agent Token ($SWIFT)
alt Bonding Curve Limit Reached
VirtualsPlatform->>LiquidityPool: Create Liquidity Pool
LiquidityPool-->>Creator: Assign Liquidity Pool Ownership
Note over Creator,LiquidityPool: Liquidity Pool Locked for 10 Years
VirtualsPlatform->>ValidationBot: Delegate Initial Validation Power
Note over Creator,ValidationBot: Creator retains long-term validation rights
Note over VirtualsPlatform: Fair Launch Principle Maintained
Variable Explanation:
k is a constant
x * y = k
Initial State:
$x_0 = 30, \quad y_0 = 1073000191, \quad k = 32190005730, \quad \text{price} = \frac{x}{y} = 0.000000028 \, \text{SOL}$
Total token supply: $y = 1073000191 - \frac{32190005730}{30 + x}$
Token price: $price = \frac{x}{y}$
After simplification, we get:
Token price: $\text{price} = \frac{x(30 + x)}{1073000191 \cdot 30 + 1073000191 \cdot x - 32190005730}$
graph TD
c1["concert"] --> |public API permissionless|r
c2["livestream gifting"] --> |cost is predetermined|r
c3["personalized interactions"] --> |pre-load $VIRTUAL in wallet|r
c4["merchandise"] --> r
r["rev in $VIRTUAL from users"] --> dev["app developer"]
subgraph revenue
dev --> rev
tax[tax from buy and sell] --> rev
rev --> cost1["cost of AI inference services"]
rev --> vault["Agents Onchain Treasury"]
subgraph treasury
vault --> p1["agents future growth"]
vault --> p2["operational costs"]
vault --> p3["Onchain Buyback and Burn"]
agent token(ERC20)
一种在base链的Uniswap上交易的AI agent代币。
participant LPs as Liquidity Providers (LPs)
participant Validators as Validators
participant Agents as AI Agents
participant ModelRegistry as Model Registry
Note over LPs: Stake LP-tokens
LPs->>Validators: Delegate Tokens
Note over Validators: Determine Voting Power
Validators->>ModelRegistry: Evaluate AI Models
ModelRegistry-->>Validators: Model Performance Data
Validators->>Validators: Vote on Model Quality
alt Positive Evaluation
Validators->>Agents: Approve Model
Agents->>LPs: Distribute Improved Revenue
else Negative Evaluation
Validators->>Agents: Reject/Require Improvement
Validators->>LPs: Adjust Rewards
Note over LPs,Validators: Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) Mechanism
LP trading fee will be distributed to LP owners.
graph TD
a[tax from buy/sell in LP pools]-->|if they reach us|IP[IP owner]
a-->LP[LP owners]
graph TD
a[60000000 $VIRTUAL in 12 month]-->t1[top3 TVL LP pool]
a-->t2[top3 TVL LP pool]
a-->t3[top3 TVL LP pool]