TVM Smart Contract Optimization: In-Depth Analysis of Inline and Inline_ref Specifiers

  • King
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology, smart contracts have emerged as the cornerstone of decentralized applications (DApps)


In the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology, smart contracts have emerged as the cornerstone of decentralized applications (DApps), revolutionizing the way transactions are conducted and agreements are enforced. These self-executing contracts, with their code and data stored immutably on the blockchain, have the potential to automate a wide range of processes, from financial transactions to supply chain management. However, the distributed nature of blockchains introduces unique challenges in terms of efficiency and resource utilization. Smart contracts must be executed on multiple nodes across the network, making optimization crucial for the overall performance and user experience of the blockchain network.

Enter the Telegram Virtual Machine (TVM) on the TON (The Open Network) platform, a cutting-edge environment designed to facilitate the development and execution of smart contracts. The TVM provides developers with a suite of powerful tools and features to optimize the performance of their smart contracts. Among these tools, the inline and inline_ref specifiers stand out as potent methods for enhancing the efficiency and resource management of smart contracts. This article aims to delve deeply into these two specifiers, exploring their principles, advantages, limitations, and practical applications in smart contract optimization.

Inline Specifier (inline)

Definition and Principle of the Inline Specifier

The inline specifier is a compile-time optimization technique offered by the TVM. When a function is declared with the inline keyword, the compiler treats it in a special manner. Instead of generating a standard function call, the compiler inserts the function’s code directly at each call site during the compilation process. This approach eliminates the overhead associated with traditional function calls, such as setting up a call stack and jumping to the function’s code, resulting in a more streamlined execution.

Advantages of the Inline Specifier

  1. Reduced Function Call Overhead: By eliminating the need for jump and return operations, the inline specifier significantly reduces the execution time of functions.
  2. Compile-Time Optimization: The compiler can perform deeper optimizations on inlined functions. Techniques such as constant propagation, where constant values are pre-calculated and substituted into the code, and dead code elimination, where unreachable code is removed, can lead to more efficient execution.
  3. Improved Code Execution Efficiency: With less overhead, the overall efficiency of code execution is enhanced, leading to faster transaction processing and a better user experience.

Limitations of the Inline Specifier

  1. Non-Recursive: Functions declared with the inline specifier cannot be recursive. Since the function’s code is inserted at each call site, recursive calls would result in infinite code insertion, making the program unworkable.
  2. Code Bloat: Inlining functions can lead to an increase in the size of the final generated code, especially if the function is called multiple times. This can potentially impact the deployment and execution of the smart contract.

Use Cases for the Inline Specifier

  1. Small Functions: Functions with a small code footprint and short execution time are ideal candidates for inlining. The performance gains from avoiding function call overhead can be substantial.
  2. Frequently Called Functions: If a function is called multiple times during the execution of a smart contract, inlining it can reduce the cumulative call overhead and improve overall performance.

Example Analysis of the Inline Specifier

Consider the following example using the inline specifier:

() save_data(int total_supply, slice admin_address, cell content, cell jetton_wallet_code) impure inline {

In this example, the save_data function is responsible for storing essential contract data on the blockchain. Given its simplicity and the likelihood of being called frequently, using the inline specifier is a prudent choice. It ensures that the data is saved efficiently without the overhead of a traditional function call.

Inline_ref Specifier (inline_ref)

Definition and Principle of the Inline_ref Specifier

The inline_ref specifier is another optimization method provided by the TVM, distinct from the inline specifier. Instead of inserting the function’s code at each call site, inline_ref places the function code in a separate cell and executes it via the CALLREF command. This mechanism allows the function code to be shared across multiple call sites, thus improving resource utilization and reducing code duplication.

Advantages of the Inline_ref Specifier

  1. Reduced Code Duplication: By storing the function code in a single cell, inline_ref avoids the duplication that can occur with the inline specifier.
  2. Efficient Reuse: The function code can be referenced and reused at different call sites, leading to more efficient use of resources.
  3. Suitable for Large Functions: For functions with a large code size, inline_ref can be particularly beneficial as it reduces the overall storage requirements of the smart contract.

Limitations of the Inline_ref Specifier

  1. Non-Recursive: Similar to the inline specifier, inline_ref functions cannot be recursive due to the potential for infinite loops and code expansion.
  2. Call Overhead: While inline_ref reduces code duplication, it may introduce some overhead during function calls compared to fully inlined functions, due to the need to reference and execute the function code from a separate cell.

Use Cases for the Inline_ref Specifier

  1. Large Functions: For functions with a large code size, using inline_ref can be more efficient than inlining, as it avoids the issue of code bloat.
  2. Functions Called Multiple Times: If a function is used repeatedly within a smart contract, inline_ref can help to minimize the storage footprint and potentially improve execution efficiency by reusing the same code reference.

Example Analysis of the Inline_ref Specifier

Consider the following example using the inline_ref specifier:

() perform_large_computation(cell data) inline_ref {
  // Extensive computation logic

In this example, the perform_large_computation function may contain complex and extensive computation logic. By using the inline_ref specifier, the function’s code is stored only once and can be called via reference whenever needed, which is particularly useful if the function is called multiple times with different inputs.

Comparison Between Inline and Inline_ref Specifiers

Performance Comparison

  • Execution Efficiency: The inline specifier typically offers the highest execution efficiency for small, frequently called functions, as it eliminates all call overhead. The inline_ref specifier is more suitable for larger functions or those that are not called as frequently, as it reduces code duplication without the risk of code bloat.
  • Storage Overhead: While inline can lead to an increase in code size, inline_ref helps to manage storage more efficiently by referencing the function code, thus avoiding duplication.

Usage Strategy

Developers must carefully consider several factors when choosing between inline and inline_ref:

  • Function Size: Smaller functions are generally better candidates for inline, while larger functions may benefit from inline_ref.
  • Call Frequency: Functions that are called very frequently might see performance gains from inline, whereas less frequent calls might not justify the potential code bloat.
  • Storage Constraints: In environments where storage is at a premium, inline_ref can be a more storage-efficient choice.
  • Execution Environment: The specific constraints of the blockchain network and the TVM environment should guide the decision-making process.

Practical Considerations

When employing inline and inline_ref specifiers in smart contract development, developers should be mindful of the following:

  • Avoid OverInlining: Overuse of the inline specifier can lead to excessive code size, which may negatively impact deployment and execution efficiency.
  • Testing and Optimization: It is crucial to test and verify whether inlining provides actual performance benefits. Sometimes, the compiler’s optimizations may be sufficient, and additional inlining may not be necessary.
  • Code Maintenance: Inlined functions can sometimes reduce the readability and maintainability of the code. Striking a balance between performance and code clarity is essential.


The inline and inline_ref specifiers are powerful tools in the TVM smart contract developer’s toolkit, offering distinct paths to optimize the execution efficiency and resource utilization of smart contracts. Mastering the use of these specifiers requires a nuanced understanding of the contract’s execution logic, function size, and call frequency. By leveraging these tools effectively, developers can craft smart contracts that are not only efficient but also reliable and maintainable.

Additional Discussion Points

Compiler Behavior with the Inline Specifier

  • Compiler Optimizations: A deeper dive into how compilers handle inlined functions, including the intricacies of code replacement and the various optimization paths available.
  • Inlining Strategies: An analysis of the different strategies that compilers might employ for inlining, including heuristic-based approaches and the impact of these strategies on performance.

In-Depth Analysis of Inline_ref Specifier

  • Reference Call Mechanism: A detailed explanation of how the CALLREF command operates and the technical underpinnings that enable code sharing in the TVM.
  • Performance Impact: A thorough examination of the performance implications of using inline_ref, including a quantifiable analysis of call overhead and storage efficiency.

Real-World Case Studies

  • Case Studies: Real-world examples of smart contracts that have successfully utilized inline and inline_ref specifiers, with a focus on the observed effects on performance and resource usage.
  • Performance Comparison: A side-by-side comparison of smart contract performance with and without these specifiers, supported by empirical data to highlight the benefits.

Best Practices Guide

  • Development Guidelines: A comprehensive set of guidelines for developers on when and how to use the inline and inline_ref specifiers, including scenarios where each is most appropriate.
  • Performance Testing: Recommendations on how to conduct performance testing for smart contracts, including methods for measuring the impact of inlining on execution speed and resource consumption. Additionally, advice on adjusting inlining strategies based on test results to achieve optimal performance.\ By addressing these additional points, developers can gain a more nuanced understanding of the inline and inline_ref specifiers and their role in optimizing smart contracts. This knowledge is crucial for building high-performance, cost-effective decentralized applications on the TON platform.

Compiler Behavior with the Inline Specifier

When a function is marked with the inline specifier, the compiler’s behavior changes in several key ways:

  • Code Replacement: The compiler replaces each call to the inlined function with the actual body of the function. This process is known as code inlining and is done at compile time.
  • Optimization Opportunities: With the function body now part of the calling code, the compiler has more context and can apply additional optimizations. This includes constant folding, where constant expressions are pre-evaluated at compile time, and loop unrolling, where loop constructs are expanded to reduce the overhead of loop control.
  • Inlining Strategies: Compilers may use various strategies to decide when to inline a function. These strategies can be based on heuristics, such as the size of the function, the number of call sites, and the complexity of the function body. Developers must be aware that over-reliance on inlining can lead to code bloat, which may counteract the performance benefits.

In-Depth Analysis of Inline_ref Specifier

The inline_ref specifier offers a different approach to optimization:

  • Reference Call Mechanism: The CALLREF command allows a function to be executed by reference, which means that instead of including the function’s code at each call site, a reference to a single instance of the function code is used. This mechanism is particularly useful for large functions that would otherwise cause significant code duplication.
  • Performance Impact: While inline_ref can save on storage space, it may introduce a slight overhead due to the need to reference and execute the function code from a separate location. However, this overhead is often negligible compared to the benefits of reduced code duplication and improved resource utilization.

Real-World Case Studies

To illustrate the practical application of inline and inline_ref, consider the following case studies:

  • Case Study 1: A decentralized finance (DeFi) smart contract that frequently updates user balances. By inlining small, frequently called functions that update balances, the contract achieves significant performance gains.
  • Case Study 2: A complex gaming smart contract with a large function responsible for processing game logic. Using inline_ref for this function reduces the contract’s size and improves deployment efficiency without sacrificing execution speed.

Best Practices Guide

Developers can follow these best practices when using inline and inline_ref:

  • Profile Before Inlining: Use profiling tools to identify bottlenecks in the smart contract’s execution. Only consider inlining functions that are proven to be performance-critical.
  • Start Small: Begin with small functions that are called frequently. If performance is still an issue after inlining these, consider larger functions.
  • Test Thoroughly: After applying inlining, conduct thorough testing to ensure that the contract’s behavior remains correct and that performance has indeed improved.
  • Monitor Resource Usage: Keep an eye on the smart contract’s resource usage, including gas costs and storage requirements, to ensure that inlining does not lead to unexpected increases.\ In conclusion, the inline and inline_ref specifiers are advanced tools that, when used judiciously, can significantly enhance the performance and efficiency of smart contracts on the TON platform. By understanding their capabilities and limitations, developers can make informed decisions that lead to better-performing and more cost-effective DApps.
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