GKR 协议在Interactive Protocol框架里是一套非常经典的协议,里面有很多细节值得关注一下,本系列专题主要通过手推的方式明确各个模块执行的时间成本:
本章节,我们就一个数气球的toy case 来detail 一下Sum-Check的逻辑。
<br />
<br />
公园里的某个活动中有$n$ 个气球,只有两种颜色,红色和绿色,红色气球上标记为$1$,绿色气球上标记为$0$。现在有个任务,需要统计一下一共多少个红色气球。
<br />
<br /> Sum-Check可以把效率提高到 $O(\log{n})$,但前提是需要引入另外一个人Alice。那么,Sum-Check 在这里的intuitive overview是什么呢?
<br /><br />
Bob把这个任务代理给Alice,具体让她来执行这个统计任务,期间Bob他可以做自己事情,等Alice 把最终的统计结果传过来之后,Bob只需要花较低的时间成本去校验这个结果的就行了,这个校验的时间成本就是 $O(\log{n})$。
<br />
$$ \begin{aligned}
& l = \lceil {\log{n}} \rceil \
& g \in \mathbb{F^l} \longrightarrow \mathbb{F} \
& C = \sum_{b1 \in {0, 1}} \sum{b2 \in {0, 1}} ... \sum{b_l \in {0, 1}} g(b_1, b_2, ..., b_l) \
\end{aligned} $$
如果第$i $个气球为红色,$(b1,b2,...,bl) $代表着$i $的二进制编码,则:
$$ g(b_1^{(i)}, b_2^{(i)}, ..., b_l^{(i)}) = 1 $$
$$ g(b_1^{(i)}, b_2^{(i)}, ..., b_l^{(i)}) = 0 $$
<br />
在Sum-Check 协议中,对于Verifier Bob而言,他是不知道这$n$个气球的颜色或者标记的数字,或者说他不知道函数$g$ 的所有取值,但是Prover Alice 知道。
<br />
Sum-Check的overview 是,Prover Alice通过brute force的方式把问题的解求出来,得到结果$C$,其时间成本为$O(n)$,并把结果告之Verifier Bob。Verifier Bob要做的是验证这个结果$C$对不对,整个验证的成本为$O(\log{n})$,对比之前自己独自完成任务的时间成本$O(n)$要低很多。那如何验证呢?
<br />
<br />
气球编号 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
二进制编码 | 0000 | 0001 | 0010 | 0011 | 0100 | 0101 | 0110 | 0111 | 1000 | 1001 | 1010 | 1011 | 1100 | 1101 |
数字标记 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
<br />
The Start <br />
Prover 把上面 length 为14的vector data encode 进一个MLE polynomial:
$$ \begin{aligned}
\widetilde{g}(X_1, X_2, ..., X_4) = & 1 \cdot (1 - X_1)X_2(1 - X_3)(1 - X_4) \ &+ 1 \cdot (1 - X_1) (1 - X_2) X_3 (1 - X_4) \ &+ 1 \cdot (1 - X_1) (1 - X_2) (1 - X_3) X_4 \ &+ 1 \cdot X_1 (1 - X_2) (1 - X_3) X_4 \ &+ 1 \cdot (1 - X_1) (1 - X_2) X_3 * X_4 \
\end{aligned} \ $$
同时Prover 初始的claim 值为5:
$$ \begin{aligned}
\text{Prover claims: } H0 &= \sum{b1 \in {0, 1}} \sum{b2 \in {0, 1}} ... \sum{b_4 \in {0, 1}} g(b_1, b_2, ..., b_4) \
&= 5
\end{aligned} \ $$
<br />
Round One
<br />
Prover 首先需要证明初始的claim: $H_0 \overset{?} = 5$, then:
$$ \begin{aligned}
& \text{Prover owns the actual MLE function}: h_1(X1) = \sum{b2 \in {0, 1}} ... \sum{b_4 \in {0, 1}} \widetilde{g}(X_1, b_2, ..., b_4) = 3(1 - X_1) + 1 \
& \text{Prover provide proof for } H_0 =5 \ & \text{ claims again}: \textcolor{red} {H_1(X_1) = h_1(X1)} = \sum{b2 \in {0, 1}} ... \sum{b_4 \in {0, 1}} \widetilde{g}(X_1, b_2, ..., b_4) = 3(1 - X_1) + 1 \
& \text{Verifier verify the proof}: H_1(0) + H_1(1) \overset{?} = H_0, \text{ if true continues ...} \
\end{aligned} $$
<br />
Round Two
<br />
Prover need to prove what he claims last round:$H_1(X_1) \overset{?} = h_1(X_1)$,according to the principle of probabilistic proof system then:
$$ \begin{aligned}
& \text{Verifier generate a challenge factor say}: r_1 = 4 \text{ and sends to Prover} \
& \Longrightarrow \begin{cases}
H_1(X_1) = h_1(X_1) \textbf{ with high probability}, \text{ continues if } H_1(4) = h_1(4) \
H_1(X_1) \neq h_1(X_1) \textbf{ with high probability}, \text{ breaks while others} \
\end{cases} \
& \text{Prover owns the actual MLE function}: h_2(X2) = \sum{b3 \in {0, 1}} ... \sum{b_4 \in {0, 1}} \widetilde{g}(4, X_2, ..., b_4) = 2X_2 - 5 \
& \text{Prover provides proof for } H_1(4) = h_1(4), \ & \text{ claims again }: \textcolor{red} {H_2(X_2) = h_2(X2)} = \sum{b3 \in {0, 1}} ... \sum{b_4 \in {0, 1}} \widetilde{g}(4, X_2, ..., b_4) = 2X_2 - 5 \
& \text{Verifier verify the proof: } H_2(0) + H_2(1) = H_1(4) \overset{?} = h_1(4), \text{ if true continues ...} \
\end{aligned} $$
<br />
Round Three
<br />
Prover need to prove what he claims last round:$H_2(X_2) \overset{?} = h_2(X_2)$,according to the principle of probabilistic proof system then:
$$ \begin{aligned}
& \text{Verifier generate a challenge factor say}: r_2 = 3 \text{ and sends to Prover} \
& \Longrightarrow \begin{cases}
H_2(X_2) = h_2(X_2) \textbf{ with high probability}, \text{ continues if } H_2(3) = h_2(3) \
H_2(X_2) \neq h_2(X_2) \textbf{ with high probability}, \text{ breaks while others} \
\end{cases} \
& \text{Prover owns the actual MLE function}: h_3(X3) = \sum{b_4 \in {0, 1}} \widetilde{g}(4, 3, X_3, b_4) = 23X_3 - 11 \
& \text{Prover provides proof for } H_2(3) = h_2(3), \ & \text{ claims again }: \textcolor{red} {H_3(X_3) = h_3(X3)} = \sum{b_4 \in {0, 1}} \widetilde{g}(4, 3, X_3, b_4) = 23X_3 - 11 \
& \text{Verifier verify the proof: } H_3(0) + H_3(1) = H_2(3) \overset{?} = h_2(3), \text{ if true continues ...} \
\end{aligned} $$
<br />
Round Four
Prover need to prove what he claims last round:$H_3(X_3) \overset{?} = h_3(X_3)$,according to the principle of probabilistic proof system then:
$$ \begin{aligned}
& \text{Verifier generate a challenge factor say}: r_3 = 2 \text{ and sends to Prover} \
& \Longrightarrow \begin{cases}
H_3(X_3) = h_3(X_3) \textbf{ with high probability}, \text{ continues if } H_3(2) = h_3(2) \
H_3(X_3) \neq h_3(X_3) \textbf{ with high probability}, \text{ breaks while others} \
\end{cases} \
& \text{Prover owns the actual MLE function}: h_4(X_4) = \widetilde{g}(4, 3, 2, X_4) = 21 - 7X_4 \
& \text{Prover provides proof for } H_3(2) = h_3(2), \ & \text{ claims again }: \textcolor{red} {H_4(X_4) = h_4(X_4)} = \widetilde{g}(4, 3, 2, X_4) = 21 - 7X_4 \
& \text{Verifier verify the proof: } H_4(0) + H_4(1) = H_3(2) \overset{?} = h_3(2), \text{ if true continues ...} \
\end{aligned} $$
<br />
The End
<br />
Prover need to prove what he claims last round:$H_4(X4) \overset{?} = h4(X_4)$,according to the principle of probabilistic proof system then:
$$ \begin{aligned}
& \text{Verifier generate a challenge factor say}: r_4 = 1 \text{ and sends to Oracle} \
& \Longrightarrow \begin{cases}
H_4(X_4) = h_4(X_4) \textbf{ with high probability}, \text{ continues if } H_4(1) = h_4(1) \
H_4(X_4) \neq h_4(X_4) \textbf{ with high probability}, \text{ breaks while others} \
\end{cases} \
& \text{Verifier retrives from Orcale}: h_4(1) = \widetilde{g}(4, 3, 2, 1) = 14 \mod 5 = 4 \
& \text{Verifier verify that }: H_4(1) \overset{?} = h_4(1), \text{ if true accepts, otherwise rejects} \
\end{aligned} $$
【1】Libra: Succinct Zero-Knowledge Proofs with Optimal Prover Computation 【2】Proofs, Arguments, and Zero-Knowledge