In-Depth Analysis of the TON Smart Contract stdlib_ext Library: A Survey of Extended Features

  • King
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TON (The Open Network) is a decentralized blockchain platform known for its powerful and flexible smart contract capabilities. During the development

TON (The Open Network) is a decentralized blockchain platform known for its powerful and flexible smart contract capabilities. During the development of TON smart contracts, the stdlib.fc library provides basic functional support. However, for some advanced or specific requirements, stdlib.fc may not be sufficient. This is where the stdlib_ext library comes into play, extending the functionality of stdlib.fc and offering developers more practical tools. This article will delve into the stdlib_ext library, guiding you through its extended features.

Mathematical Operations and Logical Functions

The stdlib_ext library includes a series of mathematical operations and logical functions that are indispensable in contract development.

  • Modulo Operation (mod): Calculates the remainder of the division of two integers, which is crucial for implementing custom arithmetic logic.
  • Division Operation (divc): Performs division on integers, allowing contracts to handle fractional values or implement custom division logic.
  • Negation (negate): Reverses the sign of an integer, useful for inverting numerical values in various calculations.
  • Decrement (sub1): Decrements an integer by 1, commonly used in loops and counter logic.
  • Increment (add1): Increments an integer by 1, also used in loops and counter logic.
  • Sign (sgn): Returns the sign of an integer (positive, negative, or zero), which is essential for conditional logic based on number signs.
  • Check NaN (is_nan): Determines if a number is NaN (Not a Number), providing a way to validate numerical inputs and outputs.

These functions provide convenient numerical calculations within contracts and enable developers to create more sophisticated arithmetic operations.

Slice and Builder Operations

Slices and builders are two important ways of handling data in TON smart contracts. The stdlib_ext library extends their capabilities.

  • Slice Loading (preload_bits_offset, preload_slice_offset, load_slice, load_slice_ref): Allows contracts to load slice data from specific offsets and lengths, which is vital for parsing and processing complex data structures.
  • Builder Null Check (builder_null?): Checks if a builder is empty, which is useful for ensuring that builders have been properly initialized before use.
  • Builder to Slice (as_slice): Converts the content of a builder to a slice, facilitating the transition between builder and slice contexts for data manipulation.

These operations make data handling more flexible and efficient, enabling contracts to process information in a granular and controlled manner.

Tuple Operations

Tuples are composite data types in TON smart contracts, and the stdlib_ext library provides rich tuple manipulation functions.

  • Set Tuple Element (tset, \~tset): Allows contracts to modify elements within a tuple, which is essential for dynamic tuple updates.
  • Pop Tuple Element (tpop): Removes and returns the last element from a tuple, useful for implementing stack-like data structures.
  • Get Tuple Length (tlen, tlenq): Returns the number of elements in a tuple, which is important for iterating over tuple elements and ensuring data integrity.

These functions make the use of tuples more efficient and versatile, enabling complex data structures within smart contracts.

Type Conversion

Type conversion is essential in smart contract development, and the stdlib_ext library offers a series of type conversion functions.

  • Convert to Integer (to_int): Converts any type to an integer, which is a common operation required for numerical comparisons and calculations.
  • Type Conversion (cast_to_cell, cast_to_slice, cast_to_int, cast_to_tuple): Converts between different basic types, providing a way to bridge data types and ensure compatibility.

These conversion functions enhance the versatility of contracts and allow for more seamless integration of different data types.

Boolean Operations

Boolean operations simplify logical judgments within contracts.

  • Load and Store Boolean (load_bool, store_bool): Reads from or writes to a boolean value in a slice, which is essential for boolean logic and state management.
  • Check Boolean (is_bool): Determines if a value is of boolean type, which is useful for type checking and ensuring logical correctness.

Time and Status Operations

Time and status operation functions manage time and status codes within contracts.

  • Load and Store Timestamp (load_time, store_time): Handles time information in contracts, which is critical for time-based logic and scheduling.
  • Load and Store Status Code (load_status, store_status): Manages contract status, allowing for state changes and conditional logic based on status.

Hash and Signature Operations

Hash and signature operations are fundamental to blockchain security.

  • Compare Cells (equal_cells): Checks if two cells are equal, which is crucial for ensuring the integrity of data and preventing unauthorized modifications.
  • Signature Recovery (ecrecover): Recovers a public key from a signature for transaction verification, ensuring the authenticity and non-repudiation of transactions.

These operations are fundamental to blockchain security and are essential for building trustless and decentralized systems.

Message and Library Operations

Message and library operation functions are used for communication between contracts and library management.

  • Begin New Message (begin_message): Initializes a new message send, allowing contracts to initiate and manage message exchanges with other contracts or external systems.
  • Set and Change Library Code (set_lib, change_lib): Manages the library code that contracts depend on, providing a way to update or replace library dependencies without altering the contract’s functionality.

These functions enable contracts to communicate and interact with other contracts and external systems, as well as manage their dependencies, ensuring the stability and scalability of the smart contract ecosystem.

Fees and Storage Operations

Fees and storage operation functions help contracts manage their resource consumption.

  • Calculate Fees (get_compute_fee, get_storage_fee, get_forward_fee): Obtains gas fees for different operations, allowing contracts to anticipate and manage their gas usage, which is critical for ensuring that transactions are executed within the block limit.
  • Get Storage Fees and Configuration (my_storage_due, get_fee_configs): Manages contract storage fees, providing a way to track and control the storage costs associated with contract deployment and operation.

These functions enable contracts to efficiently manage their resource usage and ensure the sustainability of their operations.

Other Operations

The stdlib_ext library also includes many other useful functions for handling references, cell attributes, storing specific values or patterns, and more.

  • Type Checking (is_null, is_int, is_cell, is_slice, is_tuple): Determines the type of a value, which is crucial for type safety and preventing runtime errors.
  • Reference and Cell Operations (skip_maybe_ref, cell_level, cell_level_mask): Handles references and attributes of cells, allowing contracts to manage and manipulate cell references and attributes.
  • Store Specific Values (store_addr_none, store_zeroes, store_ones): Stores predefined values or patterns, which is useful for initializing or setting default values.
  • Preload Cell References (preload_first_ref, preload_second_ref, preload_third_ref, preload_fourth_ref): Efficiently loads cell references, which is important for accessing and manipulating referenced data.

These functions provide additional capabilities and flexibility to contracts, enabling developers to create more robust and efficient smart contract applications.


The stdlib_ext library offers TON smart contract developers a powerful toolkit, enabling contracts to perform more complex and efficient operations. Through these extended features, developers can easily handle mathematical calculations, data slicing, tuple manipulation, type conversion, message sending, fee calculation, and more. This library is an invaluable resource for developers looking to build advanced applications on the TON platform. By gaining a deep understanding and leveraging these extended functions wisely, developers can create rich and powerful smart contract applications that are capable of handling a wide range of complex tasks and scenarios.

Future Directions

As the TON platform continues to evolve, the stdlib_ext library will likely continue to expand and improve. Developers can expect new functions to be added, existing functions to be optimized, and the overall library to become more robust and user-friendly. With the increasing demand for sophisticated smart contract applications, the stdlib_ext library will play a crucial role in enabling developers to create innovative and impactful projects on the TON platform.

Conclusion Expansion

In conclusion, the stdlib_ext library is a vital component of the TON smart contract ecosystem, offering developers a comprehensive set of tools to build robust, secure, and efficient smart contracts. Its extensive functionality covers a wide range of operations, from basic arithmetic to advanced data handling, security features, and inter-contract communication. By utilizing the stdlib_ext library, developers can create smart contracts that are capable of handling complex tasks, interacting with external systems, and managing resources effectively.

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