Deep Dive into TON Smart Contract Unit Testing: An Example-Based Approach

  • King
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology, Telegram Open Network (TON) stands out as a new blockchain platform, where the development

In the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology, Telegram Open Network (TON) stands out as a new blockchain platform, where the development and testing of smart contracts are of paramount importance. This article will delve into the process of testing TON smart contracts based on a specific unit test example, guiding readers through the intricacies of contract testing.


TON smart contracts are a cornerstone of the TON blockchain platform, allowing developers to deploy executable business logic on the blockchain. To ensure the reliability and security of these contracts, unit testing is an indispensable step. This article will cover how to write unit tests for TON smart contracts using TypeScript, providing a comprehensive guide to the tools, techniques, and best practices involved.

Understanding the Importance of Unit Testing

Unit testing is a software testing method where individual units or components of a software are tested independently. In the context of blockchain and smart contracts, unit testing is crucial for several reasons:

  • Verification of Logic: It ensures that the business logic of the smart contract is correct and behaves as expected.
  • Early Bug Detection: Issues can be identified and fixed early in the development process, reducing the cost and complexity of debugging later on.
  • Regression Testing: Unit tests serve as a safety net for future changes, ensuring that new code does not break existing functionality.
  • Documentation: Well-written unit tests can serve as documentation for how the contract should work.

Environment Setup

Before diving into writing tests, you’ll need to set up a development environment suitable for TON smart contract development. Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up your environment:

  1. Install Node.js and npm: These are required for running TypeScript and managing dependencies.
  2. Install TypeScript: This is the primary language used for writing TON smart contract tests.
  3. Install TON Dev Tools: These include the necessary compilers and tools for working with TON smart contracts.
  4. Install Dependencies: Use npm to install the required packages for testing, such as @ton/sandbox@ton/core@ton/test-utils, and @ton/blueprint.
npm install @ton/sandbox @ton/core @ton/test-utils @ton/blueprint --save-dev

Example Code Walkthrough

Let’s examine the provided TypeScript test code in detail:

import { Blockchain, SandboxContract } from '@ton/sandbox';
import { Cell, toNano } from '@ton/core';
import { Counter } from '../wrappers/Counter';
import '@ton/test-utils';
import { compile } from '@ton/blueprint';
describe('Counter', () => {
    let code: Cell;
    beforeAll(async () => {
        code = await compile('Counter');
    let blockchain: Blockchain;
    let counter: SandboxContract<Counter>;
    beforeEach(async () => {
        blockchain = await Blockchain.create();
        counter = blockchain.openContract(
                    id: 0,
                    counter: 0,
        const deployer = await blockchain.treasury('deployer');
        const deployResult = await counter.sendDeploy(deployer.getSender(), toNano('0.05'));
            from: deployer.address,
            to: counter.address,
            deploy: true,
    it('should deploy', async () => {
        // the check is done inside beforeEach
        // blockchain and counter are ready to use
    it('should increase counter', async () => {
        const increaseTimes = 3;
        for (let i = 0; i < increaseTimes; i++) {
            console.log(`increase ${i + 1}/${increaseTimes}`);
            const increaser = await blockchain.treasury('increaser' + i);
            const counterBefore = await counter.getCounter();
            console.log('counter before increasing', counterBefore);
            const increaseBy = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
            console.log('increasing by', increaseBy);
            const increaseResult = await counter.sendIncrease(increaser.getSender(), {
                value: toNano('0.05'),
                from: increaser.address,
                to: counter.address,
                success: true,
            const counterAfter = await counter.getCounter();
            console.log('counter after increasing', counterAfter);
            expect(counterAfter).toBe(counterBefore + increaseBy);

Test Suite Structure

The test suite begins with the describe function, defining the subject of the test as Counter. Inside the describe block, we declare two variables, code and counter, which are used to store the compiled smart contract code and the contract instance, respectively.

Compiling the Smart Contract

In the beforeAll hook, we use the compile function to compile the smart contract and store the compiled code in the code variable. This step ensures that all test cases use the same contract code.

Setting Up the Test Environment

The beforeEach hook creates a new blockchain environment before each test case and deploys the smart contract. The deployment transaction is sent using the sendDeploy method, and the expect assertion is used to verify the transaction’s success.

beforeEach(async () => {
    // Create a new blockchain environment
    blockchain = await Blockchain.create();
    // Deploy the smart contract
    counter = blockchain.openContract(
                id: 0,
                counter: 0,
    // Create a deployer account
    const deployer = await blockchain.treasury('deployer');
    // Send the deploy transaction
    const deployResult = await counter.sendDeploy(deployer.getSender(), toNano('0.05'));
    // Assert that the deployment was successful
        from: deployer.address,
        to: counter.address,
        deploy: true,

Writing Test Cases

Test cases are the core of unit testing. They define the expected behavior of the smart contract and verify that it meets these expectations.

The should deploy Test Case

This test case is a simple verification that the smart contract can be deployed without errors. The actual deployment check is performed in the beforeEach hook, so this test case serves as a placeholder to confirm that the setup is correct.

it('should deploy', async () => {
    // The check is done inside beforeEach
    // blockchain and counter are ready to use

The should increase counter Test Case

This test case is more complex and tests the primary functionality of the Counter smart contract, which is to increase its counter value.

it('should increase counter', async () => {
    const increaseTimes = 3;
    for (let i = 0; i < increaseTimes; i++) {
        console.log(`increase ${i + 1}/${increaseTimes}`);
        // Create a new account to increase the counter
        const increaser = await blockchain.treasury('increaser' + i);
        // Get the current counter value
        const counterBefore = await counter.getCounter();
        console.log('counter before increasing', counterBefore);
        // Define the amount to increase the counter by
        const increaseBy = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
        console.log('increasing by', increaseBy);
        // Send the increase transaction
        const increaseResult = await counter.sendIncrease(increaser.getSender(), {
            value: toNano('0.05'),
        // Assert that the transaction was successful
            from: increaser.address,
            to: counter.address,
            success: true,
        // Get the counter value after the increase
        const counterAfter = await counter.getCounter();
        console.log('counter after increasing', counterAfter);
        // Assert that the counter has increased by the expected amount
        expect(counterAfter).toBe(counterBefore + increaseBy);

Advanced Testing Techniques

While the example provided covers basic testing, there are advanced techniques that can be employed to enhance the robustness of your tests:

  • Mocking: Mocking can be used to simulate the behavior of external dependencies or the blockchain environment itself.
  • Snapshot Testing: Snapshots can be used to capture the state of the contract at a certain point and compare it against expected states.
  • Edge Case Testing: It’s important to test edge cases, such as maximum values, zero values, or unexpected inputs, to ensure the contract handles all scenarios gracefully.
  • Integration Testing: Once unit tests are in place, integration tests can be written to test how different parts of the system work together.

Best Practices for Writing Tests

When writing unit tests for TON smart contracts, it’s important to follow best practices:

  • Keep Tests Independent: Each test should be independent of others. The beforeEach hook helps achieve this by setting up a fresh environment for each test.
  • Use Descriptive Names: Test cases and describe blocks should have descriptive names that clearly indicate what is being tested.
  • Avoid Complex Logic: Tests should be as simple as possible. Complex logic can make tests harder to understand and maintain.
  • Test Both Success and Failure Cases: It’s important to test not only the happy path but also how the contract behaves when things go wrong.


Unit testing is a critical component of smart contract development on the TON blockchain. By following the example provided and adhering to best practices, developers can ensure that their smart contracts are reliable, secure, and function as intended. The example test suite we’ve explored demonstrates the fundamental steps of setting up a testing environment, compiling a smart contract, deploying it, and writing test cases to validate its behavior.\ In the remainder of this article, we’ll delve into some additional considerations and advanced techniques that can further refine your testing strategy.

Continuous Integration (CI)

Integrating unit tests into a Continuous Integration pipeline is a best practice for maintaining code quality. CI systems can automatically run tests on every commit, ensuring that new changes do not break existing functionality. For TON smart contracts, setting up a CI pipeline involves:

  • Configuring a CI service (e.g., GitHub Actions, Jenkins, Travis CI).
  • Defining a workflow that installs dependencies, compiles the contract, and runs the test suite.
  • Setting up notifications to alert the team of any test failures.

Test Coverage

Test coverage is a measure of how much of your code is executed while running your test suite. A high percentage of test coverage indicates that a large portion of your code is being tested, which can increase confidence in the reliability of your smart contract.\ To measure test coverage in TON smart contracts, you can use tools like istanbul for JavaScript code or equivalents that support TypeScript. These tools can generate reports that show which lines of code are covered by tests and which are not.

Mocking and Stubbing

In some cases, you may want to isolate the code you’re testing from external dependencies or complex logic. Mocking and stubbing are techniques that allow you to replace parts of your system under test with mock objects or stubs that simulate the behavior of the real components.\ For TON smart contracts, this might involve mocking blockchain interactions or external contract calls. This can be particularly useful when testing how your contract responds to certain events without having to simulate those events in a live blockchain environment.

Testing for Security Vulnerabilities

Smart contracts, especially those dealing with financial transactions, are prime targets for attackers. It’s crucial to test for common security vulnerabilities such as:

  • Reentrancy attacks: Where an external contract calls back into the original contract before the original transaction is completed.
  • Integer overflow and underflow: Where arithmetic operations result in values that exceed the maximum or minimum value that can be stored.
  • Unauthorized access: Where contracts can be accessed by unauthorized addresses.\ Tools like Mythril or Slither can be used to automatically detect these vulnerabilities in your smart contracts.

Handling Randomness

Some smart contracts rely on randomness for their operation. Testing such contracts can be challenging because the outcome is not deterministic. To handle this, you can:

  • Mock the source of randomness to produce predictable outcomes.
  • Test the contract’s behavior in response to a range of possible random outcomes.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Unit testing is an essential part of the smart contract development lifecycle. By implementing a robust testing strategy, developers can catch bugs early, ensure their contracts behave as expected, and maintain a high standard of code quality.

As you become more comfortable with unit testing, consider expanding your testing strategy to include integration testing, end-to-end testing, and stress testing. These advanced testing approaches can provide even greater confidence in the security and reliability of your TON smart contracts.

Remember, the goal of testing is not just to find bugs but also to prevent them. By writing comprehensive tests and continuously improving your testing practices, you can create smart contracts that are resilient and trustworthy, which is crucial for their adoption and success in the TON ecosystem.

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